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The book offers a fresh look on man, cultures, and societies built on the current advances in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum philosophy, and quantum consciousness. The authors have developed an inspiring theoretical framework... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologySociology of CultureAnthropology
This volume presents the papers of an international colloquium on the archaeology of houses and households in ancient Crete held in Ierapetra in May 2005. The 38 papers presented here range from a discussion of household activities at... more
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      Anthropology of spaceAnthropology Of ArtGreek ArchaeologyHousehold Archaeology
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureFolkloreMythology
"For the introduction article follow the link below, if you want to learn more about the book as a whole check out the Ashgate website
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      Jewish StudiesSpace and PlaceAnthropology of spaceSocial Production of Space
In this chapter, I draw on Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy to explore environmental embodiment—the various lived ways, sensorily and motility-wise, that the body in its pre-reflective perceptual presence engages and synchronizes with the world... more
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      Human GeographyPerceptionArchitectureSpace Syntax
The tradition of placing objects and symbols within, under, on, and around buildings for supernatural protection and good luck, as an act of formal or informal consecration, or as an element of other magico-religious or mundane ritual,... more
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      ArtApotropaic DevicesColonial AmericaAlchemy
This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier: Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose... more
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      Urban GeographySpace SciencesSpace SyntaxEnvironmental Psychology
Considérées comme les « arrière-cours » du paysage urbain israélien, les villes pluriethniques ont surtout été étudiées à la lumière du paradigme de la marginalité. Or ce paradigme omet de reconnaître la dimension sociale de ces espaces,... more
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      CreativityRadical GeographyIsrael StudiesSpace and Place
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Recenti studi affermano che le attività a reale valore aggiunto in ufficio non superano oggi il 5% delle ore lavorative e che, mediamente, un impiegato subisce più di 70 interruzioni al giorno. L'autore affronta le problematiche... more
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      Environmental StudiesAnthropology of spaceProxemicsOffice Design
Salt domes are geological features that occur when areas of salt deposits are pressured into layers above them, causing dome shaped distortions in horizontal strata. In some instances, the distortions protrude above flat areas of land or... more
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      Space and PlaceIsland StudiesAnthropology of spaceSense of Place
In September 2003, dozens of Guaraní families from the town of Hipólito Yrigoyen in northwest Argentina decided to take back La Loma, the forested hill that stands at the edge of town and from where they had been expelled decades earlier... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceArgentinaBolivia
Ce texte presente une ethnographie realisee au Bresil, avec trois familles portugaises dont le parcours de vie transnationale est passe par le Portugal, le Mozambique puis le Bresil. Dans leurs parcours, les membres des familles etudiees... more
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      ArtAnthropology of spaceMigration StudiesDiaspora Studies
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      Anthropology of spacePhilosophy of TimeBig Data
როგორც ჰენრი ლეფებვრე ამბობდა, ისევე როგორც კაპიტალი, სივრცეც სოციალური პროცესია და სივრცეში, ისევე როგორც უშუალოდ სივრცის მეშვეობით ყოველთვის ხდება ძალაუფლების განხორციელება. ზუსტად სივრცის ათვისების შემდეგ ძალაუფლება იძენს... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spaceHenri LefebvreAndrei Tarkovsky
Im Frühsommer 1941 besuchte der Reichsführer-SS, Heinrich Himmler, das nahe Linz gelegene KZ Mauthausen und dessen Steinbrüche. Im Anschluss befahl er, dort und im Außenlager Gusen jeweils ein Bordell für Häftlinge einzurichten. Ihm war... more
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      Anthropology of spaceNazi GermanyConcentration CampsForced Prostitution During Armed Conflict
This article explores the class politics of inclusion. Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork, I examine a community campaign organized to oppose the closure of a pub to make way for urban redevelopment and the local Council's and property... more
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      GeographyGender StudiesQueer TheoryGender and Sexuality
In a compelling mix of literary narrative and ethnography, anthropologist Alma Gottlieb and writer Philip Graham continue the long journey of cultural engagement with the Beng people of Cote d'Ivoire that they first recounted in their... more
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      Creative WritingCreative NonfictionComparative LiteratureAnthropology
Taksim 360, located in the Tarlabaşı neighborhood of Istanbul, is one of the first state-led urban transformation projects in Turkey. Originally scheduled to be finished in 2014, the project is still under construction. Concordant with... more
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      Middle East StudiesSpace and PlacePolitical AnthropologyUrban Anthropology
""Life at Home in the Twenty-First Century cross-cuts the ranks of important books on social history, consumerism, contemporary culture, the meaning of material culture, domestic architecture, and household ethnoarchaeology. Far richer in... more
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      Visual AnthropologyEthnoarchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesChildren and Families
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      Anthropology of spaceSpace Ethics
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      EthnographyAnthropology of spaceColonial Architecture
Num contexto de desequilíbrio entre a oferta e a procura de habitação, de sobrecarga do território e de diminuição do arrojo económico, a reutilização de fogos existentes surge como um caminho inevitável. A compreensão dos mecanismos... more
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      Anthropology of spaceArchitectural HistoryHousing and Dwelling (Architecture)20th Century
Resumo: Num Estado de Direito, a luta política entre os vários grupos, que defendem ou atacam interesses de classe, económicos, profissionais, geracionais, de género, ou outros, embora regulada, é uma constante. Governos, empresas e... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSemioticsReligionHistory
This papers examines Arab migrants' paths in Milan, the way they settled in and dwell in the oldest migration area in Milan, via Padova, space habits that allow them to live in a network of relationships, focussing on women's experience... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyUrban AnthropologyAnthropology of space
Welche Beziehung besteht zwischen unserem Körper und dem Raum, der ihn umgibt? Reagiert unser Körper auf die verschiedenen architektonischen Formen, mit denen wir in Kontakt kommen? Falls ja, wie? Wie reagiert unser Körper auf Signale der... more
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      AnthropologyDance StudiesAnthropology Of DanceAnthropology of space
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      Human GeographySocial PolicyPlace AttachmentPlace and Identity
This paper explores the emergence of coworking spaces in Slovenia in the 2010s as a response to economic pressures and youth culture fads and explores the distinction between self-generated and top-down developed coworking spaces. While... more
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      EntrepreneurshipYouth StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEconomic Anthropology
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      Media StudiesAnthropology of spaceTheater and filmPost-Colonialism
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      Women's StudiesRefugee StudiesAnthropology of spaceSociology of Space
After our late night conversations at the small bar attached to Sauden's grocery shop in the southern part of Mulwene, a peri-urban neighbourhood on the outskirts of Maputo, Mozambique, I walked slowly home with Daniel and Celso, my two... more
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      ArchitectureAnthropology of spacePersonhoodGilles Deleuze
Hospitals are designed as spaces of improvement. Yet an accumulation of infrastructural projects can lead over time to the emergence of a layered landscape made up of multiple incongruous planned spaces. This article focuses on Madang... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of spacePapua New GuineaAffect (Cultural Theory)
Resumo Como funciona um mercado no qual os compradores provêm de outro país e onde muitos dos comerciantes e trabalhadores moram do outro lado da fronteira? O artigo analisa a dinâmica comercial de Ciudad del Este, importante centro... more
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      SociologyAnthropology of spaceBorders and FrontiersAntropología y Sociología Jurídica
ansal ler kentin kolbine b ( YürüYüŞ Ömüı Hormonsoh ''Sczgilcıiııin kcnclisini -vanıLıal:iltıcclğiııtl irrıııırlıyiı 1ıı'sIarsı Ştllriıde (3ylııılaçağınclen kıışkrısu vcıIıtu hiç: Hilüiiyelelali kdlalisini ayarl(ta trt1iıö. ]]ir kairi]ıı... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureSpace and PlaceUrban Planning
Asentamientos cartoneros y conflictos en el espacio público porteño: el caso de la ocupación de un playón en
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of spaceUrban Poverty
In Spain, the birth of interest in the nation's industrial heritage dates from the 1980s and occurred alongside the process of deindustrialization. Policies concerning derelict industrial sites have shifted gradually from destruction to... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical GeographySpace Sciences
LUOGHI DI NON-USO E «GIARDINI NOMADI» QUARTO SPAZIO. LUOGHI DI NON-USO E «GIARDINI NOMADI» Lo spazio è il rifl esso dei processi dinamici uomo/natura. Dalle aree naturali protette alle aree antropizzate, lo spazio è analizzato a fondo dal... more
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    • Anthropology of space
La genèse des mots de l'habiter renvoie davantage à des relations économiques et sociales qu'au bâtir ou à la géographie. Ainsi Benveniste, lorsqu'il décrit les quatre cercles de l'appartenance sociale dans le Vocabulaire des institutions... more
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      Urban AnthropologyAnthropology of spaceUrban StudiesÉmmanuel Lévinas
Convocatória para inscrições no Grupo de Trabalho: Abordagens etnográficas contemporâneas sobre paisagem: naturezas e culturas na América Latina. XIII Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul – 22-25 de Julho – UFRGS – Porto Alegre. –––––––... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesClimate ChangeEthnography
Concebido como um guia para um possível percurso de leitura, este pequeno livro foi organizado de forma a tentar responder a três objectivos: primeiro, transmitir aos leitores a informação teórica e etnográfica que constitui o património... more
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      Space and PlaceAnthropology of space
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Although Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch roughly date to the same era (late 1st to mid-2nd century) and respond to the same catastrophe (destruction of the Second Temple), use the same narrative device of pseudepigraphy and narrative foil... more
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      Jewish StudiesSpace and PlaceHistory and MemoryEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)
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      HistoryModern HistoryEconomic HistoryLandscape Ecology
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
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      Gender StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaSpace and PlaceAnthropology of space
The Ortiz Basualdo palace was built in Buenos Aires about 1912, by Paul Pater, a French architect which studied at the Ecole of Beaux Arts in Paris. The present paper tries to explain the antecedents and the architectural composition of... more
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      American HistoryAnthropology of spaceClassical language
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      ReligionAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageRitual
Documento que reúne as considerações tecidas a propósito dos quatro capítulos em análise, apresentadas em regime de seminário no âmbito da disciplina em epígrafe.
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    • Anthropology of space