Most cited papers in Aphrodite
The Mediterranean basin was a multicultural region with a great diversity of linguistic, religious, social, and ethnic groups. This dynamic social and cultural landscape encouraged extensive contact and exchange among different... more
This article examines the relationship between Hesiod and Empedocles through a comparative analysis of the Prometheus and Pandora myth and the Queen Cypris narrative. The author sustains that correspondences between the works of Hesiod... more
The literary image in Sappho 1.7–15 of a goddess ascending on and travelling by a chariot which is yoked to birds occurs also of the Daughter of the Sun in hymn 1.118 of the Rigveda. Apart from the image as such, the shared context of... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse a literary response to antiquity's most alluring work of art, the Cnidian Aphrodite. It argues that the ecphrasis of the statue in the Amores develops textual and verbal strategies to provoke in the... more
The Capitoline Aphrodite (fig. 1) counts among the most copied statues of antiquity. In 1951, Bianca Felletti Maj collected 101 replicas of the type compared with 33 for the Medici Aphrodite (fig. 2) and a mere five for the so-called... more
This article publishes the terracotta thymiateria (incense burners) from Olbia Pontica which represent busts of Aphrodite with Erotes on her shoulders. They were used probably in activities related to Aphrodite's cult for diffusing... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
For the full article, please email me at [email protected] or visit https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009838820000919 One of the more powerful recurring motifs in the Iliad is that of the grief-stricken woman lamenting the death of a hero. As... more
In Near Eastern texts, mention is made of a goddess ‘ttrt ḫr/‘štrt ḥr which is sometimes rendered as the “Hurrian Astarte.” Until now, the second element * ḫr* has not been satisfactorily explained. In this article, a new etymology of the... more
This book makes an important contribution to three approaches to classics: feminism, myth criticism, and textual theory. Lev Kenaan creatively explores the way female subjectivity is embedded in masculine texts." -Margaret M. Toscano, The... more
English: How can a new deity, with her/his specific attributes, timai and epiphanies, be created? By whom? And for what purposes? Who will her/his priests and believers be? Hellenistic documentation brings an historical perspective to the... more
Informe del hallazgo por la autora, entre abril y mayo de 1973, de este bello aunque muy destrozado pavimento musivo de comienzos del siglo III, excepcional en el Imperio por su tamaño y temáticas. Se incluyen también datos de la... more
After a theoretical and methodological introduction to the study of Hellenistic ruler cults, this paper focuses on the divine names of Arsinoe II in literary and documentary sources, with the exception of the exclusive epiclesis... more
This article offers a new interpretation of a two-sided mold reportedly found near Jerusalem. It argues that the mold was used in the off-site manufacture of clay or soft-metallic souvenirs that could be sold to pilgrims at the cult sites... more
... Bodson, op. cit., pp. 70-1,89-91. 122 EVELINE LOUCAS-DURIE. panoplie d'Achille. Fr. Frontisi-Ducroux a en effet mis en évidence la vie "magique" qui anime ces armes pourtant nées du savoir et de... more
This article examines an under-appreciated nexus of inter- and intratextual resonance between Theocritus Idyll 15, and Catullus poems 36 and 64. I explore the nexus from multiple angles. In section 1, I argue that the intertext between... more
O presente artigo visa a estudar a formação da deusa Afrodite na Teogonia, de Hesíodo, analisando as relações entre as características, as circunstâncias e as conseqüências da castração de Urano – ato a partir do qual Afrodite é gerada –,... more
This paper argues that the poet of the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite crafted his mythical narrative in conscious conversation with contemporary traditions surroundingt he Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar.The poetic representation of Aphrodite in... more
Este artigo concentra-se na representação de Afrodite na poesia elegíaca grega arcaica. O corpus aqui traduzido e estudado é, lamentavelmente, pequeno, uma vez que a presença da deusa se atesta seguramente apenas em quatro poemas e três... more
Five previously unpublished fourth-third century BC black figured Pagenstecher lekythoi are the catalyst for this iconological interpretation of the purpose and decoration of these enigmatic little oil vessels. Two are in the Nicholson... more
The Psyche and Cupid story is a central myth of female maturation, among its other meanings. At its core, it is a story of a powerful older woman, a mother-figure, controlling a younger woman’s path to maturity, seemingly blocking her way... more
; Mr Khaled Khresh. All students are enrolled in the MA-study track for architectural restauration and hold a DAAD-study scholarship. The participation was on the basis of a voluntary stage in architectural documentation, sponsored by the... more
A naked sculpture of Aphrodite, made of white marble with fine-grained, found at the north entrance of North Bath of the ancient city of Perge, during the excavation season in 2015. The sculpture made probably of Dokimeion marble with... more
RESUMO: Após uma breve contextualização acerca da concepção de fórmula, defende-se que a figura de Afrodite, sobretudo quando apresentada sob a fórmula χρυσέην Ἀφροδίτην, é essencial para compreendermos a dinâmica da linhagem dos heróis e... more
Reinterpretation as mortal brides of some coroplastic types found in the Artemis sanctuaries of Thasos and Epidamnos-Dyrrhachion and traditionnaly identified as Aphrodite. Abstract of the paper presented at the Nicosia Conference,... more
In the Augustan era, Greek-style images of Aphrodite permeated Roman visual culture. From the elaborate state-sponsored monuments of the new regime, to more modest private homes, the goddess of love featured prominently in works of art... more
RESUMO: Este artigo consiste no estudo da personagem de Afrodite no Hipólito, de Eurípides, que a representa sob os signos da cólera, da paixão e da morte. Para tanto, a análise do monólogo da deusa , com o qual ela abre a tragédia e ao... more
Este artigo centra-se no Idílio 2, As Magas, de Teócrito (c. 300-260 a.C.), a fim de ali observar a estruturação poética do triângulo Afrodite, éros e feitiçaria. Uma vez que Simaeta, a personagem cuja voz se faz ouvir nos versos do... more
Goddesses live in detective fiction by women in ways little noticed before The Sleuth and the Goddess; in particular, how Hestia, Artemis, Athena and Aphrodite breathe into and shape woman-authored mysteries, whether driving a hardboiled... more
Emerged from a conference at the University of Reading
Joaquín Villalba Álvarez. 78 | P á g i n a I S S N : 1988-8430
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The much-debated evidence of a Hellenistic “Most High” God does not reflect a turn towards a uniform “pagan monotheism”. The modern terms “polytheism” and “monotheism” are not suitable for the description of the complexity of the... more
Bust thymiateria, or images of goddesses with almost half a figure and with cups on their heads, are quite common in the Ancient Greek centres of the Black Sea area in the Hellenistic period. Despite their origin in other regions, large... more
Yannis Asvestas Eleni Bardani 10. Adorning the body: hairstyle, dress, jewellery I. Papageorgiou 11. Aromatic plants, perfumes and perfume vases: their uses in everyday and religious life during Archaic and Classical times D. Aktseli-E.... more
The parodos of the Suppliant Women (1-175) shows references to natural elements and landscapes described in words by the characters, but not represented on scene. A closer observation of the ways these landscapes are mentioned allows to... more