Anthropology of the Horn of Africa
Recent papers in Anthropology of the Horn of Africa
The following text is a response sent to an email dispatched to me by the Chairman of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians who struggle for the Independence and Self-determination of the 5 millennia long Kushitic Ethiopian Nation of the... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
In the last 20 years the Ethiopian education system has rapidly expanded, leading to a 500% increase in primary school enrolment. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has sought to address a perceived decline in educational quality through... more
Preconceived ideas, misperceptions, misunderstandings and distortions are omnipresent within this book which served as basic point of study and reference for the formation of the English colonial policy in the area of the Horn of Africa... more
Coffee drinking is fundamental to social life in Ethiopia. Based on research in eastern Amhara Region between 2011 and 2015, this paper explores the omnipresent buna ceremony during which coffee is prepared and served, and its role in the... more
"Muslims in Ethiopia", "Ethiopian Muslims", "Muslim Ethiopians"
Amharic as a Lingua Franca in Ethiopia (Amharic, a Creole Language between Ethiosemitic and Cushitic Lamguages). (Original Publication: By: Ronny Meyer Re-Publisher:... more
This paper is a summary of new research results on the obscure period of government under the uncrowned Emperor of Ethiopia, lij Iyasu, who was acting head of the state from late 1909 to 1916 (not from 1913 to 1916 as modern history books... more
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
Traditional database access mechanisms use role based methods and attribute based information to present and store facts. Ewes have the belief that every adult portrays the child s/he was, and every child portrays the adult s/he will... more
In three earlier articles,, we briefly described the place of Somalia as commercial and navigational hub at the times of the Late Antiquity, we identified Malao (today's Berbera) as capital of 'the Other Berberia', and we underscored the... more
Öz Modern toplumların sahip oldukları inanç ve geleneklerin çoğunluğunun izleri eskiçağın derinliklerine kadar uzanmaktadır. Bunlardan bir tanesi de Bucranium kültü adı verilen ve genel olarak kurban edilen boğa hayvanına ait kafatasının,... more
Following an earlier article about the recent developments in the area of Sanaag, I came to recall a fascinating text that is not widely known among today´s Somalis. I would characterize it as a Classic of Orientalist literature, and it... more
For the past year and a half, al-Shabaab has continued to take advantage of the ongoing political and security turmoil between Somalia’s federal government, regional state administrations, and other powerful social groups, including the... more
The fluidity of state-religion interaction has always been a challenge demanding creative responses. For many centuries, religion determined Ethiopia's local, regional, and international ventures. Yet, as this could not continue, at least... more
The author posted independently in his blog the answer that he gave to a viewer of a video-presentation of my article "Yemenis are Not Arab - Prof. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis". The video is uploaded in many portals; indicatively:... more
The classical sociological literature on Amhara hierarchy describes a society based on open relations of domination and an obsession with top-down power. This article asks how these accounts can be reconciled with the strong ethics of... more
This paper is written from field research performed in Ethiopia between 2010-2011. It is about Ethiopian Policy on handling Conflict Resolution specifically focusing on the Afar and Harrar Regions. It is found that the government relies... more
Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, La Reine Mysterieuse (the Mysterious Queen) Hatshepsut, Pygmalion, Paris, 2002, 504p. The last book of the famous French Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt is dedicated to a not yet very... more
Between 1984 and 1996, public health authorities in Israel maintained a secret policy of discarding blood donations made by Ethiopian-Israeli citizens and immigrants. Officials later attempted to justify this policy on the grounds that... more
"This anthropological study describes a specific form of mediation, as it is practiced in Ethiopia (Northeast Africa) by members of the Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups. It introduces elders as male household-heads in their advanced ages,... more
In the years ahead, Yemen may have another chance of progress and radiation. This will happen only if the Yemenites assess better their non-Arab history and identity. Yemen should join other Eastern African countries in an economic,... more
PhD Thesis, Social Anthropology Department, University of Edinburgh 2017 Passed with no corrections Supervisors: Dimitri Tsintjilonis and Maya Mayblin (University of Edinburgh) Examiners: Andreas Bandak (University of Copenhagen) and... more
Il pregio del libro di Fabio Fichera s'intuisce sin dal titolo volutamente ossimorico Ammalarsi di benessere che richiama, da una parte, le narrazioni della malattia e le pratiche della cura osservate in un'area dell'Etiopia e,... more
Based on ethnographic research I conducted as senior honors student, this paper examines the ways in which Ethiopians in Israel talk about race and color as elements of both distinction and shared identity in the context of meetings with... more
The State of Israel was consolidated in the early twentieth century as the homeland of the Jewish people. While nominally secular, it also acknowledged in law and practice the complex , possibly inextricable relationship between ethnic,... more
On Ovtober 4 th , 2002 women from eight different ethnic groups arrived at the South Omo Research Center in Jinka. Spme came with their husbands, some with their children. For four days questionsconcerning "The Pride and Social Worthiness... more
Il nuovo lavoro di Matteo Guglielmo 1 si intitola Il Corno d'Africa. Eritrea, Etiopia, Somalia pubblicato dalla casa editrice Il Mulino nella collana Universale Paperbacks nei primi mesi del 2013. Questo testo cerca di analizzare una... more
First published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle, and AfroArticles on 1st May 2010 Republished in the portal of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians... more
A vários títulos, o trabalho de sólida e cuidadosa investigação que o leitor tem nas mãos dá corpo a um estudo notável -que por vezes o autor trata como um position paper, mas que julgo ser muitíssimo mais do que isso. é particularmente... more
As I promised, following the publication of R. Burton´s itinerary to Harar, I intend to answer many questions that I have received from readers, and publish several comments. I believe that 19th and 20th century colonial literature is one... more