Anti-discrimination law
Recent papers in Anti-discrimination law
The EU Equality Directives represented a key turning point in the field of anti-discrimination law in Italy. However, the Italian law-maker failed to implement the Directives systematically, and this generated confusion about their... more
This paper analyses the protection for fixed-term workers, agency workers and part-time workers under EU case law and legislation.
This article focuses on the rise of corporate religious freedom in EU law. In general, this legal category might be associated with a positive dimension (corporate freedom of religion) but also with a negative one (corporate freedom from... more
Εκδόσεις Σάκκουλα: Αθήνα-Θεσσαλονίκη, 2019, σελίδες ΧII + 139 Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα [Discrimination on... more
The Introduction draws together the chapters’ findings in relation to the two research questions which have animated the project. The first question asked how anti-discrimination law fares in civil law jurisdictions of Europe and how it... more
보수개신교는 차별금지법을 반대하는가? 이는 너무나 명확해 보이는 사실인데다가 그간의 입법과정에서 이들의 힘은 증명된 것으로 보인다. 보수개신교가 차별금지법을 왜 반대하는지에 대해서도 많은 연구자 들이 이미 다양한 설명들을 제시한 바 있다. 그렇다면 지금 우리에게 더 나은 설명(틀)이 왜 필요한가? 나는 이 글에서 이른바 “혐오선동세력”으로 통칭되는 보수개신교에 대한 보다 분석적이고 내재적인 이해를 통해 어떻게 차별금지법... more
La France a-t-elle peur de ses autres ? En revenant sur les discours et les pratiques qui se formalisent depuis une quinzaine d’années, Sarah Mazouz interroge les « politiques françaises de l’altérité ». À partir d’une double enquête... more
The EU has slowly but surely developed a solid body of equality law that prohibits different facets of discrimination. While the Union had initially developed anti-discrimination norms that served only the commercial rationale of the... more
Následující text je nefinální a neoficiální ukázkou z knihy Boučková P et al, Antidiskriminační zákon. Komentář (C.H.Beck, Praha 2016), výklad diskriminačního důvodu pohlaví. Prosím citovat přímo z knižní publikace.
In this chapter, I argue that we need to think on the potential role or place of ADL within a theory of social emancipation, not only to give an account of our current anti-‐discrimination legal regimes, but to question how ADL can... more
Since the 1980s, the law of the European Union (EU) has become a substantial transnational source of political empowerment for LGBT actors in Europe. The Rome Treaty (1957), which established the European Economic Community, contained a... more
Mémoire de synthèse de mon HDR, soutenue le 18 septembre 2020. Jury : Philippe Chanial, Professeur des Universités, Université de Caen (garant) Louis Quéré, Directeur de recherche émérite, CNRS-EHESS (rapporteur) Daniel Cefai,... more
Le présent ouvrage ouvre la voie à des travaux de recherche et de pratique professionnelle concrète et entreprend de répondre notamment aux questions suivantes: Comment ce critère de discrimination prohibée s’est-il construit dans notre... more
This paper investigates how deploying neoliberal discourses of equal rights, anti-discrimination laws, and hate crime legislation limits the advancement of equality and protection for trans persons under the law. The push for the legal... more
This chapter in a book on the Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union analyses Article 23, which provides that a) equality between women and men must be ensured in the EU and b) that the principle of equal treatment does not... more
Body height seems to be an universal problem when used as an employment criterion. When it comes to armed forces or law enforcement bodies, the use of such criterion is not universal. The criterion itself lacks uniformity. Various... more
Defining the characteristics targeted by banning discrimination constitutes a central challenge for EU discrimination law, and defining disability is particularly challenging due to the dispute around the very concept of disability. From... more
Антидискриминационо право осваја све више подручја друштвеног живота и промовише заштиту угрожених друштвених група. Наука о праву посвећује дужну пажњу овом развоју, тако што описује, објашњава, критикује и предлаже рјешења која иду у... more
This is my syllabus for the Equality and Discrimination course at Carleton University (Summer 2021)
'Debating Race in Contemporary India is one of those rare books that initiate a dialogue about the idea of India, seen through the prism of Northeast communities. With characteristic flourish and elegant prose, Debating Race touches on... more
This article will puts a gender variant perspective on anti-discrimination law and litigation. It analyze trans right claims by synthesizing queer theory’s concept of performativity and critical race theory’s concept of intersectionality,... more
People of Mexican Origin lacked broad based mobilization for civil rights during the midtwentieth century and failed to gain attention with national leaders unaware of the unique conditions in the Southwest. In the absence of these... more
The paper aims to explain a highly differentiated use of the law by two transnational collective actors, the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) and the European Roma and Travellers Forum (ERTF), and this despite them belonging to the same... more
"The article examines those developments in the field of feminist theory that have dealt with the (disappearance of the) notion of the subject of feminism, both as collective agent and as subject matter. In particular, it aims at... more
I když Česká republika v současné době přijala téměř všechny mezinárodní a evropské předpisy týkající se rovnosti žen a mužů, statistiky a studie ukazují, že provedené for-mální úpravy nejsou náležitě uváděné v praxi. Následující článek... more
Este capítulo presenta un repaso de las políticas, legislación y jurisprudencia en materia de igualdad de género y no discriminación adoptadas en la Unión Europea. El objetivo es ofrecer un marco para contextualizar el desarrollo y los... more
This paper discusses the author's experiences with anti-discrimination law and anti-racist students and staff at two Australian universities. In the first case, at Macquarie University in Sydney, he was suspended from teaching in the... more
The year 2000 marked the birth of EU anti-discrimination law as a field in its own right, with the adoption of two major Equality Directives. They extended the prohibition of discrimination with five additional grounds and expanded the... more