Most cited papers in Anti-Semitism
Since the rise of the religious right, scholars have become increasingly interested in studying conservative Protestantism. Not only do conservative Protestants (CPs) make up at least a quarter of the US population; they differ from many... more
Eugenics and race played significant roles in Ukrainian interwar nationalism, yet remain largely unstudied. The Ukrainian nationalists’ understanding of the racial makeup of their imagined community was contradictory as they struggled to... more
This article provides a theoretical account of anti-Jewish prejudice and empirically tests this model using data from a recent national survey of adults in the United States. Whereas much prior research emphasizes the religious and... more
The relationship between European sociology and European anti-Semitism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is investigated through a case study of one sociologist, Émile Durkheim, in a single country, France. Reactionary and... more
This article contributes to debates about fascist influences among Argentina’s guerrilla groups of the 1970s. From the overall perspective of developments in Argentine nationalism, it traces back the history of the far-right Alianza... more
In a survey study of Arab and Jewish Americans, we examined which beliefs best predicted support for a two-state solution. We compared the role of a sense of collective victimhood, dehumanization of the outgroup, a zero-sum view, and a... more
This article revolves around a deceptively simple question: why did the FBI investigate bandleader Duke Ellington, the African American capitalist, political conservative, and vocal Christian, as a communist threat in the 1930's through... more
Although Latin American decolonial thinking has always maintained an interest in taking the theories and practices of the communities of Latin America's colonized peoples seriously, the theorization of communality and communal systems has... more
The harmfulness of anti-Semitic beliefs is widely discussed in current political and legal debates (e.g., Cutler v. Dorn). At the same time, empirical studies of the psychological consequences of such beliefs are scarce. The present... more
Despite its ever-present and at times escalating significance, conspiracy theory is an under-researched topic in the social sciences. This paper analyses the political influence of conspiracy theories by drawing on semi-structured... more
This article is one of the first to employ positioning theory to analyse an intellectual product. After introducing the theory itself, it explores how Sartre’s book Réflexions sur la question juive enabled him to locate himself within, as... more
This study investigates the youth organization Straja Țării, created by King Carol II of Romania in the second interwar decade. The research will consider two levels of analyses: the organizational and ideological dimensions of Straja... more
In the 1990s and early 2000s, there was much discussion about the democratic and anti-democratic implications of the internet, the latter particularly focused on the far-right using it to spread hate and recruit. Despite this, the... more
This study in comparative global history sheds light on a largely ignored forum for the politics of transition from monarchical empire to nation-state in the Middle East and Central Europe-religious festivals at sacred shrines. It... more
Philosemitism – the idealization of Jews and Israel – and Chinese-Jewish history function as a platform of soft power for growing China–Israel relations and as a means to bolster Chinese nationalism. Given the Chinese Communist Party's... more
Heidegger’s thinking once seemed to bear on everything and every philosopher, from the Pre-Socratics, such as Anaximander and Parmenides as well as Heraclitus, to Plato himself, to Aristotle as well as Plotinus and Augustine, Duns Scotus... more
"Bloom’s CV" analyses James Joyce’s representation of Bloom’s early career as a commercial traveller in Ulysses. Reading Bloom’s various jobs—from cattle sales to insurance—in their historical context, the article develops a clearer... more
This article contributes to the study of the image of Islam among French anti-Semites at the end of the nineteenth century. More specifically, it analyses D. Kimon's book La pathologie de l'islam, in which the author advocates the need to... more
Systemic transition in post-communist Eastern Europe resulted in high inflation, rapid economic changes, and increased lack of control in everyday life. Atthe same time, anti-Semitic incidents were reported in this region after 1989. The... more
The feminist theological and historical work of Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza has been met with diverging responses. For feminist biblical scholars, Schüssler Fiorenza is essential reading, with even her works from the 1970s and 1980s... more
The product of an 18 month empirical study which examined the use of restorative justice for hate crime in the United Kingdom, this book draws together theory and practice in order to examine the causes and consequences of hate crime... more
In this chapter I explore how Friedrich Nietzsche’s work The Anti-Christ inspired not only an unexpected charitable reading of Jesus’s life and thought in the New Testament, but also an unlikely sense of “holy envy.” I will examine how... more
"This article examines the reactions of late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century European Jewish musicians to Richard Wagner’s classic antisemitic essay, “Judaism in Music.” The voluminous debates about Wagner’s antisemitism have... more
This paper argues that Jacques Lacan (1901–1981) was possibly the most famous Catholic psychoanalyst who was not known for being
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
In music histories, Emil Medtner has been overlooked almost completely, as well as the Germanophile cultural tendencies he represented. His severe criticism of “modernist” trends in music and his frankly exposed racist and anti-Semite... more
Peter Ullrich: Die Linke, Israel und Palästina. Nahostdiskurse in Großbritannien und Deutschland, Berlin: Dietz, ISBN 978-3-320-02156-6, € 19,90. Peter-Ullrich-Die-Linke-Israel-und-Palaestina-Texte-48-Berlin-2008 Die Debatte um das... more
In the wake of the Second Vatican Council, Mexican traditionalist Catholics mobilized in apparent unity against Catholic "progressivism" and the Left. Yet, they succumbed to their own internecine fights. This article examines the... more
This article discusses Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaraḍawi’s approach toward Judaism, Zionism and the State of Israel. Using Irwin Cotler’s nine-point definition of anti-Semitism, it will endeavour to position Qaraḍawi’s on an... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
My objective is to provide insight into how "Jewishness", primarily as a cultural signifier, is created in the sitcom Seinfeld and how it is a reflection of contemporary conversations and negotiations of Jewish cultural identity within... more
This is the first chapter from the critically acclaimed book From Coexistence to Conquest: International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict (Pluto Press 2009). To order a copy visit:... more
The city of Jerusalem and the Palestine cause have been internalized by Islamist movements throughout the world as a pan-Islamic issue. Turkey’s Islamist movement, or the National Outlook Movement as it is known, has similarly... more