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The present work deals with pharmacological studies of the formulated tablet of Bombax ceiba Linn. root extract. An aphrodisiac activity by mating behaviour test model was investigated. The dissolved tablet slurry (400 mg/kg body wt.... more
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      Ancient HistoryEarly ChristianityAncient ReligionLate Antiquity
This innovative study uses one well-documented moment of violence as a starting point for a wide-ranging examination of the ideas and interactions of pagan philosophers, Christian ascetics, and bishops from the fourth to the early seventh... more
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      PlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyPatristicsAsceticism
This paper presents the case of the theatre at Nysa and discusses the provenance of its marble architecture. The results of archaeometrical analysis indicate the use of imported marble from Aphrodisias and Denizli for the reconstruction... more
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      Roman Marble trade and distributionAphrodisiasThe Use of Marble and Other StonesRoman Archaeology
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      Roman HistoryCaesar (Classics)Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAugustus
Aphrodite'nin kökeni, doğuşu, mitolojik öyküleri, Anadolu'daki yeri ve Aphrodisias'ta Aphrodite kültü.
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      Greek LiteratureIoniaTURİZMArkeoloji
Cover: Thessaloniki, Rotunda: detail of angel (photo: B. Kiilerich) main reason for Pacatus' admonition. 5 At Silahtaraga on the outskirts of Constantinople, slightly under life-size marble statues of Artemis, Selene, Helios (Fig. 1.1)... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Pre Historik dönemde insanlar inanç sistemleri gereği ana tan- rıça kültlerine ihtiyaç duymuşlardır. Bu ana tanrıça kültleri kendisine inanan- lara bereketi ve bolluğu getirmiş ve aynı zamanda onların şehirlerini koruma görevlerini... more
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      ArtemisAphrodisiasAna Tanrıça KültüEfes
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsCyprus StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
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      Roman PotteryLate Roman ArchaeologyLate Roman PotteryEastern Roman provinces (Archaeology)
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassicsSeismology
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      Ancient Greek IconographyRoman SculptureAphrodisiasGreek and Roman Sculpture
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    • Aphrodisias
This study consists of initial observations made upon Byzantine, Seljuk, Begliks and Ottoman pottery fi nds from the Aphrodisias excavations since 2013. Chronology of the pottery fi nds uncovered in the North Avenue, South Agora,... more
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      Byzantine ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryByzantine PotteryOttoman Pottery
Aphrodisias antik kenti iç Karia Bölgesi sınırlarında yer almaktadır. Yapılan kazı çalışmaları sonunda ele geçirilen buluntular kentin kurulduğu alanın Geç Neolitik Dönem’den (M.Ö. 5800) itibaren yerleşim gördüğünü ortaya koymaktadır.... more
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      Roman SculptureAphrodisias
This chapter considers the evidence for urban life and urban change at Aphrodisias in the long sixth century, drawing in particular on the evidence from recent excavations in the ‘Place of Palms’ that shows late antique rebuilding of the... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassicsRoman History
, maschere e ghirlande 73 5.1 Il fregio allo stato attuale delle ricerche 73 5.2 Origine e significato del fregio a maschere e ghirlande 76 5.3 I soggetti rappresentati: un programma iconografico? 77 5.4 Il fregio e la scuola di Afrodisia... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyAncient CariaAphrodisiasGreek and Roman Sculpture
1. Pour Isabelle, l'amie disparue, cet article reprend le fil d'une conversation scientifique qui nous a souvent réunis et qui n'était guère funèbre : Isabelle avait le « gai savoir ». L'étude avait été brièvement annoncée dans Fröhlich... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek institutions
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyAphrodisiasHellenistic Rhodes
Erman Ertuğrul (
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      Ancient HistoryAphrodisiasArchaeology, ancient history, Turkey
The ancient Carian city of Aphrodisias is located in southwestern Turkey, near the modern village of Geyre, in the upper valley of Morsynus River. The city was famous in antiquity for its sanctuary of Aphrodite and its marble sculptors.... more
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      Terracotta FigurinesAphroditeAphrodisias
One of the highest-quality replicas of the Achilles and Penthesilea group was excavated at Aphrodisias in 1966-1967. Recent research has identified additional fragments belonging to the group. Study of these fragments clarifies our... more
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      Roman Baths (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman ArtRoman SculptureAphrodisias
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsGreek EpigraphyGreek Archaeology
The Triconch House at Aphrodisias is a large Late Roman peristyle house in the ancient city center.
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyDomestic Architecture (Roman)AphrodisiasAsia Minor
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassicsIdentity (Culture)Multiple Identities
Ne zaman bir değme "temas" olur?
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      Ancient HistoryHistory of architectureAphrodisiasAncient Cities
Although the long history of Aphrodisias’ haunting beauty and timeless elegance was accelerated by the stunning Roman period sculpture from the renowned Art School of Aphrodisias situated in endless groves of poplar trees, her history has... more
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    • Aphrodisias
Under Roman rule, Aphrodisias in southwestern Turkey profited considerably from its self-proclaimed status as the city of Aphrodite. By the Late Antique era, however, this association with the pagan goddess of love and beauty was no... more
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      IconoclasmAphroditeAphrodisiasRoman Art
Onur ve ün gibi kavramlara sosyal hayatlarının merkezinde rol veren Hellen ve Roma toplumları, geleneklerini ve kentlerini bu çerçevede geliştirmişlerdir. Oluşturulan onurlandırma geleneği içerisinde, onur elde etmek isteyen insanlar kamu... more
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      Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAphrodisiasRoman Architecture and UrbanismRoman Architecture
A total of 178 Greek and Roman Provincial coins were found during the excavations at Aphrodisias between 1998 and 2019. Although low in number to comment upon, when joined with a further 189 “excavated” examples from the 1961-1973 seasons... more
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      Roman coinsAncient CariaCoins finds as archaeological artefactsRoman Provincial Coinage
This article examines the Sebasteion – a complex for emperor-worship built in the first century AD-in Aphrodisias, modern Turkey, and studies its political and ideological messages when the sensory experiences of the spectators are... more
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      Roman imperialismAphrodisiasRoman imperial cultSensory Experience
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      Greek EpigraphyRoman EmpireHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAphrodisias
The so-called „Bouleuerion Court“ is located in the city center of Aphrodisias immediately to the south of the Temple of Aphrodite. It encloses the city’s Bouleuterion which was built around 200 A.D. This article covers the history of... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyLate AntiquityLate Antique Art and Archaeology
The epigraphic display carved on the north wall of the stage building of Aphrodisias’ theatre in the 3rd century CE, commonly referred to as the “archive wall”, is usually assumed to have been designed based on the chronology of the... more
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      Greek HistoryRoman HistoryGreek EpigraphyArchives
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      ChristianityLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesEastern Christianity
This article presents 33 Greek inscriptions found at Aphrodisias between 1995 and 2001. They include an honorary decree, honorary inscriptions of other types, statue bases, dedications, building inscriptions, epitaphs, and a sundial. The... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyAphrodisias
Pamukkale (Cotton Castle), 14,000 to 12,000–year–old limestone rock ]formations, is located in Central Turkey in the Denizli Province near the Aphrodisias Temple site. Pamukkale’s ancient origins include the sacred Roman city Hierapolis... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAphrodisias
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      Ancient HistoryOnomasticsGreek EpigraphyAphrodisias
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions... more
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      AphrodisiasHistoire de l'art et archéologie de l'Antiquité grecque et romaineAsie mineure (époque hellénistique)
This paper is concerned with the concepts of protection, conservation and management of archaeological heritage sites as invoked by UNSECO, ICOMOS and ICCROM and the benefits of engaging in sound heritage management in the face of... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural TourismClimate Change ImpactsAphrodisias
A famous passage of Appian (B. C., I, 97, 454) gives the text of an oracle allegedly delivered to Sulla in which an unidentified oracular god urges him to make offerings to the Immortals, in particular to Delphi and to Aphrodite of... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicAphrodisiasLucius Cornelius Sulla
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Several empirical studies have linked political candidates' electoral success to their physical appearance. We reexamine the effects of candidates' physical attractiveness by taking into account emotional facial expressions as measured by... more
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      ArtLate Antique ArchaeologyRoman SculptureAphrodisias
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      Greek MythAncient Greek HistoryHellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAphrodisias
Der kl Heinaiden geborene Redner Aelius Artendes pries in seiner 143 n. Chr. gehaltenen Romrede die Einheit, die unter römischer Verwaltung ge herrscht haben soll. Das ganze Imperium stelle ein Fest alter und neuge gründeter Städte dar;... more
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      Ancient HistoryEarly ChristianityGreek EpigraphyAncient Religion
Enough of the Bouleuterion at Aphrodisias is preserved for a detailed reconstruction to be made, and inscriptions tell us something of the building’s history. It was constructed ca. 200 A.D., by Attalos the son of Dometeinos ‒ a member of... more
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      AphrodisiasAsia MinorGreek and Roman SculptureArchitecture and Public Spaces
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyGraffiti in historyAncient Greek History