Astrology is a feature of everyday conversation and the local spiritual scene in Sedona, Arizona, a small town renowned for its " vortexes ". As part of a variegated new age spirituality, astrology " works " in three main ways that are... more
Scripting Addiction takes readers into the highly ritualized world of mainstream American addiction treatment. It is a world where clinical practitioners evaluate how drug users speak about themselves and their problems, and where the... more
ABSTRACT: Christian nationalism, a long-running and arguably increasingly influential political force, appears to consist mainly of an open set of affectively charged but cogni-tively underdetermined concepts and images that are capable... more
A pdf is available by request to [email protected] . The anthropology of bureaucracy should address the role of organized power in organizing complex and unequal societies. This article reviews the development of bureaucracy studies,... more
This volume testifies to the unresolved contradictions built into both the possible solutions to the problem of the paranormal and into the controversy itself. Scientific and theoretical approaches to the field usually do not seem able to... more
This article begins with Dr. Darby Stapp's Editorial about a recent national award for Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder and Master Basketmaker, as well as the contents of Journal 56(1). He gives a current state of JONA summary too. Following... more
This article analyzes the hierarchy of factors in the development of crisis trends in a consolidated democracy using the example of the United States of America. The authors assess the surge of political instability in the United States,... more
Based on three months ethnographic fieldwork among a conservative evangelical congregation in Charleston, SC, during the fall of 2016, this masters thesis explores the voting decisions of conservative evangelicals voters in the 2016... more
In this article I examine the status of belief among U.S. evangelicals organizing under the moniker of the “emerging church.” As part of their cultural critique of the conservative Christian subculture, many emerging evangelicals recast... more
How do American Charismatic Evangelicals imagine human difference? Ethnographic fieldwork with the Vineyard , a Southern California originated but now nationwide Charismatic Evangelical movement, suggests that for many lay American... more
Protestants mobilize objects such as 'Holy Land' flowers, Jordan River stones, vials of Dead Sea water, sand from Lake Tiberias, and Golgotha soil as potent metonymic resources, promising a kind of direct access to the scriptural past and... more
The recent outburst of anti-racist protests shows how deeply the American society’s present-day problems are rooted in its past. Therefore, a study of cultural memory of the time of the Civil War, the key moment in the American nation... more
From: Coleman, Simon, and Rosalind I. J. Hackett. 2015. The anthropology of global pentecostalism and evangelicalism. New York: NYU Press
Anna Jabloner is an anthropologist and feminist science studies scholar, and visiting faculty in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University. Her current book project, Future Pending: Californian Genomics and the Politics of... more
The United States has long demonstrated a strong homogenizing value system capable of drawing its citizens away from any divisive ethnic, class, regional, racial, or religious identities. Alternative visions have been marginalized in... more
Alors que la majorité des recherches s'intéressant au concept de la « convivialité » ont mis l'accent sur les dimensions pragmatiques de la civilité interculturelle, nous proposons ici une exploration de ses dimensions éthico-morales,... more
The cultural frontier between the US North and the South that had appeared as an outcome of differences in their history, first of all with respect to slavery, has not disappeared up to now. It remains an important cultural and... more
This paper explores some meaningful cultural symbols that seem to shape and frame American contemporary everyday life from an anthropological viewpoint. To do so, I put in practice ideas proposed by Michel Foucault and Paul Ricoeur... more
NOTE: this essay was originally presented under a different title to the Friday morning seminar at the anthropology department of the London School of Economics, and then functioned as a job talk for several years running. I had always... more
This article contributes to ongoing public and scholarly debates about evangelical social engagement in the United States. I illustrate that, for some conservative evangelical men, activism is fused to the cultural construction of... more
This down-to-earth examination of a few crucial moments in the formation of Triceratops skull fossils exposes the more-than-human process through which stones come into being. Anthropological/paleontological fieldwork at a quarry in the... more
Opened to the public in July 2016, Ark Encounter is a creationist theme park in Kentucky. The park features an all-timber re-creation of Noah's ark, built full scale to creationist specifications drawn from the text of Genesis, as well as... more
In America today, two communities with sub-Saharan African genetic origins exist side by side, though they have differing histories and positions within society. This book explores the relationship between African Americans, descendants... more
The forward and introduction to my ethnography of the miraculous and of variation in American Charismatic Christianity, coming out in March from the University of Californa Press. (
"Оттенки черного. Культурно-антропологические аспекты взаимовосприятия и взаимоотношений африкано-американцев и мигрантов из стран субсахарской Африки в США" The book is based on the field evidence collected in 2013–2015 in more than a... more
"Le monde selon Gary, ou la vie d’un survivaliste américain", in Claudia Senik (dir.), Sociétés en danger. Menaces et peurs, perceptions et réactions, Paris, La Découverte, 2021, p. 34-51.
Perceptions of Crime," brings the questions of contraband, indigeneity, and the state squarely into the 20th century. Guatemalan police enforced the law in a bifurcated manner that both evinced and reinscribed racial categories: ladino... more
Presentation for the National Association of Native-American Studies Conference, February 12, 2016, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Material excerpted from Fixed Stars Govern a Life: Decoding Sylvia Plath, vol. one, by Julia Gordon-Bramer (2014,... more
This paper examines the recent history of the United States to illustrate shifts in the ways that power and wealth are wielded and accumulated. It is argued that in recent decades the accumulation of wealth and the concentration of power... more
The purpose of this quantitative survey research study was to explore educational preferences among individuals of conservative and liberal political orientation and of both genders in the United States of America with a 13-questionnaire... more
Africans’ struggle for a decent social status in the USA is complicated by their frequent association with African Americans who, as a community, occupy a low social level. In the migrants’ attempts to distinguish themselves from African... more
" The Highest Voice " and the " Inquisitors' Kiss " A chapter, let alone an edited volume, about Bakhtin and monologue may strike some as being purposefully perverse. Its man-bites-dog edge comes from the way that it appears to be a... more
This paper draws on fieldwork with American social workers, whose primary charge is to engage what they view as particularly recalcitrant human problems and populations. All the while, these workers find themselves in intensive... more
monograph exploring governmental and material technologies of suspicion in the post-9/11 United States