Recent papers in Aphrodite
Amidst the expected, punning advertisements for data companies lining the drive into San Francisco, one passes a lone cultural billboard depicting Klimt’s The Virgin (1913). The image advertises Klimt & Rodin: An Artistic Encounter at the... more
This paper discusses the most controversial subject of sex within a spiritual setting, as the holy yoke presented itself among fertility cults of ancient pagan cultures. It presents a fine treatment of the subject with findings rarely... more
What does scandal designate? Is it a narrative of moral outrage, a titillating spectacle of shame, or a violation that simultaneously unsettles and consolidates norms and traditions? Scandal as a phenomenon, event, and analytical category... more
For the full article, please email me at [email protected] or visit https://doi.org/10.1017/S0009838820000919 One of the more powerful recurring motifs in the Iliad is that of the grief-stricken woman lamenting the death of a hero. As... more
Neste artigo, propomos uma leitura acerca da deusa Afrodite e de suas múltiplas análises e interpretações ao longo da história. Sua potência interpretativa tem sido explorada em diversas manifestações artísticas, como na literatura, na... more
This is not work of mine, but primary source material. In 2015 the ancient goddess Aphrodite contacted me on Facebook; over the next several months she told me about her life in ancient times and her return to our world. I intend to write... more
Борисюк-Дудкіна А.С., Шевченко Т.М. // Археологія та давня історія України. Вип.1 (18). К., 2016 – С. 145—149 Published is a Classical period protome kept in the Scientific Funds of the IA NASU from the excavations at Olbia in 1956... more
On the basis of written monuments of ancient Greek thought traces the development of the figure of Aphrodite in ancient culture. The author in this paper shows that already in the mythological image of Aphrodite, displayed in the texts of... more
Women's mobility is central to understanding cultural constructions of gender. Regarding ancient cultures, including ancient Greece, a re-evaluation of women's mobility within the household and beyond it is currently taking place. This... more
О статуе Афродиты «в садах» работы Алкамена сообщают античные авторы: Плиний Старший (Plin., N. H. XXXVI, 16), Лукиан (Luc., Imagg., 4; 6), Павсний (Pausan., I, 19, 2). Эти пассажи содержат противоречивую информацию. В частности, не... more
Al adentrarse en la lectura de la literatura grecorromana se puede identificar la importancia que se le daba a las diosas en esas sociedades. Dicha cosmovisión fue rechazada más tarde por el cristianismo dado que, si bien se preservó la... more
Review of Bettany Hughes' Venus and Aphrodite: a biography of desire. New York: Basic Books, 2020. Pp. v, 188. ISBN 9781541674233
Kokkini (2013) has recently argued that the destruction of Euripides’ Hippolytus is crucially linked to his absolute rejection of erotic love. She argues that the participation in (or experience of) eros was considered an integral part of... more
An exploration of metamorphosis in classical mythology and discussion of rape and the perspective of evolutionary psychology. The focus is the use of transformation for sexual violence and the portrayal of gender roles.
Ancient readers were highly attuned to etymologically and allusively significant character names, which helped shape their experience and understanding of narratives in a variety of ways. Authors frequently exploited that fact in their... more
Con "Regno del Bosforo Cimmerio" gli studiosi moderni definiscono una peculiare organizzazione statale, sviluppatasi, a partire dai primi anni del V secolo a.C. , nella regione così detta del Bosforo Cimmerio, come comunità di città... more
Female nudity, in Greek sculpture between the end of the Archaic period and the middle of the third century BCE, is conspicuous only in its absence. It did appear, but only rarely, and under specific circumstances. This paper attempts to... more
The Mediterranean basin was a multicultural region with a great diversity of linguistic, religious, social, and ethnic groups. This dynamic social and cultural landscape encouraged extensive contact and exchange among different... more
, as a field of scientific research, is a set of stories, mythos in Greek meaning ‗story' or ‗legend' and logos ‗word'. Usually, the myths are works of literature. The term mythology may include all the myths of religion or culture.... more
This paper explores the picture of an Attic black-figured alabastron, which is now in the Archaeological Collection of the Berlin Museum (Antikensammlung, Berlin, F 2030) and dates back to around 490 BC. The representation depicts a scene... more
Yannis Asvestas Eleni Bardani 10. Adorning the body: hairstyle, dress, jewellery I. Papageorgiou 11. Aromatic plants, perfumes and perfume vases: their uses in everyday and religious life during Archaic and Classical times D. Aktseli-E.... more
Este artigo centra-se no Idílio 2, As Magas, de Teócrito (c. 300-260 a.C.), a fim de ali observar a estruturação poética do triângulo Afrodite, éros e feitiçaria. Uma vez que Simaeta, a personagem cuja voz se faz ouvir nos versos do... more
Oysters are generally known with their legendary power as an aphrodisiac. In ancient Greek, oysters were so common that no banquet was complete without a spread of oysters and other seafood. In Roman gastronomy, oysters were a luxury... more
Aphrodite'nin kökeni, doğuşu, mitolojik öyküleri, Anadolu'daki yeri ve Aphrodisias'ta Aphrodite kültü.
The revision of the Topical Catalogue Vol 2.1 ‘The French Venus’ (2,997 artworks of 997 identified French artists) published in 2009, is a work in progress for several years. This version includes now 6,057 artworks of 2,061 identified... more
Geçmişi M.Ö. 5000’lere kadar dayanan prehistorik bir yerleşme olan Afrodisias Antik Kenti, Aydın İli Karacasu İlçesi merkezine yaklaşık 12 km kadar uzaklıktaki Geyre Köyü sınırları dâhilinde yer almaktadır. Babadağ’ın batı eteklerinden... more
In this paper I discuss the dossier of cults for Arsinoe II Philadelphos to investigate how the worship of a sovereign could concretely become a constitutive part of the religious life of the communities composing a kingdom. I argue that... more
This essay proposes a synchronic reading of Empedocles’ fragments that emphasizes the relationship of the mortal human mind to all of the determinants in the system, including the Sphere which represents the zenith of Love’s power and the... more
Gudrun Styhler-Aydın: "Wie man von Architekten und Archäologen, die in Ephesos jahrelang vereint arbeiten, zu erwarten befugt ist […]" Bauforschung in Ephesos. Eine Erkundung auf den Spuren von Theorie und Methodik .
Publiziert mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften
Per uso strettamente personale dell'autore. È proibita la riproduzione e la pubblicazione in open access. For author's personal use only. Any copy or publication in open access is forbidden. SOMMARIO in memoria di mari o torelli parte ii... more
Талах В. Н. Рожденный под знаком кометы: Митридат Эвпатор Дионис / В. Н. Талах; под ред. В. Н. Талаха, С. А. Куприенко. — изд. 2-е, доп. и перераб. — Киев: Видавець Купрієнко С. А., 2013. — 215 с. : ил. — ISBN 978-617-7085-08-8.
Emerged from a conference at the University of Reading