Apostolic Fathers
Recent papers in Apostolic Fathers
The essay concentrates on the Martyrdom of Polycarp, a script largely believed to contain the earliest extant occurrences of a Christian technical martyrdom vocabulary. On the one hand, we will lay bare the distinctively urban character... more
Much scholarship has recently been done on the Satanology (Satan-concept) of New Testament books or writers. This study attends to the Satanology of early "non-canonical" Christian writings, which have been comparatively under-researched.... more
This article responds to a previous study in the same journal by Jonathan Burke, who argues “that certain texts among the Apostolic Fathers corpus exhibit a significant marginalization of Satan and demons.” Burke regards this as evidence... more
A Study of Augustine's City of God and the Sources of his Doctrine of the Two Cities By j o h a n n e s v a n o o r t isbn 978-90-04-24628-7
This is the revised final draft of one of the two lead papers presented at the SNTS pre-conference on The Johannine Question. It covers the last half-century of Johannine paradigms, critiques Pierson Parker's 21 objections to the son of... more
A Kr. u. második század a keresztyén egyház önértelmezésének legformatívabb időszakának tekinthető. A század végére a kialakulófélben lévő kánon, az intézményesülő egyházszervezet és a regula fidei saját létezése és üzenete... more
This brief book on the Apostles’ Creed is a very basic introduction to the deep and mysterious depths of the Gospel. As Myers confessions in to final chapter, just as “no one has yet breathed all the air” no mind has yet to grasp the... more
APOSTOLISTEN ISIEN TEKSTEJÄ KREIKANOPISKELIJALLE tarjoaa koinee-kreikan opiskelijalle näkökulman apostolisen ajan jälkeiseen varhaisen kirkon opetukseen. Lisäksi, Apostolisten isien teksteistä on hyötyä myös kreikankielisen Uuden... more
Victor, Bishop of Tunnuna Chronicon Continuans ubi Prosper Desint Edited by Brian Duvick A XVIII consulatu Theodosii Junioris, Victor episcopus Tununensis Ecclesiae Africae historiam prosequitur ubi Prosper reliquit. Igitur Theodosio... more
This review appeared in Themelios in April 2014
Le contexte historique des Pères apostoliques : martyre et eschatologie aux deux premiers siècles de notre ère Damien Labadie 31 Connaissance et utilisation du Nouveau Testament chez les Pères de l'Église
The purpose of this paper is to identify a number of allusions to Deuteronomy 30, as well as a citation of Leviticus 18:5, in Shepherd of Hermas Mandate 12
Biblical Theology Bulletin 44 (2014): 169–170
This article maintained that the historicity of Jesus’ baptism was intended to flesh out the righteousness of God that was well-documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Furthermore, the historical event initiated the ontological emphasis on... more
В предлагаемой статье рассматриваются тексты для полной бденной службы на день памяти священномученика Климента I, Папы Римского, отобранные на основании гимнографического материала из печатных изданий и рукописей ряда европейских... more
Following a trend which becomes disturbingly common in later NT and Early Christian literature, the Epistle of Barnabas affixes blame for killing Jesus on his opponents, variously labelled 'Israel', 'a synagogue of evil people', or most... more
While many Evangelicals have paid a great amount of attention to New Testament texts, few have considered the value of a set of writings known as the Apostolic Fathers. The designation "Apostolic Fathers" refers to a circle of authors who... more
Första Clemensbrevet och Brevet till Diognetus, en tidig och en sen text i de s.k. apostoliska fäderna, innehåller avsnitt som uppvisar likheter med paulinska texter om rättfärdiggörelse. Åsikterna går dock isär gällande huruvida dessa... more
In the introduction to this new translation, Brannan indicates this new translation of the Apostolic Fathers is not meant to replace either Michael Holmes (1999, Baker) or the Loeb edition translated by Bart Ehrman (Harvard 2003). His... more
The Didache (The Teaching, or The Teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles by the Twelve Apostles, or simply The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles ), is a text from the very early years of the Christian church. It is mentioned in the writings... more
Το ενδιαφέρον της εργασίας εστιάζεται στο κεφάλαιο 10 της επιστολής στο οποίο με τη χρήση της αλληγορικής ερμηνείας ορισμένων ακαθάρτων ζώων σύμφωνα με τις αντιλήψεις περί διατροφικών διατάξεων του Ιουδαϊσμού ο άγνωστος συγγραφέας της... more
Ignatius of Antioch portrays his voyage to Rome as a journey which follows in Paul's footsteps, while offering a diametrically opposite model of authority.
While the author cannot speak for churches of Christ, common among them are unique ways of understanding holy scripture, believed to have been written by apostles and prophets of the Lord before the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.) and... more
Keywords: Architectural prototype, canonical scenes, stylistic interactions, sculpture. The article discusses the specific architectural prototype of the two-story churches built in Medieval Armenia. Originating and spreading in Central... more
Clement of Alexandria is listed, without fail, in all commentaries on Hermas among the early authors who held the Shepherd in highest esteem. Yet it is not always an easy task to grasp the meaning of this esteem. My paper aims to reassess... more
The Ante Nicene Father's of Schaff include a fascinating document throught to be the work of the third century Church Father Hippolytus. He gives a list of what are considered the 70 evangelists who Jesus sent forth in his second round of... more
One of the great mysteries of early Christian history surrounds the ends of the lives of Peter and Paul. In this article, I will begin by summarizing the traditional view on the apostolic martyrdoms and Oscar Cullmann's brief argument... more
Secara garis besar, Berkhof membagi pembahasan bukunya ini ke dalam dua bagian utama, yaitu: Pertama, mengenai definisi, esensi, atribut, dan sistem pemerintahan gereja; dan Kedua, mengenai alat-alat anugerah yang terfokus pada Firman... more
Tradução informal da carta de Inácio de Antioquia aos Efésios. Em princípio, um exercício pessoal. Contudo, disponibilizo o resultado, julgando haver de ser útil a alguém.
Since its first publication, in 1883, various scholars considered the Didache to depict the transition of the church offices—from the charismatic model, about to cease, to the hierarchical model, yet to be established. This study aims to... more
J.B. Lightfoot’s collection and translation of many of the works of the Apostolic fathers is a must-read for anyone wanting to expand his or her knowledge of early Christian thought and the theological roots of our faith. This book is... more
Ἡ παροῦσα ἐργασία ἀποτελεῖ μία προσπάθεια παρουσίασης τοῦ ἁγίου Ἰγνατίου τοῦ θεοφόρου, ἐπίσκόπου Ἀντιοχείας, ἱερομάρτυρος καί ἀποστολικοῦ πατρός πού σημάδευσε τήν παράδοση τῆς Ἐκκλησίας μέ τό λαμπρό πέρασμά του. Μελετῶνται συντόμως τό... more
Estudo das lições evangélicas do Apóstolo Pedro no livro Paulo e Estevão, com o auxílio da obra de Humberto de Campos, psicografia de Chico Xavier e das Epístolas de Pedro, comentadas por Emmanuel
This paper reassesses the anonymity of the New Testament gospels by considering different ways in which creators are or are not directly associated with their products in different arenas of cultural production. It stresses that the... more
‘The Didache as a Source for Picturing the Earliest Christian Communities: The Case of the Practice of Fasting’ in K. O’Mahony ed., Christian Origins: Worship, Belief and Society [Journal for the Study of the New Testament: Supplement... more
The article systematically examines the twenty four occurrences of the title 'Lord' in the Didache, and argues that the majority refer to the Lord Jesus. It then focusses on Didache 16.1-8 and argues that the 'coming of the Lord' referred... more
Merupakan satu dari tujuh buah surat St. Ignatius dari Antiokhia (murid rasul Yohanes) yang ditulis menjelang kemartirannya diadu dengan singa di Koloseum di Roma. Dalam surat kepada Gereja di Smirna ini, Ignatius banyak menjawab ajaran... more