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Hypertension, known as a "silent killer" is widely prevalent and a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. It afflicts more than one billion population worldwide and is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. The authors of the... more
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      HypertensionNEW DRUGSNew MethodsNew treatments
Penyakit hipertensi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah diatas 140/90 mmHg yang disebabkan oleh aterosklerosis (penebalan dinding arteri yang menyebabkan hilangnya elastisitas pembuluh darah) dan pengerasan dinding pembuluh darah karena... more
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      Traditional MedicinePharmacognosyHerbal MedicineHypertension
En el embarazo, de forma precoz y antes de la placentación completa (semanas 20-22), se produ-ce una disminución del nivel de presión arterial (PA) media y de las resistencias periféricas en relación con la instauración del flujo... more
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      PregnancyHypertensionPreeclampsiaBreast feeding
Drug discovery and development is a high-risk enterprise that requires significant investments in capital, time and scientific expertise. The studies of xenobiotic metabolism remain as one of the main topics in the research and... more
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      MetabolismAntihypertensive DrugsComputational Approaches
The increasing discovery of more medicinal plants have triggered increased scientific screening of their bioactivity in order to provide data that will help physicians and patients make wise decision before using them. This study was... more
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      AntioxidantsPhytochemicalsAntihypertensive DrugsAnticarcinogenic
OBJECTIVE: Whether all antihypertensive drugs are equally effective in patients with metabolic syndrome is still unclear. The goal of the Zofenopril in Advanced MEtabolic Syndrome (ZAMES) study was to investigate whether treatment with... more
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      HypertensionAntihypertensive Drugs
Drug discovery and development is a high-risk enterprise that requires significant investments in capital, time and scientific expertise. The studies of xenobiotic metabolism remain as one of the main topics in the research and... more
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      MetabolismAntihypertensive DrugsComputational Approaches
Hypertension is a chronic cardiovascular disease affecting the adult population. Clinical pharmacy is a health science discipline in which pharmacists provide patient care and optimizes medication therapy management and promotes health... more
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      Clinical PharmacyAntihypertensive Drugs
Combinations between an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor or an angio-tensin II receptor blocker (ARB) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) are among the recommended treatments for hypertensive patients uncontrolled by monotherapy.... more
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      Arterial hypertensionHypertensionHypertension treatmentAntihypertensive Drugs
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      GeriatricsNephrologyClinical PharmacologyClinical Pharmacokinetics
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
The dislipidemias are a risk factor well recognized of the cardiovascular diseases and constitute a problem of public health. A descriptive study in 150 patient elders of 30 years with diagnosis of Izquemic Cardiopathyes accomplished... more
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      PharmaceuticsAlkaline phosphataseAntihypertensive Drugs
On the other side, despite the availability of a wide range of antihypertensive drugs (Van Bortel and others 2011), blood pressure has remained poorly controlled in a majority of health Antihypertensive Drugs 132 care settings,... more
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
Short half life of propranolol hydrochloride (PPN), an antihypertensive drug is a prime requirement to develop a formulation which could sustain the release of PPN in the human body and also eliminate daily multiple dosage of propranolol.... more
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      Clay MineralsAntihypertensive DrugsClay As Drug Delivery Vehicle
AIM: Gaining an insight into the utilization of antihypertensive medicines against a background of evolving hypertension treatment guidelines that might not be relevant to the oldest old is important. The aim of the present study was to... more
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      Risk assessmentMedicineOlder peopleHypertension
A sensitive, rapid and reproducible LC-MS/MS method for the determination of olmesartan (OLM), amlodipine (ALM) and hydrochlorothiazide (HCZ) in rat plasma and urine has been developed and validated. Irbesartan (IRB) was used as an... more
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      Analytical ChemistryChromatographyMass SpectrometryPharmacokinetics
Course: Research Methods (PCSR3632)
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
Background. Hypertension in blacks imposes a greater left ventricular hypertrophy, and accelerated heart failure onset. We evaluated and compared the echocardiographically determined systolic and left ventricular diastolic functional... more
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      EchocardiographyHypertensionAntihypertensive Drugs
The efficacy and safety of the novel calcium antagonist Amlodipine (Pfizer Laboratories, New York, New York) and hydrochlorothiazide were evaluated and compared in a randomized, single-blind, parallel group study in black Africans with... more
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      Black/African DiasporaClinical PharmacologyDrug developmentHypertension
Appraise the prescribing patterns of anti hypertensive agents in the treatmentof hypertension and related co-morbid conditions. To assess the prescribingpatterns of medications in hypertensive patients. To study the demograph-ics of... more
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      Mental Health and Substance Use ComorbiditiesAntihypertensive Drugs
Hypertension in pregnancy is associated with increased maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. About 8 % of all pregnancies are complicated with hypertensive disorders. There is concordance that severe hypertension should be treated... more
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      PregnancyKey wordsAntihypertensive Drugs
Aim: In the present study, the alkaloid, flavonoid and saponin-rich extracts of the leaves and seeds of Moringa oleifera were partially-purified and the ACE inhibitory activities and patterns of inhibition determined. Methodology:... more
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
Background: Hypertension is a prominent public health problem, with considerable health consequences. Recommended guidelines encourage use of antihypertensive medications with the best evidence of reducing cardiovascular risk. Data on... more
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      GeriatricsGeriatric medicineAntihypertensive Drugs
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic method was developed and applied for the simultaneous determination of diltiazem and fluoroquinolones in bulk, pharmaceutical formulations and human serum in presence of caffeine as internal... more
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      Analytical Method DevelopmentAntihypertensive Drugs
Literature survey reveals that partially reduced pyridine and pyrimidine derivatives are known to have antihypertensive property. Most of the clinically used calcium channel blockers like nifedipine, amlodipine have 1, 4-dihydropyridine... more
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      Antihypertensive StudiesAntihypertensive Drugs
Gaining an insight into the utilization of antihypertensive medicines against a background of evolving hypertension treatment guidelines that might not be relevant to the oldest old is important. The aim of the present study was to... more
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      Risk assessmentMedicineOlder peopleHypertension
Gaining an insight into the utilization of antihypertensive medicines against a background of evolving hypertension treatment guidelines that might not be relevant to the oldest old is important. The aim of the present study was to... more
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      Risk assessmentMedicineOlder peopleHypertension
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pallas., is used traditionally to treat hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency. The high prevalence of hypertension and the side effects of antihypertensive drugs potentiate us to evaluate Melilotus... more
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      PharmacyPharmacognosyClinical PharmacyHypertension
Objective: The purpose of present research work is to develop the sustained release formulation for Olmesartan medoxomil using 32 factorial design. Olmesartan an Antihypertensive agent, angiotensin‒II receptor (type AT1) blocker and BCS... more
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      Factorial DesignFormulation developmentAntihypertensive Drugs
IMPORTANCE: Although β-blockers are a mainstay of treatment after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), these medications are commonly not prescribed for older nursing home residents after AMI, in part owing to concerns about potential... more
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      GeriatricsPharmacoepidemiologyAgingMild Cognitive Impairment
Objective: Hypertension is a leading contributor to the global burden of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The main objective of the present study was to assess the prescribing patterns for antihypertensives in geriatric patients.... more
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
A simple reverse phase HPLC method has been developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of prazosin hydrochloride and three calcium channel blockers; diltiazem hydrochloride, verapamil and amlodipine besylate in bulk... more
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      Analytical Method DevelopmentAntihypertensive Drugs
Background. Hypertension in blacks imposes a greater left ventricular hypertrophy, and accelerated heart failure onset. We evaluated and compared the echocardiographically determined systolic and left ventricular diastolic functional... more
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      BioinformaticsCardiologyLife SciencesMedicine
Background. Hypertension in blacks imposes a greater left ventricular hypertrophy, and accelerated heart failure onset. We evaluated and compared the echocardiographically determined systolic and left ventricular diastolic functional... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesEchocardiographyBiomedical Research
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pallas., is used traditionally to treat hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency. The high prevalence of hypertension and the side effects of antihypertensive drugs potentiate us to evaluate Melilotus... more
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      PharmacyPharmacognosyClinical PharmacyHypertension
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
INTRODUCTION Essential hypertension is a common cardiovascular disorder with sustained increase in blood pressure ≥140/90 mmHg. The elevated arterial pressure causes pathological changes in the vasculature and hypertrophy of the left... more
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    • Antihypertensive Drugs
Introduction: Hypertension is significantly contributing to global mortality and morbidity and has been identified as the most important modifiable risk factor for early development of cardio-vascular diseases (CVD). Aim: The aim of this... more
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      Pulmonary HypertensionArterial stiffnessAntihypertensive Drugs
Hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) was hydrolysed with trypsin, papain and a combination of the two. The prepared hydrolysates exhibited ACE inhibitory activity. The hydrolysates were fractionated using ultrafiltration and reverse phase-high... more
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      Functional FoodsLysozymeBioactive PeptidesEvaluation of Antihypertensive Activity
BACKGROUND: Elevated blood pressure (BP), a heritable risk factor for many age-related disorders, is commonly investigated in population and genetic studies, but antihypertensive use can confound study results. Routine methods to adjust... more
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      HypertensionBlood PressureHeritabilityAntihypertensive Drugs
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pallas., is used traditionally to treat hypertension and chronic venous insufficiency. The high prevalence of hypertension and the side effects of antihypertensive drugs potentiate us to evaluate Melilotus... more
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      HypertensionAnimal Models in HypertensionAntihypertensive DrugHypertension Management