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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryIndigenous StudiesArt
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      Anticolonial TheoryThe History of Social Movements In Somalia
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      Queer StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer TheoryPost-Colonialism
Resumo: Este trabalho propõe uma reflexão crítica sobre as diversas identidades e vivências transgêneras e não-cisgêneras 2 , utilizando-se conceitos e metodologias inspirados por saberes subalternos, em especial a Teoria Queer e os... more
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      Transgender StudiesQueer TheoryAnticolonial Theory
There is a rich intellectual history to the development of anti-colonial thought and practice. In discussing the politics of knowledge production, this collection borrows from and builds upon this intellectual traditional to offer... more
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      Anticolonial TheoryCritical Race Theory, Anti-Racist Education, Social Justice EducationAnti-ColonialismAntiracist Education
Autora: viviane v. (nome de registro civil: Douglas Takeshi Simakawa). Mestranda em Cultura e Sociedade e integrante do grupo Cultura e Sexualidade (CuS), UFBA.
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      Queer StudiesTransgender StudiesQueer TheoryAuto-ethnography
Dissertation Title is Black Women’s Leadership: Indigenous Knowledges for Empowerment Abstract In this chapter, I present the theoretical framework for analyzing the data of the study. I use an anti-colonial discursive framework through... more
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      Indigenous KnowledgeWomanismBlack Feminist Theory/ThoughtAnticolonial Theory
Baron R.F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1885–1921) is almost a legendary figure. He was General of the Russian White Army fought against the Reds in Civil War after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. He participated in the Civil War in... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesMilitary ScienceChinese Studies
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsDecolonializationAnticolonial TheoryMapuche History
As Willi Braun suggests in Introducing Religion, "A common frustration for scholars of religion concerns the restrictions, often self-restrictions explicitly invoked or tacitly obeyed by students at all career stages, that are placed on... more
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      EthnomusicologyPostcolonial StudiesComicsPopular Culture and Religious Studies
An updated and improved version of this essay can be found in Chapter 2 of my book Epistemic Decolonization (2020). In this essay I analyze and chart a number of the different conceptual and philosophical issues pertinent to discourses... more
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      Latin American StudiesPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEpistemology
Case studies in postcolonial contextualization mark a forty-year-old missiolog-ical trend in evangelical scholarship. The largely unqualified support of indigenous theological expression by mission theorists represents an epistemological... more
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      Modern HistoryGerman StudiesGerman Literature17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
An encyclopedia entry by
Thomas Benjamin and Dennis Hidalgo. “Anticolonialism.” Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism since 1450. Ed. Thomas Benjamin. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007. 57-65. Gale Virtual Reference Library.
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      HistoryBritish HistoryColonialismResistance (Social)
In this essay, we elaborate on the ways in which colonial unknowing is always itself a response, an epistemological counter-formation, which takes shape in reaction to the lived relations and incommensurable knowledges it seeks to render... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesSocial TheoryGeography
Resumen: En este artículo analizo y cartografío algunos de los varios problemas conceptuales y filosóficos pertinentes a los discursos relacionados con la «descolonización epistémica». Estas discusiones ocurren en un amplio espectro de... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial Research Methods and Methodology
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      LiteratureLiterary magazinesLiterary CriticismKurdish Studies
Since the mid-1980s the term "postcolonial" has become a well-known key signifier in analysis of cultural and political representations of dominance and subalternity in contemporary societies. It was in the wake of the success of this... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyPolitical PhilosophyPostcolonial Studies
“D.A. Wood brilliantly accomplishes what critique at its best understands as its task: making explicit the radical intent of a political and intellectual enterprise. Wood helps us to understand the strengths and misadventures of rival... more
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      Political PhilosophyEpistemologyPolitical TheorySociology of Knowledge
The present essay examines three apparent contradictions to arise in Fanon’s work regarding his operative critique of religion, ontology, and theory of truth. I review some of the prevailing evaluations of these apparent contradictions,... more
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      Critical TheoryComparative PoliticsPhilosophyOntology
The purpose of this paper is to examine some aspects of the commodification of sex from a transgender perspective. By using references in trans*-related literature (especially that produced by transgender authors, such as Susan Stryker... more
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      Sex and GenderTransgender StudiesNeoliberalismSex Industry and Workers
Böröcz József könyve az európai integráció történetének mintegy előzményeként a nyugat-európai államiság több évszázados globális történetét is áttekinti, s ebben a keretben értelmezi az EU létrejöttét és formálódását. A könyv, amely bő... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      LiteratureLiterary CriticismKurdish StudiesLiterary Theory
Áàðîí Óíãåðíû ò¿¿õ: íýíèéã äàõèí ñýðãýýñýí òÓðøèËò 5 ÃÀÐ×Èà Ìîíãîë õýâëýëä çîðèóëñàí ºìíºõ ¿ã 6 ªìíºõ ¿ã 8 Òàëàðõàë 2 7 ÍÝÃįÃÝÝÐ õÝñÝà I á¿ëýã. Ýõëýë 28 II á¿ëýã. Ãàäààä Ìîíãîëûí òóñãààð òîãòíîë áà àâòîíîìèò çàñàã 48 III á¿ëýã. Äýëõèéí... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesReligion and PoliticsInner Asian Studies
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPost-ColonialismNostalgiaAnticolonial Theory
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      AnthropologyIndigenous StudiesGlobalizationPacific Island Studies
This paper is a critical-comparative study which examines the historical and theoretical distinctions between decolonial/postcolonial thought and the tradition of anti-colonial Marxism. The author argues that anti-colonial Marxism has... more
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      MarxismPostcolonial TheoryHistorical MaterialismDecolonial Turn
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      PhilosophyPolitical TheorySocial PhilosophyFrancophone Africa
Postcolonial theory has recently come under critique as an interpretative scheme applied to Eastern Europe and particularly Ukraine. However, a closer look suggests that the critique applies only to some aspects of the approach, such as a... more
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      Soviet RegimeCritical Discourse StudiesSelf and IdentitySoviet History
»Patria o muerte«: liberation nationalism and decolonisation In 1964, Ernesto Che Guevara concluded his speech to the United Nations General Assembly with the battle cry "Patria o muerte". Jean Ziegler, who had reported from Cuba in... more
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      NationalismCapitalismNationalism And State BuildingSocialism
Resumo: This paper intends to make a critical reflection on the diverse transgender and non-cisgender identities and lived experiences 2 , using concepts and methodologies inspired by subaltern studies, especially Queer Theory and... more
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      Transgender StudiesQueer TheoryAnticolonial TheoryTransfeminism
Penultimate Version
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPostcolonial Studies
This chapter consists in an analysis of a translated story excerpt from Thomas King's The Truth About Stories compared and contrasted with one of my own poems, which is also a story of sorts, a reflection upon one of Bob Boyer's art... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesTranslation StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIndigenous Literature
The central question that guides this year’s GSCOPE meeting is about education as a geopolitical enterprise: Do our pedagogies, perhaps in ways we are not always aware of, support and perpetuate colonial hierarchies and knowledges across... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsIndigenous StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal Studies
This paper draws from research on small-scale maize production in Mexico’s Central Highland region to discuss the geopolitical implications of everyday agricultural practices. An overwhelming majority of maize farmers in this region, as... more
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      Critical TheoryAgricultural EngineeringSociologyFeminist Sociology
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      Critical Legal TheoryIsrael/PalestineApartheidWhite Settler Soceties
Table of Contents, Index, Contributors + Link to Forward and Introduction
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      African StudiesArchival StudiesAfrican Philosophy and Political PhilosophyAnticolonial Theory
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      Indigenous StudiesPostcolonial StudiesSámi StudiesAnticolonial Theory
Sobre la militancia anticolonial de Karl Marx
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      Karl MarxAnticolonial TheoryDecolonial and Anticolonial Research
Trans* Sexualidade: Reflexões sobre a mercantilização do sexo desde uma perspectiva transgênera viviane v. 1 O objetivo deste artigo é examinar alguns aspectos relacionados à mercantilização do sexo a partir de uma perspectiva... more
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      Sex and GenderTransgender StudiesNeoliberalismSex Industry and Workers
The article places the itinerant curriculum theory at the core of the struggle against the curriculum epistemicide and occidentosis. It unpacks the current contemporary global havoc as a result of the exhausted coloniality of power matrix... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical PedagogyAnticolonial TheoryModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
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      Critical Legal TheoryIsrael/PalestineApartheidWhite Settler Soceties
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      African StudiesAfrican PhilosophyLuso-African StudiesDecolonialization
Case studies in postcolonial contextualization mark a forty-year-old missiolog-ical trend in evangelical scholarship. The largely unqualified support of indigenous theological expression by mission theorists represents an epistemological... more
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      GlobalizationMissiologyPostcolonial StudiesContextual Theologies
The book 'Socjalistyczny postkolonializm. Rekonsolidacja pamięci' (Socialist Postcolonialism: Memory Reconsolidation) is about the Polish postcolonial tradition of before 1989, which has been blanked out of memory. The year 2000, i.e.,... more
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      Non Fiction WritingWorld LiteraturesGlobalizationGlobalisation and cultural change
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      Translation StudiesPostcolonial StudiesPostcolonial TheoryFrantz Fanon
On ne pouvait mieux marquer le cinquantenaire de la disparition de Frantz Fanon que par la traduction de l'un des ouvrages les plus complets qui lui ait été consacré. Les éditions La Découverte ajoutent à... more
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      French colonialismFrantz FanonFrantz Fanon (Literature)Anticolonial Theory
Case studies in postcolonial contextualization mark a forty-year-old missiological trend in evangelical scholarship. The largely unqualified support of indigenous theological expression by mission theorists represents an epistemological... more
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      Contextual TheologiesCountercultural StudiesChristian MissionsContextualism and relativism
This rapid research project sought to identify how racialised assumptions about COVID-19 risk and prevention narratives, particularly the Black immunity myth which appeared to emanate mainly from China and Global North media narratives,... more
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      Sociology of RiskAnticolonial TheoryRacialisationModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
The Critical Theory Workshop/Atelier de Théorie Critique is an intensive research program whose primary objective is to provide an international forum for trans-disciplinary and comparative work in critical social theory, in the most... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryAestheticsPolitical Philosophy
This article focuses on the idea of ‘colonial modernity’ to pursue a dual theoretical purpose: to interrogate the givenness of ‘modernity’ as an overarching and over-determining epistemological framework; and, secondly, to indicate how... more
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      Political SociologyInternational RelationsPostcolonial StudiesPost-Colonialism