Apocalypse and popular culture
Recent papers in Apocalypse and popular culture
No matter whether it comes by divine wrath, nuclear war, climate change, zombies, a pandemic or by machines rebellion: the apocalypse will be urban. Cities are at the same time the most complex and valuable creation of our civilization,... more
Parmi tous les scénarios choisis par la science-fiction pour évoquer la fin des temps, certains sont liés à une conjoncture particulière (le spectre de la bombe atomique pendant la Guerre Froide ou la crainte actuelle d’un effondrement... more
This paper aims to address the rewriting and reinterpreting of the Apocalypse, from the Book of Revelation in Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Reinterpreting, reworking and rewriting of legends, myths and fairy tales... more
Communication prononcée lors du colloque international « ‘Retours à l’Apocalypse’. Héritage et hypertextualité dans les Mondes romans du Moyen Âge à nos jours », organisé par Michele Carini, Pénélope Cartelet, Javier Jurado, Elsa... more
This paper explores the recent documentary, aired on the American Heroes Network, showing polychromatization of black-and-white World War One military footage. The film's apocalyptic character and effect on current popular culture trends... more
Caminhando, da Faculdade de Teologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, UMESP (https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-metodista/index.php/CA/article/view/6113/5029). Volume XX, número 2, p. 145-150. ISSN: 2176-3828.
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse rode through the streets of Copenhagen in 2009. A meeting of world leaders for the CLIMATE CHANGE summit prompted Greenpeace to stage this demonstration. They saw rhetorical potential in the symbols... more
Resenha acadêmica. MACHADO, Jonas. O Misticismo Apocalíptico do Apóstolo Paulo: um Novo Olhar nas Cartas aos Coríntios na Perspectiva da Experiência Religiosa. São Paulo: Paulus, 2015. 294 pp. ISBN: 978-85-349-3089-5.
An undergraduate level introduction to apocalyptic literature.
A study of Catholic history, prophecies, mysticism and conspiracy theories that may have inspired elements of JRR Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings', in particular, the 'Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff' prophecies. 100 page document... more
Introduction to Book - Draft
Resenha de OSBORNE, Grant R. Apocalipse: comentário exegético. São Paulo: Vida Nova, 2014. 999p. ISBN 978-85-275-0562-8. Publicado em Horizonte: Revista de Estudos de Teologia e Ciências da Religião (Online), v. 13, p. 1709-1712, 2015.
"Laodicea at Bethel" is a sermon delivered as part of the Dear Church Series at Bethel University, St. Paul, on Friday, the 19th of February, 2021.
Frontispiz: © Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. Das Werk ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die dadurch begründeten Rechte, insbesondere die der Übersetzung, des Nachdrucks, der Entnahme von Abbildungen, der Funksendung, der Wiedergabe auf... more
Syllabus for ENGL 390/FILM 390, first taught at Whittier College in Spring 2015
Resenha sobre a obra: "Guia Fácil para Entender o Apocalipse: tudo sobre o livro bíblico das revelações, reunido e organizado de maneira simples e acessível". Revista Paralellus (Online), v. 6, p. 528-532, 2016. Universidade Católica de... more
This conversation between a private security guard, Dharmendra Panchal, and Irfan Ahmad serves as a window to understand contemporary India from the perspective of an “ordinary” or “common” man, an ardent and articulate supporter of the... more
This article provides an outline for a new interpretation of the trial of the Templars, with special attention to the texts written by the instigators of the case, namely, Philip the Fair and his ministers. The trial had everything to do... more
Now we are at the edge of a nuclear conflagration, perhaps a few words about what vast opportunity we missed because of our blind insistence in ignoring any possibility of powers greater than the human will at work in shaping the destiny... more
O único reino que prevalecerá neste mundo é o reino que não é deste mundo" (autor desconhecido)
Drawing on observations from on- and offline fieldwork among transhumanists and artificial superintelligence/singularity focussed groups, this article will explore an anthropology of anxiety around the hoped for, or feared, post-human... more
The publication of Josef Schmid's landmark work on the textual history of the Apocalypse seemingly established the Andreas Text Type as a fourth-century product. The primary evidence for Schmid's claim came from the fourth-century... more
In a comparison of the 2016–17 Malheur occupation and the #NoDAPL movement at Standing Rock, this essay parses apocalyptic storytelling for problematic pivots around an emergency event. It argues that apocalyptic stories of single... more
A review of James Berger's After the End: Representations of Post-Apocalypse.
Mémoire présenté par : Erwan MOREAU en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de : MASTER 2 RECHERCHE Domaine : Sciences humaines et sociales Mention : Ethnologie-Sociologie Spécialité : SOCIOLOGIE Préparé sous la direction de M. Jean Bruno... more
In recent years zombies and the zombie apocalypse have loomed large in the collective American imagination, in film and television, theme parties and marathons, shooting target companies and survivalist groups, videogames and... more
Much post-modern cinematic narrative has been preoccupied with apocalyptic, post-apocalyptic, and dystopian fantasies that closely reflect aspects of our lived reality. This paper seeks to distinguish the boundaries between films... more
*NOTE: final, published version is "'Master Metaphor': Environmental Apocalypse and the Settler States of Emergency" (in _Resilience_ 8, 1, 2021, 60-81). which can be found here:... more
‘Utopia’ and ‘Apocalypse’ have become secular and commodified themes in contemporary entertainment; packaged and wrapped, ready to consume. This essay will explore the ways in which utopia and apocalypse have become commodified, and argue... more
The uncertainties and scale of the Covid-19 pandemic has mobilised global anxieties and insecurities, and many cultural groups have conjuncturally embedded conspiracy theories within millennial and apocalyptic thought to explain and find... more
Resenha acadêmica. Revista Teoliterária (PUC-SP). LELOUP, Jean-Yves. O Apocalipse de João. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014. 286 pp . ISBN 978-85-326-4821-1. Título original francês: L’Apocalypse de Jean.
Abstract Let me sketch out here my vision of the cloistered cornucopia of AD 2100: Management of Planet Earth is entirely rationalized. Nature still nurtures. Artificial intelligence is history. The Machine has met its Master. The rich... more
The zombie as a peculiarly American monster is ubiquitous in contemporary popular culture. One of the most prominent examples for the cultural productiveness of this figure of fear is Robert Kirkman’s serial comic The Walking Dead... more
This paper explores the mimetic patterns found in a selection of zombie films with reference to the philosophy of René Girard. To begin with, it argues that the zombie apocalypse, rather than only representing a future upheaval of... more
This is the first of two essays in the Bruce Metzger festschrift, edited by J. Harold Ellens, Text and Community, Essay in Commemoration of Bruce M. Metzger, Vol. 1 (Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007), 196-216. Serious errors of... more
** PRE-PUBLICATION DRAFT, PLEASE VIEW LINK BELOW FOR FINAL VERSION ** https://www.ijurr.org/article/ecological-gentrification-in-response-to-apocalyptic-narratives-of-climate-change-the-production-of-an-immuno%e2%80%90political-fantasy/... more
Histoire de la réception de l’épisode de la Femme et du Dragon (Aocalypse 12)
It is well known that Alfred Doeblin was fascinated by the apocalypse. In his 1920 novel Berge, Meere und Giganten he had presented a global end-time scenario that contained everything we associate with apocalypticism: devastating wars,... more
Apocalyptic ideas traditionally have been associated with religious eschatologies, but American secular culture also has contributed to widespread beliefs, images, and expectations about the end of the world. The concept of a meaningless... more
Ever wondered what would happen if mankind was threatened by a zombie apocalypse? What would happen our respected governments and other political authorities? Would mankind be able to come out of this pandemic with its political system... more