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There are concerns that selection pressure from antibiotics in the environment may accelerate the evolution and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Nevertheless, there is currently no regulatory system that takes such risks... more
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      Environmental Risk AssesmentAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistanceAntibiotics
Concern has been rising with the respect to the capability of clinically important bacteria to acquire resistance against antibiotics and disinfectants. This investigation was undertaken to provide information on the sensitivity of... more
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      MicrobiologyDairy ScienceDairy Science and TechnologyAntimicrobial drug resistance
Background - Antibiotic use in human medicine, veterinary medicine, and agriculture has been linked to the rise of antibiotic resistance globally. We did a systematic review and meta-analysis to summarise the effect that interventions to... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewPublic Health PolicyPublic HealthZoonoses
Shared decision-making and person centred care (PCC/SDM) are increasingly embraced framework conceptions on how to organise health care's interaction with patients. Although underlying ethical motivation may vary, PCC/SDM holds ideals of... more
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      Forensic PsychologyApplied EthicsSocial WorkBioethics
Background and Aim: Antibiotic resistance has been a progressively documented problem, resulting in treatment failure in humans and animals. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial susceptibility and virulence of extensively... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyFisheriesAquaculture
Background: Pneumonia from SARS-CoV-2 is difficult to distinguish from other viral and bacterial etiologies. Broadspectrum antimicrobials are frequently prescribed to patients hospitalized with COVID-19 which potentially acts as a... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyMeta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewInfectious DiseasesAntimicrobial drug resistance
Introduction Nosocomial infections are induced in hospitalized patients. These patients do not have these infections at the time of reference, but are infected at the time of hospitalization (1). Nosocomial infections are caused two days... more
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      MedicineAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistanceInfectious Disease
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      MicrobiologyAntimicrobialsAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistance
Background: Immunization is amongst the most cost‑effective public health interventions for reducing childhood morbidity and mortality. However, globally 9 million deaths of children occur as a result of vaccine‑preventable diseases in... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic HealthAntimicrobial drug resistanceNeglected tropical diseases
The number of nosocomial infections related to implants and medical devices increase alarmingly worldwide. New strategies based on the design of antimicrobial coatings are required to prevent such infections. Polyelectrolyte... more
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      PolyelectrolytesAntimicrobial PeptidesNanotechnologyAntimicrobials
Introduction: Bovine mastitis is a frequent cause of economic loss in dairy herds. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are increasing in importance as cause of bovine intramammary infection throughout the world in recent years. CoNS... more
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      Bovine MastitisAntimicrobial drug resistanceMethicillin ResistanceCoagulase Negative Staphylococci
Polymyxins act by binding to lipid A moiety of the bacterial lipopolysaccharide and subsequently disintegrating the bacterial membranes. The most important mechanism of resistance includes modifications of the bacterial outer membrane... more
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      Antimicrobial drug resistanceColistin
WHONET is a free software developed by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance for laboratory-based surveillance of infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. The principal goals of the software... more
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    • Antimicrobial drug resistance
The use of antimicrobial agents has become a routine practice for the treatment of paediatric illnesses. The uncontrolled use of antibiotics has caused a rise in antimicrobial resistance. This study aimed to assess the antibiotic... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyPublic HealthAntibiotic Resistance
Transfer of conjugal plasmids is the main bacterial process of horizontal gene transfer to potentially 2 distantly related bacteria. These extra-chromosomal, circular DNA molecules host genes that code for their 3 own replication and... more
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      Horizontal Gene TransferAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistancePlasmids
Candida infections (candidiasis) are the most prevalent opportunistic fungal infection on humans and, as such, a major public health problem. In recent decades, candidiasis has been associated to Candida species other than Candida... more
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      BiofilmsAntimicrobial drug resistanceDrug ResistanceCandida
The antimicrobial activity of different solvent extracts (hydro alcoholic extracts of methanol) of different parts of Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl was evaluated for its antimicrobial potential. The in vitro antimicrobial activity... more
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      NutraceuticalsAntimicrobial PeptidesAntimicrobialsMedicinal plants for cancer diabetes hypertensive and nutraceutical developments
This study was performed to asses and establishes the prevalence of Polypharmacy in geriatric population in the Medicine ward of Rajah Muthaiya Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University, during one year from January 2013 to... more
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      GeriatricsDrugs And AddictionElderly Falls (Geriatrics)Drug Designing
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      GeneticsImmunologyProbioticsCell Biology
Turkey is a home country for a good number of fermented beverages derived from milk, cereals, fruits and vegetables, and several studies have reported the probiotic potentiality of these beverages. Probiotics, otherwise known as... more
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      Food ScienceMolecular BiologyProbioticsBiotechnology
Background: Rational use of drugs in veterinary medicine has numerous benefits, such as increasing efficacy, decreasing the potential adverse effects, reducing risk of drug residue and combating development of microorgan-ism's drug... more
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      Food SafetyMedicinal PlantsAntimicrobial drug resistancePharmacology and toxicology
Resumo: As plantas medicinais constituem uma alternativa no tratamento primário da saúde, através de seus compostos bioativos vegetais e óleos essenciais que apresentam potencial multifuncional contra microrganismos patogênicos. O uso... more
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      PharmacologyMicrobiologyPharmacyPharmaceutical Technology
Antibiotics provide the main basis for the therapy of microbial (bacterial and fungal) infections. Since the discovery of these antibiotics and their uses as chemotherapeutic agents there was a belief in the... more
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      Antimicrobial PeptidesAntimicrobialsAntimicrobial drug resistanceMicrobiology,Water pollution, Phytochemicals and antimicrobial potentials of medicinal plants
Tomato (solanum lycopersicum), is one of the most important vegetable crop of the solanaceae family, grown all over the world for food and other economic purposes. The microbial spoilage of canned tomato of varying product brands was... more
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      Antimicrobial drug resistanceBioactive metabolites from actinomycetesEmerging Zoonotic Disease
Antibiotic resistance is a global public health problem that affects everyone. This study aimed to explore the knowledge, attitude, and practices on antibiotic resistance among pharmacists at the University Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka,... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyPharmacy PracticePublic Health
Biofilms are communities of aggregated bacterial cells embedded in a self-produced extracellular polymeric matrix. Biofilms are recalcitrant to antibiotic treatment and immune defenses and are implicated in many chronic bacterial and... more
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      MicrobiologyBiofilmsVeterinary MicrobiologyBacteriology
This Open Access volume provides in-depth analysis of the wide range of ethical issues associated with drug-resistant infectious diseases. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is widely recognized to be one of the greatest threats to global... more
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      Public HealthAntimicrobial drug resistanceAntimicrobial resistance
A new and novel approach for the green synthesis of silver nanoparticles is the need of the hour. Use of plant parts for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles is ecofriendly, economic and cost effective. In the... more
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      Synthesis of nanoparticlesAntimicrobial PeptidesNanoparticlesAntimicrobials
Background Tuberculosis (TB) remains a main global public health problem. However, a systematic review of TB resistance epidemiology in Africa is wanting. Methods A comprehensive systematic search of PubMed, Web of Science and... more
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      EpidemiologyInfectious disease epidemiologyMolecular BiologyGenomics
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All stakeholders within the livestock industry face a considerable challenge in achieving a balance between economic viability, environmental responsibility and social acceptability; and thus maintaining sustainable food production. This... more
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      Organic agricultureProductivityConsumer BehaviorFood and Nutrition
Infections caused by Candida species have been increasing in the last decades and can result in local or systemic infections, with high morbidity and mortality. After Candida albicans, Candida glabrata is one of the most prevalent... more
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      BiofilmsAntimicrobial drug resistanceDrug ResistanceCandida
En el capítulo 10 “Metabolismo y formación de biopelícula en Staphylococcus aureus”, de Liliana Muñoz Molina, Cristian Alexander Castillo Sánchez, Laura Camila Viuche Malaver, Angie Carolina Sierra Vargas, Cristian Alejandro Ricaurte... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyResearch MethodologyAntimicrobial PeptidesInfectious Diseases
Operasi orthopedi merupakan operasi yang paling sering dilakukan, mengingat tulang merupakan jaringan yang rentan terhadap fraktur sebagai akibat adanya trauma, patologi, atau resorbsi. Penanganan fraktur tulang dapat dilakukan melalui... more
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      MicrobiologyNanoparticlesAntimicrobial drug resistance
One potential area for antimicrobial therapy, which takes a different direction to the search for new compounds, is with bacteriophages: viruses that have the ability to infect and fight harmful bacteria.
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      PathologyMedical SciencesSocial SciencesHistory of Medicine
The lack of new antibiotic classes calls for a cautious use of existing agents. Yet, every 10 min, almost two tons of antibiotics are used around the world, all too often without any prescription or control. The use, overuse and misuse of... more
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      Antibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistanceAntimicrobial activityOne Health
International and local surveillance networks as well as numerous reports in the biomedical literature provide evidence that the prevalence of antibiotic resistant Gram-negative bacteria is escalating in many European countries.... more
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    • Antimicrobial drug resistance
Medical professionals' and policymakers' fear of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has largely been directed toward antibiotic use in medicine and animal agriculture. In Thailand, however, the use of antibiotics in citrus orchards has raised... more
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      Medical AnthropologyAgricultureIntegrated Pest ManagementAntibiotic Resistance
Background and Aim: Human salmonellosis with non-typhoidal Salmonella remains a global public health concern related to the consumption of contaminated eggs and egg-based products. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of Salmonella,... more
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      Veterinary public healthAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistancePoultry Disease
The fact that foods can provide additional medicinal health benefits beyond basic energy requirements and nutritional needs for survival, has been proven through rigorous scientific researches over the years. Although Turkey is... more
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      MicrobiologyFood ScienceRegulatory ComplianceProbiotics
The emergence and spread of carbapenem-resistant Gram-negative bacteria is a worldwide emerging public health threat responsible for large number of nosocomail infections. Metallo-β-lactamases including IMP, VIM, and NDM as well as... more
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      BioinformaticsMolecular BiologyAntimicrobial drug resistance
The occurrence of COVID-19 which causes severe acute respiratory infection has produced a large global outbreak with major public health concern. Since Chinese wet market (LBM) has been blamed to be linked with this global pandemic of... more
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      New Antibiotics DiscoveryAntimicrobial drug resistanceCampylobacterSalmonella
Introduction: The emergence of carbapenemase-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is an imminent threat to public health obligating, the development of novel β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitors to combat its relentless spread, an example of... more
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      Saudi ArabiaAntibiotic ResistanceAntimicrobial drug resistanceKlebsiella
Intestinal parasitic infections caused by intestinal helminthes and protozoa are the most common human infections endemic throughout the world especially in tropical and subtropical countries including Nepal. This study was conducted to... more
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      Antimicrobial drug resistanceActinomycetesPathogenic microorganisms
ABSTRACT Objectives: This study aimed to assess the awareness, knowledge, and practice of the residents in Greater Lagro, Quezon City, on antimicrobials and the development of antimicrobial resistance. Methodology: A questionnaire-based... more
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      AntimicrobialsAntimicrobial drug resistance
Background: The issue of antibiotic resistance has become a global public health concern, with an extensive clinical and economic burden. The study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of antibiotic resistance among... more
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    • Antimicrobial drug resistance
Infectious diseases caused by bacterial foodborne pathogens represent a worldwide and serious public health concern due to relatively high morbidity and mortality rates. Although chemotherapies are available for foodborne infections,... more
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      MicrobiologyFood MicrobiologyAntimicrobial drug resistanceMajor Facilitator Superfamily
Objective: The present study aimed to the isolation and characterization of phytochemicals from tissue cultures of Arnebia hispidissima. The isolated compounds were evaluated for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.... more
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      Antimicrobial PeptidesAntimicrobialsAntimicrobial drug resistanceAntioxidants
In this paper, we provide a state-of-the-art overview of the ethical challenges that arise in the context of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which includes an introduction to the contributions to the symposium in this issue. We begin by... more
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      Applied EthicsBioethicsPublic Health EthicsPublic Health