Recent papers in Anti-Semitism
The article asserts that modern antisemitism is intrinsically linked to hatred towards the city. It is shown that antiurbanism isn`t just a phenomenon of the past but still exist in antisemitic propaganda.
The period between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century is one that witnessed the rise and spread of anti-Semitism throughout Europe. This paper attempts a historical analysis of the development of... more
Christians, Jews and the Money. About the permanence of a prejudice and its roots (text in German). Deconstruction of the myth of exclusive Jewish money lending because of the pretended prohibition of interest for Christians, as it is... more
On Henri de Lubac and the Resistance to Anti-semitisme
An early study of representations of Jews and Judaism in British literature a the turn of the 20th century. The overall picture is best characterized as ambivalence - Jews were becoming more recognizably human and their symbolic function... more
Er zählt zu den Vergessenen in der österreichischen Medizingeschichte, obwohl er mit seinen Forschungen der Zeit weit voraus war und zudem einen in Österreich weltberühmten Nachfahren gleichen Namens hat: Der Embryologe Samuel Leopold... more
Although Latin American decolonial thinking has always maintained an interest in taking the theories and practices of the communities of Latin America's colonized peoples seriously, the theorization of communality and communal systems has... more
A call for papers is now open for the forthcoming issue of JCA. Please submit your manuscript to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019. All submissions are subjected to a blind peer review... more
Art and the Nazis 12/5/16 Chloe Hyman Art and the Nazis Professor Fogle 2 For the German people, the interwar years were marked by unemployment, economic collapse, and an overwhelming sense of demoralization. National Socialist ideology... more
This book introduces the lay reader to the problem of how to read Hitler's notoriously turgid prose by taking key short extracts and undertaking a close reading of them. It seeks to offer a reading of the text that moves discussion of... more
My presentation is entitled “Mussolini’s Four Would-be Assassins: Emergency Politics and the Consolidation of Fascist Power.”
Ist Antisemitismus eine Form des Rassismus oder handelt es sich um zwei völlig verschiedene Phänomene? Und gibt es Analogien zur Islamfeindlichkeit oder ist dieser Vergleich abwegig? Der Aufsatz zeichnet die international geführte... more
En 1240, le duc de Bretagne expulse tous les juifs du duché. Cet épisode peu connu signe la fin de la présence d’une communauté juive en Bretagne au Moyen Âge. Elle s’explique par la conjugaison du fanatisme religieux et la volonté... more
Systemic transition in post-communist Eastern Europe resulted in high inflation, rapid economic changes, and increased lack of control in everyday life. Atthe same time, anti-Semitic incidents were reported in this region after 1989. The... more
Ce livre retrace le dialogue de longue durée entre les extrêmes droites italiennes et françaises depuis le début des années 1960. De ces relations d'abord personnelles naissent de véritables réseaux qui bénéficient du soutien bienveillant... more
Of all the keywords frequently included in the modern lexicon of antisemitism, “anti-Zionism” may be the most resistant to conceptual analysis. In this essay, I offer a methodological critique of this predominant approach before proposing... more
Although it has been claimed that Dietrich Bonhoeffer's controversial 1933 essay on "The Church and the Jewish Question" is riddled with inconsistencies, I argue that the essay is entirely consistent at least on the issue of church action... more
In her chapter, 'Varieties of Pejoratives', Robin Jeshion distinguishes pejorative lexical items, pejorative uses of words, and pejorative speech acts. She surveys and taxonomizes pejorative nicknames, thick terms, and slurs, including... more
Rezension zu: Volker Herholt, Antisemitismus in der Antike. Kontinuitäten und Brüche eines historischen Phänomens, Gutenberg 2009.
Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde 14 (2011), S. 45-47.
Frankfurter elektronische Rundschau zur Altertumskunde 14 (2011), S. 45-47.
Scholars of postwar American Jewish history have traditionally focused on highbrow texts in charting the shifting ways that “Jews,” as a category, has been defined and characterized. Including postwar middlebrow publications in our... more
The Holocaust was not unique to the Jewish population in Europe. Many others, including Poles, died in the same way, " said Romanian President Jon Iliescu in 2003 (Davidovitz, 2003, later mentioning that his nation cannot be accused of... more
The article deals with the approach of Roman Dmowski, the leader and main ideologist of National Democracy (ND), to the Jewish question in the interwar period (1918–1939)
The phenomena of cultural homogenization manifested in the Westernization of the world in recent centuries has its precedent in the Hellenization of the Levant almost 2 millenia ago. This paper examines the cultural force and its... more
The product of an 18 month empirical study which examined the use of restorative justice for hate crime in the United Kingdom, this book draws together theory and practice in order to examine the causes and consequences of hate crime... more
The Order, otherwise known as the Silent Brotherhood, or Bruder Schweigen, had one of the shortest but most eventful and notorious careers of the post-civil rights or fifth-era extreme Right (1970s to the 1990s). In its short lifespan... more
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
Discussions around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict tend to rely upon a binary distinction of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine and the Zionist movement to establish a “national home of the Jewish people” there. This oversimplifies and... more
The Polish School of Medicine (PSM) at the University of Edinburgh was an autonomous Polish-language institution established by the Polish government-in-exile. This article demonstrates that, despite a significant presence of both Jews... more
Il profondo legame che sussiste tra il Risorgimento italiano e il processo di emancipazione civile degli ebrei è testimoniato dal saggio conosciuto con il titolo di Interdizioni israelitiche: Carlo Cattaneo, autore della breve monografia... more
In 1952, Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible – a fictionalised staging of the 1692 Salem witch trials. As an allegory of McCarthyite anti-communist hysteria in 1950s America, the play could itself be considered a form of sublimation:... more
The purpose of Encyclopedia of History of Antisemitism is to provide basic information on the history of the virulent phenomena of antisemitism with regard to the roots and origins of the particular myths, beliefs, policies and... more