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Lucila María Sancineti (35.323.523) Literatura del Siglo XX -Examen parcial Cuerpos y órganos: Antonin Artaud y Gottfried Benn.
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      LiteratureAntonin ArtaudEuropean literaturesiglo XX
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      European CinemaSurrealismAntonin ArtaudSurrealism and film
In this roundtable from the Department of Studies in Religion at the University of Sydney, we get a variety of religious studies approaches to subject of manifestos and their creators. Join Carole Cusack, Alana Louise Bowden, Ray Radford,... more
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      ReligionGuy DebordAntonin ArtaudManifestos
articulo latu censu: na prespectiva alfred wolfsohn
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      Antonin ArtaudCuerpoSonidoMovimiento Corporal
Das Stroboskop als Mittel künstlerischer Praxis sowie dessen diskursive und wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Dimensionen stellen ein marginales Thema der Kulturwissenschaften dar. Darin drückt sich auch dessen periphere Stellung in... more
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      Cultural HistoryComparative LiteratureTheatre StudiesAntonin Artaud
Resumen Ciertas prácticas performativas contemporáneas son manifestaciones de una continuación de lo que podría denominarse " la tradición artaudiana ". Simultáneamente, se sitúan en confrontación a la concepción artística de Antonin... more
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      AestheticsPerformance StudiesAntonin ArtaudPerformance
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFrench LiteratureTheatre Studies
No más palabras. Entierro las palabras en mi vientre. ¡Gritos, tambor, danza, danza, danza, danza!" Rimbaud Pensar el cuerpo como la conjunción de lo moribundo y lo inacabado, un cuerpo deshecho, frágil, próximo a lo inhumano (lo cual... more
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      Antonin ArtaudButoh Dance
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      Theatre StudiesAntonin ArtaudModern DramaSarah Kane
This paper seek to correlate the search for self and knowledge in Okpokam Ngun with Antonin Artaud's articulated idea of a philosophical theatre calibrating it with Martin Heidegger's critique of consciousness. Artaud's vision of the... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsContinental PhilosophyAntonin Artaud
An analysis of the metaphysics, language, and theory employed by Antonin Artaud is his description of Lucas van den Leyden's "The Daughters of Lot" in Artaud's work "The Theater and its Double"
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryContinental Philosophy
ARTAUD: IL TEATRO DELLA CRUDELTÀ GLI ULTIMI ANNI Tradizione, azione consapevole, crudeltà • Riprendiamo dalle citazioni conclusive della settimana scorsa. • Copeau rivendica la ricerca di una tradizione efficace perché vera. Una fonte che... more
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    • Antonin Artaud
La literatura y la locura es un texto procedente del archivo Michel Foucault, cedido a la Revista Dorsal y traducido por Emmanuel Chamorro. Corresponde al texto preparatorio de una conferencia pronunciada en la primera mitad de los años... more
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      Theatre StudiesLiteratureDramaAntonin Artaud
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      Avant-Garde CinemaConstructivismAntonin Artaud20th century Avant-Garde
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      Antonin ArtaudTheatre of CrueltyBatailleG. Bataille); Philosophy of Art (G. Didi Huberman
El artículo explora las convergencias entre el teatro de la crueldad de Antonin Artaud y la búsqueda paralela de Roberto Arlt en el caso concreto de su obra La isla desierta. Se apuntan las influencias rastreables en esta pieza y se... more
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      Antonin ArtaudModern DramaLatin American literatureTheatre
This essay aims to trace subversive pleasures in Jan Švankmajer’s Alice (Něco z Alenky, 1988) and their revolutionary potential residing within densely saturated atmospheres of aesthetic expression. It will be explored, how... more
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      Creative WritingAntonin ArtaudGilles DeleuzeFeminism
While retaining hierarchical structure externally, Artaud moved from representation to non-representative, purely physical but at the same time paradoxicaly metaphysical theatre. This research focuses on the concept of... more
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      Antonin ArtaudPhenomenology of the bodyTheatre TheoryNon-representational theories
Brought on by the influence of the Oriental culture, and specifically from his encounter with Balinese Theatre, Artaud was very concerned about the usage of the idea of Duality with regard for the expression of the body. He was... more
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      Theatre StudiesFrench StudiesRadio And Sound StudiesSurrealism
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      Contemporary ArtPerformance ArtAntonin ArtaudFranz Kafka
Référence taboue peu à peu libérée de la censure, Sade a scandalisé, suscité l’admiration, mais surtout stimulé la réflexion et la création. De nombreux regards portés sur sa vie et son écriture illustrent les enjeux propres à la lutte... more
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      HistoriographyAntonin ArtaudSigmund FreudRoland Barthes
Presentazioni per didattica a distanza, marzo 2020.
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    • Antonin Artaud
Cet article propose une réévaluation critique de la notion de corps sans organes dans l'oeuvre d'Antonin Artaud à la lumière des cahiers d'Ivry publiés fin 2011 et dans lesquels Artaud mentionne un nouveau « corps de gloire ». L'auteur... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychiatryTheatre HistoryPerformance Studies
* This text is derived from a Visual Intelligence presentation given at Lewis & Clark College in the spring of 2017 * Through Interdisciplinary-Aesthetics, an argument is made utilizing an Atraudian/Deleuzian conception of the "Body... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
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      Critical TheoryDeconstructionContinental PhilosophyAntonin Artaud
Article in MLN journal, French issue, Sept 2018.
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      SurrealismCannibalismAntonin ArtaudTravel Literature
Évènement éditorial à sa parution en 1935, l’ouvrage de Carrel a été depuis cité par les mouvances les plus radicales, de Sayyid Qutb à Jean-Marie Le Pen. Qu’est-ce qui motive un prix Nobel de médecine à s’attaquer à des problèmes de... more
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      History Of EugenicsHistory of MedicineHistory of ScienceAudience and Reception Studies
Artaud's Jet de Sang: An Unperformable Surrealist Play? in: Thomas Crombez and Barbara Gronau, eds.: Ritual and the Avant-garde. Special issue of Documenta: Tijdschrift voor theater. Mededelingen van het Documentatiecentrum voor... more
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      Theatre HistoryPerformance StudiesSurrealismAntonin Artaud
A Martha Calderón y Javier Mariño, mis padres; su incuestionable apoyo en cada momento y en cada cosa, su paciencia, su templanza. A los amigos y compañeros de curso; en aquellos días azules de descubrimiento e inocente ingenuidad, su... more
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      Performing ArtsDance StudiesDance ScienceAntonin Artaud
"À quelle occasion Deleuze fait-il une lecture personnelle du théâtre de la cruauté ? Lorsqu’il s’interroge sur l’acte de penser et le concept d’image de la pensée. Le philosophe tient à évaluer la nature des représentations que la pensée... more
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      Theatre StudiesAntonin ArtaudGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of Theatre
El público (The audience) may be one of the most unknown plays of the Spanish playwright Federico García Lorca yet it constitutes an indispensable testimony to his understanding of theatre. In this metatheatrical experiment, the mask... more
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      Critical TheoryQueer TheoryPerformativityAntonin Artaud
The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, it explores the affective qualities of Artaud’s plans for a theatre of cruelty in order to argue that spectatorial impact lies at the heart of his wider dramatic project. On the other, it... more
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      SurrealismAntonin ArtaudGilles DeleuzeAffect/Emotion
An examination of the life and work of Artaud in relation to the ideas of Jung
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      Jungian psychologyAntonin Artaud
It is difficult to date the moment when the idea of Mexico infects the thoughts of Antonin Artaud, not as an idea but as the need for its construction: an impossible Mexico, a model of ritual and spasmodic existence; a Mexico whose... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsArt TheoryPerformance Studies
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      Antonin ArtaudBertolt Brecht
Attempts to think anew about philosophical questions from the perspective of breath and breathing. As a physiological or biological matter, breath is mostly considered to be mechanical and thoughtless. By expanding on the insights of... more
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      BuddhismJapanese StudiesRespiratory MedicinePulmonology
Il volume raccoglie una ampia selezione di saggi dedicati da Maurizio Grande a problemi diversi di teoria del teatro, elaborati in un periodo che copre gli ultimi tre lustri circa della sua attività di studioso. Della vastissima... more
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesItalian StudiesDrama
IL Est communément admis désormais que l'avant-garde a été un échec; qu'on la condamne en raison de son institutionnalisation, sa difficulté à rester révolutionnaire contre le pouvoir intégrateur d'un capitalisme tardif ou même son... more
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      Antonin ArtaudJacques DerridaJulia Kristeva20th century Avant-Garde
A conference paper, devoted to the subject of totality in the works of the interwar period authors (Antonin Artad, Georges Bataille). It was a contribution to the international conference Authority - Tradition - Originality, organized by... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryModern ArtTotalitarianism
"Le sacrifice et la création dans l’œuvre d’Antonin Artaud, Georges Bataille et Sergueï M. Eisenstein », in Le sacrifice et le don : Représentations dans la littérature et les arts francophones, sous la direction de Irène Chassaing et... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryCreativity
During the last ten years of his life, Antonin Artaud shows more and more intensively a multi-faceted and caustic refusal for traditional literature and the ordinary practice of writing. But above all, he shows a stylistic impatience for... more
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      PhilosophyPoetryAntonin ArtaudGilles Deleuze
De waanzin draagt een januskop, de dubbele tronie van de gek en het genie. Het ene gezicht stoot ons af door zijn wanstaltigheid en misvormdheid, zijn ontaarding en onttakeling, zijn vereenzaming en verbijstering, zijn doffe berusting.... more
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      Antonin ArtaudMichel FoucaultPsychoanalyseAvantgarde
Il confronto con le arti e la letteratura è una costante nell'evoluzione del pensiero di Derrida. Mallarmé, Ponge, Artaud, Jabès, Joyce, Valéry, Adami sono alcuni dei protagonisti di un dialogo ininterrotto, che segna i passi fondamentali... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt TheoryJames Joyce
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      Antonin ArtaudTeatro Del Absurdo
Antonin Artaud's last radio recording from 1948 is one of his final projects of corporeal transformation: where the visual body is completely absent in radio broadcasting, Artaud's body without organs puts together words, music, screams,... more
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      RadioThe BodyAntonin ArtaudSound
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      Antonin ArtaudTeatro
En el presente trabajo se propone un acercamiento a la pieza Potestad de Eduardo Pavlovsky como expiación estética y, a la vez, psicodramática de todo el pueblo argentino una vez derrocada la última feroz dictadura. Pavlovsky, en su... more
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      PsychodramaDramaAntonin ArtaudPsychoanalysis And Literature