United States Vice President James David Vance published Hillbilly Elegy in 2016 to explain the plight of the White working-class in the United States, particularly in the Appalachian and Midwestern regions. The book is a memoir about... more
in the Oxford Handbook of Ritual Language, ed. David Tavárez
How do time, space, and movement interpenetrate to shape the life choices of Mongolian men living in Los Angeles? In this article I contribute to an ongoing scholarly debate about how Mongolian lives have been affected both by socialism’s... more
This site informed me , some people who visit my account , are interested in archeology , so heres one of interest . And as before , I didnt author this paper , Im just sharing!
Aux Etats-Unis, la chasse réunit près de 12 millions de licenciés, soit 4 % de la population. Le nombre de pratiquants diminue toutefois depuis le début des années 1980, dans un contexte marqué par la politisation croissante d’une... more
In this paper I look at the possibility that uncertainty may not merely be a stage in the research process, but an outcome in itself. Exploring how university and scholarship collided with my own personal experiences and identity I... more
Smith is not defensive about the value of the liberal arts. He clarifies why we should welcome this new frontier, suggesting that the liberal arts are no longer the enclave of the wealthy. Several essays address the divide between... more
ABSTRACTHistories of the role of public health in nation building have revealed the centrality of hygiene to eugenic mechanisms of racial exclusion in the turn‐of‐the‐20th‐century United States, yet little scholarship has examined its... more
Intentional communities in the United States are greatly varied. They may be religious, secular, autonomous, and exclude themselves from society physically, intellectually, socially, morally, and ideologically. The psychological factors,... more
American Antiquities and the Process of Ethnogenesis in the Early Republic This essay discusses some of the literary expressions dealing with the gigantic earthworkswhich the first European immigrants and people from the Atlantic seaboard... more
At a time of a “private equity oil rush,” this essay explores how oil industry entrepreneurs with ambitions of setting up their own oil-production companies are encouraged to “dream big”—yet are ultimately disciplined and let down—by... more
American Antiquities and the Process of Ethnogenesis in the Early Republic This essay discusses some of the literary expressions dealing with the gigantic earthworkswhich the first European immigrants and people from the Atlantic seaboard... more
Life history interviews have been conducted in a wide range of social science disciplines (i.e. anthropology, criminology, folkloristic studies, education, ethnology, feminist research, geography, linguistics, psychology, political... more
Корпусова І., Бойко-Гагарін А., Янов Д. Рекламні жетони США ХІХ – початку ХХ ст. у нумізматичному зібранні Одеського археологічного музею НАН України. Нумізматика і фалеристика. № 4. Київ, 2022. С. 7-10.
Apresentação do debate clássico e/ou recente acerca da Moral e da Ética a partir da perspectiva antropológica e do seu diálogo com as demais disciplinas Humanas e Sociais. Indicação da transversalidade temática desta abordagem e da sua... more
For decades, studies have shown that white households have greater access and benefit most from the racialized US housing market. Homeownership is the material realization of the American dream, and for many it is read alongside... more
Franciszkańskie kalwarie – interesujący fenomen kulturowy, są istotnym elementem duchowości, działań duszpasterskich, bogatymi enklawami architektury i sztuki, znanymi i cenionymi nie tylko przez pobożnych pątników, ale też przez szerszy... more
WENDELL H. OSWALT and JAMES W. VAN-STONE. (Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 199.) Washington: U. S. Printing Office, 1967. viii, 136 pp., appendix, 7 text figures, index, literature cited, map, 16 plates, 6... more
This article analyzes the hierarchy of factors in the development of crisis trends in a consolidated democracy using the example of the United States of America. The authors assess the surge of political instability in the United States,... more
The purpose of this quantitative survey research study was to explore educational preferences among individuals of conservative and liberal political orientation and of both genders in the United States of America with a 13-questionnaire... more
This volume testifies to the unresolved contradictions built into both the possible solutions to the problem of the paranormal and into the controversy itself. Scientific and theoretical approaches to the field usually do not seem able to... more
In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), the design of a language policy at school level is not only bound up with the number of languages used for learning and the number of hours devoted to teaching those languages, but also... more
This article begins with Dr. Darby Stapp's Editorial about a recent national award for Ed Carriere, Suquamish Elder and Master Basketmaker, as well as the contents of Journal 56(1). He gives a current state of JONA summary too. Following... more
Developing a Role for Men in Preventing Human Trafficking into the Sex Industry in Madrid Stephen B. Morse Doctor of Ministry School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary 2016 This ministry project aims to counter the masculine-related... more
The recent outburst of anti-racist protests shows how deeply the American society’s present-day problems are rooted in its past. Therefore, a study of cultural memory of the time of the Civil War, the key moment in the American nation... more
The paper is based on field evidence collected in more than fifteen towns and cities in ten states analyzed upon the background of the author’s vast experience of doing fieldwork in many African countries in which the memory of slave... more
The cultural frontier between the US North and the South that had appeared as an outcome of differences in their history, first of all with respect to slavery, has not disappeared up to now. It remains an important cultural and... more
"Le monde selon Gary, ou la vie d’un survivaliste américain", in Claudia Senik (dir.), Sociétés en danger. Menaces et peurs, perceptions et réactions, Paris, La Découverte, 2021, p. 34-51.
My review of The Bishop's landmark work.
This paper explores the definition, impact and legacy of modernity on the life and ministry of the church as expounded upon in Lesslie Newbigin's Foolishness to Greeks. The Bishop defines his task in the very first sentence of his work,... more
This down-to-earth examination of a few crucial moments in the formation of Triceratops skull fossils exposes the more-than-human process through which stones come into being. Anthropological/paleontological fieldwork at a quarry in the... more
The purpose of this quantitative survey research study was to explore educational preferences among individuals of conservative and liberal political orientation and of both genders in the United States of America with a 13-questionnaire... more
Anna Jabloner is an anthropologist and feminist science studies scholar, and visiting faculty in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University. Her current book project, Future Pending: Californian Genomics and the Politics of... more
Alors que la majorité des recherches s'intéressant au concept de la « convivialité » ont mis l'accent sur les dimensions pragmatiques de la civilité interculturelle, nous proposons ici une exploration de ses dimensions éthico-morales,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
In America today, two communities with sub-Saharan African genetic origins exist side by side, though they have differing histories and positions within society. This book explores the relationship between African Americans, descendants... more
In 1883 or 1884, Joseph Westenhaver conducted partial excavation of an Adena mound on his property in Pickaway County, Ohio. Among the material excavated by Westenhaver was a large fossil shark tooth (Figures 1 and 2). In addition to... more
Astrology is a feature of everyday conversation and the local spiritual scene in Sedona, Arizona, a small town renowned for its " vortexes ". As part of a variegated new age spirituality, astrology " works " in three main ways that are... more
Neo-monasticism, including the desire to live in Christian intentional community, is increasingly popular in the United States. Communities are structured around a rule or shared covenant that outlines the parameters of living in... more
In January 2018, in his first State of the Union address, President Trump defended the “American way” and offered a four-point plan on immigration. Trump’s proposal “offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were... more