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lnvvestigations were carried out to assess the uptake of potassium by the berries of different grape cultivars during the growing season. The results indicate that potassium uptake was constantly inereased from fruit set to the beginning... more
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      ViticultureApplied BiologyPotassium UptakeGrapevine Berries
Induced breeding of pangas, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus was carried out from May to August, 2020. The experiment was carried out in the month of May, June, July and August 2020 with PG and LHRH-A. Two hormonal sources were tested to... more
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      IchthyologyFish BiologyApplied Biology
The side effects of indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture can be summarized as disturbances in the soil reaction, development of nutrient imbalances in plants, increased susceptibility to pests and diseases, reduction... more
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      BotanyBiologyEnvironmental Microbiology (Biology)Agriculture
Abstract Today’s business environment is very dynamic and undergoes rapid changes as result of technologies information, increased awareness and demands from customers business organization, especially the banking industry of the 21st... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringSupply Chain ManagementQuantity Surveying
Proper measurement of live body weight, which often is hard in the village settings due to lack of weighing scales, is a prerequisite for achieving so many lofty goals that are always associated with either medical or economic status of... more
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      Biostatistical AnalysisApplied Biology
This study was carried out to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of Ammi visnaga (Khella) against standard and clinical isolates from patients suffering from gastrointestinal tract infections. A total of fifty... more
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Breeding for adaptation to abiotic stress is extremely challenging due to the complexity of the target environments as well as that of the stress-adaptive mechanisms adopted by plants. While many traits have been reported in the... more
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      Biological SciencesApplied Biology
Seasonal uptake of calcium into the berries was estimated to asses the mechanism of calcium absorption by the developing berries till ripening. The results positively demonstrate the uptake pattern was nearly independant of variety.... more
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      ViticultureApplied BiologyGrapevine BerriesCalcium Uptake
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Family: Solanaceae, commonly known as Ashwagandha, English name: Winter cherry) is an important perennial plant species with immense therapeutic uses in traditional as well as modern system of medicine... more
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      StatisticsMedicinal ChemistryMolecular BiologyPlant Biology
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      History of Natural HistoryHistory of Biology19th Century (History)Applied Biology
In field experiments on three different locations it was looked for indicators inducing iron chlorosis on grape-vines grafted on two rootstocks: Couderc 3309 (susceptible) and Kober 5 BB (resistant) . lnvestigating the soil it was found... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineGrape RootstocksApplied Biology
This study aimed to analyze the structure of vegetation, diversity and patterns of mangrove zonation in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve area. Data collection of mangrove vegetation structure was carried out by using the line transect... more
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    • Applied Biology
The city is changing, it is moving away from traditional notions of being a purely aesthetic creation, which relies heavily on a top-down approach to design. An approach that proceeds to try to dictate how cities ultimately function,... more
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      DesignArchitectureSelf-OrganizationSwarm Intelligence
The study was conducted in Mokwa, Nigeria, to estimate the live body weight (LBW) of Nigerian breeds of sheep using cannon bone length (CBL), and other linear body measurements (LBM). A total of 116 sheep were measured for LBW and LBM.... more
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      Animal ProductionClinical BiostatisticsApplied BiologyApplied Animal Sciences
Abstract: This Experiment was carried out in the screen house of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Kano station to study the leaf relative water content and yield of nine cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp.)... more
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    • Applied Biology
Proper measurement of live body weight, which often is hard in the village settings due to lack of weighing scales, is a prerequisite for achieving so many lofty goals that are always associated with either medical or economic status of... more
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      BiologyBiostatistical AnalysisApplied Biology
Proper measurement of live body weight, which often is hard in the village settings due to lack of weighing scales, is a prerequisite for achieving so many lofty goals that are always associated with either medical or economic status of... more
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      BiologyBiostatistical AnalysisApplied Biology
Genotypic yield potential of maize varieties is greatly affected by sowing dates. In order to investigate the effects of sowing dates and varieties on the grain yield of maize, the field experiment was carried out at research field of... more
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    • Applied Biology
Toxicological evaluation of herbal medicines is necessary because of possible adverse effects that may be associated with their consumption. This study screened antimalarial herbal recipe (containing leaves of Azadirachta indica and... more
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      PharmacologyApplied Biology
This study aimed to analyze the structure of vegetation, diversity and patterns of mangrove zonation in the Tanjung Panjang Nature Reserve area. Data collection of mangrove vegetation structure was carried out by using the line transect... more
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    • Applied Biology
During a fertilizer trial with N applications ranging from 0 to 150 kg N/ha it was found that after fruit set in leaves and shoot axis accumulated as starch. While this process continued until harvest in the shoot axis the accumulated... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineFruit SetApplied Biology
Viticulture as part of agricultural cropping systems needs specific growing conditions. In particular grapevines need a specific climate and monitoring due to plant diseases. Currently, production philosophy changed from a high yielding... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineApplied BiologyNutrient Accumulation
Using a series of fertilizer experiments of long duration and test plots with grapevines, DRIS norms could be successlully calculated for this crop. Subsets were created for low and high yielding subpopulations with different norms. The... more
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      NutritionViticultureGrapevineApplied Biology
This research aims to investigate the accumulation of heavy metals chromium (Cr) in the flesh of fish oreochromis mossambicus (Oreochromis mossambicus) and find out the feasibility of fish consumption oreochromis mossambicus at floating... more
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      ChemistryApplied Biology
Citrus peel color is one of the main quality attributes which was caused by the accumulation of carotenoids and its derivatives, especially β-citraurine. It makes citrus peel color looks attractive (orange). The orange color is a mixture... more
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    • Applied Biology
In a series of experiments the influence of training systems, clonal material, varieties and rootstocks on the nutritional composition of leaves was tested. It was found out that a strict sampling programme is necessary to get reliable... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineApplied BiologyLeaf Analysis
Die Dynamik "ni<;ht-struktureller" Kohlenhydrate in Reben (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling) im Verlauf zweier Vegetationsperioden unter dem Einfluß einer langjährig variierten Stickstoffdüngung. Teil V: Kohlenhydratverteilung in den... more
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      DISTRIBUTIONViticultureGrapevineApplied Biology
In a fertilization trial with increasing amounts of nitrogen it could be demonstrated that after unfolding of the 5th - 6th leaf the highest amounts of carbohydrates were translocated from the woody parts with the young leaves as... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineFruit SetApplied Biology
During two growing seasons glucose, fructose, sucrose and starch were investigated in the two and one years old wooden parts of the vine. It was found out that during bud burst the conocentration of mono- and disaccharides decreased... more
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      ViticultureGrapevineApplied BiologyBudburst
An investigation on tbe influence of different rootstocks and locations on nitrate and nitragen accumulatum in musts of the variety Riesling showed the following results: Except for the location Gelsenbeim it was not possible to show any... more
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      ViticultureGrape RootstocksApplied BiologyNitrate Accumulation
Based on about 7000 leaf analysis sets DRIS-norms for high yielding and high quality grapevine populations were calculated. It could be shown that with these norms one could detect yield and quality limiting nutrients that could not... more
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      ViticultureFertilizationApplied BiologyLeaf Analysis
Quel! es conséquences pouvons-nous tirer de cet essai pour la fertilisation des pépinières viticoles? En raison de la forte production des pépinières, il est utile d'analyser le sol après la récolte. On doit faire deux... more
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Applying multivariate statistical methods it was tried to discover relations between different soil nutrient: fractions and "Stiellähme" regarding the varieties Kerner, Riesling, Thurling, Kanzler and Optima. The calculations were... more
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      GrapevineApplied BiologySoil Nutrients
The research about the potential of sea worm Perinereis aibuhitensis extract as anti-microbe toward bacteria Salmonella typhi and fungus Candida albicans had been conducted. The aim this research is to know the extract’s concentration of... more
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    • Applied Biology
Grain yield production of maize is greatly affected by varieties and fertilizer levels. This study was conducted to determine the effects of different rates of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizers and farmyard manures)... more
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    • Applied Biology
Color and freshness of mangosteen are important characters as benchmarks for consumers in the selection and purchase of mangosteen in the market. Color, freshness and shelf life of mangosteen are affected by the stage of maturity at... more
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    • Applied Biology
Polyamines (PA) are triggered by external inducers (hormones, fertilization, nutrients etc.). In triggered systems, the level of free PAs increase before the onset of cell division. PAs are high dur- ing onset of fruit development as... more
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      ViticulturePolyaminesGrapevineNitrogen Fertilization
Viticulture has to take care for its environments. Many impacts are generated by activities with more or less environmental severeness. Fertilization has an influence on the close-by ecosystems through transport of nutrients, which may... more
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      ViticultureNitrateGrapevineApplied Biology
Investigations were carried out to assess the uptake of different mineral nutrients by the berries of Riesling during the growing season, cultivated under normal soil tillage conditions and with a permanent grass cover. The results for... more
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      Soil ScienceViticultureNutrient UptakeApplied Biology
In nearly all European grape growing areas, nitrogen (N) fertilization has induced an increase in ground water pollution by nitrate. This is a logical consequence of high N inputs without considering the actual N-uptake of the grapevine.... more
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      ViticultureApplied Biology
Arginine and proline dynamics in canes and leaves of the variety Müller-Thurgau were studied during a vegetatlon period, The canes act as a sink immediately after bloom untill leaf fall. Predominant N-storage form is arginine; proline is... more
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Nitrate is not completely reduced in the roots of grapevines, The concentrations in the transportation organs root, trunk, canes, and shoots show a distinct rhythm throughout the vegetation time. The highest concentrations can be measured... more
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In a fertilizer trial the influence of different doses of nitrogen was tested in a grapevine nursery, Nitrogen form was a slow release fertilizer, It was tested in two forms as coarse and fine granules. The amounts were 20, 40, 60 and 80... more
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In model experiments with the variety Grata it could be demonstrated that the activity of phenylalaninammoniumlyase and saccharase as well as the content of total phenols are severely increased in the black spots of potatoe tubers.... more
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      Chemical AnalysisApplied BiologyBlack Spots
The behaviour of insects is dictated by a combination of factors and may vary considerably between individuals, but small insects are often considered en masse and thus these differences can be overlooked. For example, the cowpea bruchid... more
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      EntomologyManagement of stored product pestsOlfaction (Biology)Applied Entomology
Proper measurement of live body weight, which often is hard in the village settings due to lack of weighing scales, is a prerequisite for achieving so many lofty goals that are always associated with either medical or economic status of... more
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      Animal ScienceBiologyBiostatistical AnalysisApplied Biology
Kappaphycus alvarezii is a red algae that can be used as alternative raw material for bioethanol production. This is because K. alvarezii contains a high carbohydrate that reaches 60%. This study aims to determine the effect of... more
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    • Applied Biology
Toxicological evaluation of herbal medicines is necessary because of possible adverse effects that may be associated with their consumption. This study screened antimalarial herbal recipe (containing leaves of Azadirachta indica and... more
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      PharmacologyApplied Biology
Pseudomonas fluorescens not only enhances the plant growth but also controls the fungal pathogens by production of anti fungal metabolites. The objective of this experiment was to identify P. fluorescens using different biochemical tests.... more
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    • Applied Biology