Most downloaded papers in Anti-Semitism
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
From 1933 through 1945, the Hebrew Bible was under attack in Nazi Germany. Indeed, the entire notion that Christianity had any connection to Judaism was systematically denied. Even within the Church, the long-standing tradition of “Old... more
This essay outlines the characteristics of what I call the ‘totalitarian mindset’. Under certain circumstances, human beings engage in patterns of thinking and behavior that are extremely closed and intolerant of difference and pluralism.... more
Meroitic language is one of the most controversial ancient languages but one of the few having advanced writing systems. Some classify it Asian, European, non-African, Semitic, or 'unclassified'. This paper contends Meroe, similar to... more
Heidegger’s thinking once seemed to bear on everything and every philosopher, from the Pre-Socratics, such as Anaximander and Parmenides as well as Heraclitus, to Plato himself, to Aristotle as well as Plotinus and Augustine, Duns Scotus... more
A lot has been said and written about the so-called Ethiopic civilization said to have been built by unspecified white South Arabians into Black Africa, chiefly the Horn, in the 3 rd century Christian era. While such colonial mentality... more
This is an investigation into the idea of a link between literature and nation-building, proposed by Benedict Anderson, Timothy Brennan, Salman Rushdie, and Salman Rushdie. This paper utilizes their ideas to interpret well-known Grimms'... more
In the 1990s and early 2000s, there was much discussion about the democratic and anti-democratic implications of the internet, the latter particularly focused on the far-right using it to spread hate and recruit. Despite this, the... more
This essay is a short set of reflections on the recent republication of Mein Kampf by the Institute of Contemporary History, and constitutes an afterword written for a Special Issue of the Bulletin of the German Historical Institute... more
The Holocaust was not unique to the Jewish population in Europe. Many others, including Poles, died in the same way, " said Romanian President Jon Iliescu in 2003 (Davidovitz, 2003, later mentioning that his nation cannot be accused of... more
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
Linke Nahostdiskurse im Spannungsfeld von Erinnerungszwang und Erinnerungsabwehr. Immer wieder wird in Deutschland kontrovers diskutiert, ob, wann und warum israelkritische Positionen zum Nahostkonflikt nur kaschierter Antisemitismus... more
A closer look, however, reveals the inadequacy of this static model. When viewed dynamically, invective and humour are seen not merely as opposites but as antagonists, which raises the question if they can coexist in harmony. Elsewhere I... more
"This article examines the reactions of late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century European Jewish musicians to Richard Wagner’s classic antisemitic essay, “Judaism in Music.” The voluminous debates about Wagner’s antisemitism have... more
The American election of 2016 and its aftermath have seen a startling surge in accusations of anti-Semitism, heated discussion of the place of Jews in the US, and deepened fault lines between Israeli and American Jews. This essay suggests... more
1950 saw the publication of a classic study in social science, The Authoritarian Personality. In this paper I explore the connections between authoritarianism and creativity. Even though there was some overlap between the researchers as... more
Update: 2.1.21 This is a regularly updated compendium of sources intended to be of service to those who are committed to resisting and challenging the emergent authoritarianism fueled by the Trump administration, its benefactors,... more
Peter Ullrich: Die Linke, Israel und Palästina. Nahostdiskurse in Großbritannien und Deutschland, Berlin: Dietz, ISBN 978-3-320-02156-6, € 19,90. Peter-Ullrich-Die-Linke-Israel-und-Palaestina-Texte-48-Berlin-2008 Die Debatte um das... more
Since the rise of the religious right, scholars have become increasingly interested in studying conservative Protestantism. Not only do conservative Protestants (CPs) make up at least a quarter of the US population; they differ from many... more
The purpose of this book is twofold. It aims at providing a survey of – and a Spanish introduction to, which was heretofore lacking – the "radical new perspective on Paul". Yet it also intends to contribute to the latter by re-examining... more
Unlike many other publications on Nazi culture, this book is not primarily about what has been called "the Nazification of the arts," based upon state-supported use of the arts for propaganda, a curtailment of freedom in art criticism,... more
This is chapter 7 of the multi-authored book, Forged From Reformation: How Dispensational Thought Advances the Reformed Legacy, published by SCS Press and released in celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important medium today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
Dissertação de Mestrado (História/UEM), defendida em 2011 e posteriormente publicada em livro ("Sob o signo do Sigma: Integralismo, Neointegralismo e o Antissemitismo"; Eduem, 2014). -- Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a... more
Special Issue (Issue 31, January 2017) of the online magazine CAFE DISSENSUS, guest edited by Navras Jaat Aafreedi on the theme: "India's Response to the Holocaust and its Perception of Hitler"
Perhaps one of the most significant developments within contemporary Jewish Studies is the reclamation of the New Testament. The recovery of this particular part of Jewish history, however, has highlighted the problem of anti-Semitism... more
This book makes a comparison of the ways in which anti-Semitism and Islamophobia create the image of the Jewish or Islamic threats by using the sacred texts of both religions. Although a brief historical analysis from the Middle Ages is... more
The Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is an independent research institute and think tank for the study of history and social sciences, with particular emphasis on the applied social sciences.
As a consequence of the right’s elitist conception of history, conspiracy theories abound in conservative historiography and social analyses when events develop in a manner contrary to their economic and/or cultural preferences. This is... more
Wherever one looks one finds a consensus among scholars that Auerbach’s vision of literary history can be read through the lens of figural reading, as though he had adopted this interpretive technique and made it his own, not only in... more
The Quranic text may be construed as a palimpsest with regard to those scriptural and para-scriptural writings of Jewish and Christian provenance previously known to, and used in, the ‘sectarian milieu’ from within which the Islamic... more
Globalizing Race explores how intersections between French antisemitism and imperialism shaped the development of European racial thought. Ranging from the African misadventures of the antisemitic Marquis de Morès to the Parisian novels... more