Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Inside: --Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse. (Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of it!) --Kleopatra... more
Edinburgh Critical Studies in Shakespeare and Philosophy takes seriously the speculative and world-making properties of Shakespeare's art. Maintaining a broad view of 'philosophy' that accommodates fi rst-order questions of metaphysics,... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Nessuna donna del mondo antico ha esercitato, sui contemporanei come sui posteri, una seduzione tanto potente quanto Cleopatra VII. A più di duemila anni dalla sua morte, la personalità della regina non ha perduto affatto la sua... more
This article explores the multiple genealogies of C. P. Cavafy’s “Caesarion” (1918), a poem often claimed as a key to our understanding of his historical poetics, by tracing its European cultural and literary context. Despite his... more
Collection prlvee, Cliches Michel Lechien: cat. 8, 55, 90, 92, 129 © Collection privee, Cliche Paul Louis: cat. 123 © Proprlete de la Wallonie. Cliches Michel Lechien: cat. 9, 10, 74
Establishment of Augustus authority in partnership with Agrippa, when Rome was evolving from a “republic” into an empire, led to a political propaganda. The four series of the “As de Nîmes”, bronze coins struck under Augustus and Agrippa,... more
For many reasons, Shakespearean texts have been used as test cases in continuing philosophical debates over the nature of the humanistic enterprise. This graduate seminar examines the dynamics of early modern criticism, concentrating on... more
"Peu d’épisodes de l’histoire gréco-romaine ont suscité autant de passions que celui de l’affirmation, au cours des années 30 av. n. è., du tandem formé par la reine Cléopâtre VII et le triumvir romain Antoine. Depuis la communication... more
Note: reviews of STFORR have been uploaded here as multiple separate files. Shakespeare and the Fall of the Roman Republic introduces Shakespeare as a historian of ancient Rome alongside figures such as Sallust, Cicero, St Augustine,... more
This chapter focuses on the response among women writers in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain to one of the original bad girls of English literature – Cleopatra in William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra. Unlike other... more
This essay juxtaposes two models of theater in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra and elucidates the temporality and politics specific to each. The essay builds on recent work on empire and sovereignty in the later plays while engaging... more
Complete technical report by Rachel Sabino follows the comprehensive curatorial essay by Theresa Gross-Diaz.
There are no reliable figures on contemporary Shakespeare reception around the world. However, we can provide such figures by analysing which of the 303 global Wikipedias (in about as many languages) have Shakespeare entries and how often... more
Hasta aquí se ha hablado de festejos y solemnidades varias realmente acaecidos. Y, aunque Marco Antonio y Cleopatra, nuestros protagonistas, también tuvieron una existencia real y fueron famosos por los fastos de su vida en común, aquí... more
Objetivamos, nesse artigo, discutir o potencial discursivo das moedas para o resgate de versões menos conhecidas de personagens famosas, como Cleópatra e Marco Antônio. Selecionamos uma série de moedas, cunhadas durante toda a vida dos... more
In the early modern period, the image of Cleopatra oscillated between that of neo Stoic heroine or loyal wife and the whore-queen who with her beauty and seductive arts plunged men into ruin. This second view was dominant until well into... more
Between the late 1620s and late 1640s, Jacques Blanchard, Simon Vouet, and Claude Vignon all painted the femme forte, a type of exemplary, heroic womanhood whose popularity was linked to the presence of Marie de Medici and Anne of Austria... more
Das Dokument ist ein echtes Pdf, in dem man nach bestimmten Worten suchen kann.
This article aims to understand the far-stretching imperial claims—"from the Hellespont to India"—made by Cleopatra VII at the "Donations of Alexandria" ceremony in 34 BCE, and her title Queen of Kings. It is argued that as the rightful,... more
Les pouvoirs émetteurs en Gaule, des origines à l'époque augustéenne Cédric Lopez, Les coins à empreintes multiples : uid des Gaulois ? Benjamin D.R. Hellings & Marguerite Spoerri Butcher, uantifying relative coin production during the... more
This paper appeals to several primary and secondary sources on the history of the Roman Republic to argue that Gaius Octavian Caesar during the final years of the Roman Republic possessed significant political and military advantage over... more
Taking Shakespeare's unique use of the term " discandying " as a starting point, this essay argues that Shakespeare's preoccupation with food preservation in Antony and Cleopatra extends and complicates a tradition interested in... more
Fulvia and Cleopatra were each of them subjected to the vituperation of Octavian and his supporters. Discuss the central elements of this negative treatment and suggest reasons for its effectiveness 300281911 2015
Desde que Plutarco retrató en sus Vidas paralelas a Cleopatra muchos han sido los artistas que han dado su visión propia de la más conocida reina de Egipto, a veces falseada. Con este trabajo pretendemos profundizar en su imagen en el... more
A compare and contrast between two literary figures known for their sexuality,
Many Shakespeare Marlow parallels - some exact, some more of a free association strongly link Marlowe and Shakespeare as the same author.