Antony and Cleopatra
Recent papers in Antony and Cleopatra
Como mulher ou estrategista política, não houve ninguém como Cleópatra. Nariguda e feia ou não
Cleopatra, the celebrated Egyptian beauty was made immortal by Shakespeare when he described her: ‘Age Cannot Wither Her, Nor Custom Stale Her Infinite Variety’. In reality a consummate and a tactful politician she used her wit, not her... more
For Rome and the Romans alike, the Roman civil wars brought about the end of an era. They also reconfigured Roman identity for good. The clash between factions prompted a fratricidal struggle, leading to citizens fighting citizens and to... more
Just as Shakespeare asserted she always would, the fascinating Cleopatra VII, Queen of Egypt, continues dazzle us. This book presents papers that consider Cleopatra and her legacies by scholars working in archaeology, art history, history... more
Recensione alla mostra "Cleopatra. Roma e l'incantesimo dell'Egitto", Chiostro del Bramante.
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
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Cleopatra. L'autorità e l'audacia della donna egiziana si trovano nell'ultima e più famosa delle eroiche regine d'Egitto. E più precisamente quello spirito di iniziativa e quella sfrontatezza che la donna egiziana aveva acquistato alla... more
A compare and contrast between two literary figures known for their sexuality,
For many reasons, Shakespearean texts have been used as test cases in continuing philosophical debates over the nature of the humanistic enterprise. This graduate seminar examines the dynamics of early modern criticism, concentrating on... more
This book review is for Essays on the Medieval and the Renaissance: Things Old and New co-edited by Ágnes Matuska and Larisa Kocic-Zámbó. The volume is a fresh rethinking of things old and new in both Medieval and Renaissance literatures... more
I remember the first time I came upon the figure of Augustus. It wasn't a very good first impression for I met him in the movie Cleopatra (1963) with the beautiful on and off-screen couple of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. I... more
A previously anonymous Death of Cleopatra is here attributed to the Basel-born painter Matthaus Merian the Younger. Besides crucial stylistic connections with his known works, further evidence is given by a signed engraving, which was... more
This article explores the multiple genealogies of C. P. Cavafy’s “Caesarion” (1918), a poem often claimed as a key to our understanding of his historical poetics, by tracing its European cultural and literary context. Despite his... more
Shakespeare and the Fall of the Roman Republic explores Shakespeare's representation of the failure of democracy in ancient Rome This book introduces Shakespeare as a historian of ancient Rome alongside figures such as Sallust, Cicero, St... more
Hasta aquí se ha hablado de festejos y solemnidades varias realmente acaecidos. Y, aunque Marco Antonio y Cleopatra, nuestros protagonistas, también tuvieron una existencia real y fueron famosos por los fastos de su vida en común, aquí... more
Detailed notes on the overall themes and structural oppositions of the play -- emphasizing its relation to the other "Roman Plays" and the end of the Roman Republic. Given the play's connections to the writing of thinkers such as... more
SUMMARY: Updated sources: This power point provides a selection of sources (mainly book publications) dealing with many aspects of Ptolemaic-Roman Egypt, particularly the Hellenistic period, but includes the Roman period and some areas... more
De zeeslag bij Actium (noordwest Griekenland) op 2 september 31 v. Chr. betekende de beslissende overwinning van Octavianus Augustus op zijn tegenstrevers Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra. De betekenis van dit treffen op zee kan nauwelijks... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Paper explores polarities in roles assigned to Shakespeare’s women characters in context to societies. Feminism as a strong genre in feminist literature emerged much later than Elizabethan period. Shakespeare brings forth lesser number... more
"Antony and Cleopatra" is one of the most mature of William Shakespeare’s tragedies. As such, it is arguably one of his finest and deepest works. Pride, love, and the Fall all factor into the play as much as does the contest between... more
Inside: --Tomb Robbery and Coffin Reuse Was a coffin really meant for eternity? Was all tomb robbery a lawless abhorrence? We look at Kara Cooney’s study into “legal” coffin reuse. (Spoiler alert: there’s a lot of it!) --Kleopatra... more
In the early modern period, the image of Cleopatra oscillated between that of neo Stoic heroine or loyal wife and the whore-queen who with her beauty and seductive arts plunged men into ruin. This second view was dominant until well into... more
The Journal of Human and Cultural Sciences 46(1): 358 - 427
This paper, written for a volume dedicated to client kingdoms in the Roman Near East, focuses on the Hellenistic background of the Roman system of client kingdoms. It is argued that the Roman system was essentially an adaptation of the... more
En su obra Augusto y el poder de las imágenes, Paul Zanker disecciona con brillantez cómo el círculo de Octavio lograría -a través de algo que hoy llamaríamos propaganda y postureo- hacerse con el gobierno unipersonal en Roma, después... more
Nessuna donna del mondo antico ha esercitato, sui contemporanei come sui posteri, una seduzione tanto potente quanto Cleopatra VII. A più di duemila anni dalla sua morte, la personalità della regina non ha perduto affatto la sua... more
Les pouvoirs émetteurs en Gaule, des origines à l'époque augustéenne Cédric Lopez, Les coins à empreintes multiples : uid des Gaulois ? Benjamin D.R. Hellings & Marguerite Spoerri Butcher, uantifying relative coin production during the... more
Cleopatra has always been one of Shakespeare’s most controversial characters. As an ambitious, sexually-aggressive woman from the non-Western world, she seems to embody all of the conflicting and confused attitudes towards gender and race... more
Qui ne connaît pas la fin de la célèbre Cléopâtre qui mourut par la morsure d’un serpent ? Son destin brutalement achevé en l’an 30 av. J.-C., à l’aube de ses 40 ans, est digne d’une tragédie antique. Et là est toute la question : les... more
Edinburgh Critical Studies in Shakespeare and Philosophy takes seriously the speculative and world-making properties of Shakespeare's art. Maintaining a broad view of 'philosophy' that accommodates fi rst-order questions of metaphysics,... more
Between the late 1620s and late 1640s, Jacques Blanchard, Simon Vouet, and Claude Vignon all painted the femme forte, a type of exemplary, heroic womanhood whose popularity was linked to the presence of Marie de Medici and Anne of Austria... more