Anthropology of Sexuality
Recent papers in Anthropology of Sexuality
Based on a detailed ethnography, this book explores the promises and expectations of tourism in Cuba, drawing attention to the challenges that tourists and local people face in establishing meaningful connections with each other. Notions... more
How can we, as Beatriz Colomina (1992) has called for, 'reread theories of sexualities in architectural terms and architecture in sexual terms' and 'how is the question of space already inscribed in the question of sexuality'? Taking as... more
The dramatic development of women and gender studies over the past decades has profound implications for anthropological research. The course begins with a historical look at the emergence of women and gender issues in the field of... more
Sex and sexuality have been approached in anthropology either as a topic of investigation or as a methodological concern, in the latter case, with regard to the anthropologist’s own sexual or romantic involvements in the field. Based on... more
Вступ до книжки "Криптадії Федора Вовка: винайдення сороміцького. Етнографія сексуальности на межі XIX–XX століть" , упоряд., підгот. текстів, комент. та покажч., археогр. і бібліогр. опрац. Марії Маєрчик і Олени Боряк; вступ. стаття... more
The Eastern Slavic rusalki are feminine mythological beings commonly associated with water, death, and sexuality. They have been thoroughly ethnographically described, classified and compared. This paper presents a re-evaluation of D. K.... more
Pregnancy is considered a feminine experience in mainstream Canadian culture. Babies identified as female at birth are expected to grow up to become feminine heterosexual mothers. This research considers the desires, choices, and... more
When the culture ignored people who did not identify with their own sex, it was much simpler. You could be sure that someone dressed like a woman was a female, and those dressed like a man was a male. In fact, you never even questioned... more
« Pourquoi Seth a-t-il cherché (et réussi) à sodomiser son neveu Horus ? » La question peut faire sourire mais à travers plusieurs textes anciens dont le Papyrus Chester Beatty I, elle est révélatrice de la façon dont les Egyptiens... more
An overview of urban studies of anthropology in anthropology and similar fields (geography, archeology). Discusses San Francisco, Bangkok and other world cities; discussions of public sex, prostitution, gay organizing.
Tomando como corpus de analise a revista sadomasoquista e fetichista norte-americana Bizarre, editada entre 1946 e 1959 por John Willie, o presente artigo busca refletir sobre a relação entre o conteúdo da publicação e seus leitores,... more
Sexuality has been one of the anthropological field to investigate, since the time anthropologists started to account the life of premieres. The study of sexuality has changed enormously in the history of anthropology. Studying sexuality... more
Provides a short overview of sex roles among the Pukhtun of Swat, Northern Pakistan
Sex work has long been of interest to a variety of fields, among them anthropology, sociology, public health, and feminist theory, to name but a few. However, with very few exceptions, sociolinguistics seems to have ignored the fact that... more
In a recent article titled “Kartuli Mama-p’ap’uri Seksi” (Georgian Ancestral Sex), Aleko Tskhitishvili asks the following question: “was there ever sex [seksi] in Georgia, or not?”1 But what is sex? The Georgian term seksi is a recent... more
Nos últimos anos, iniciou-se no Brasil um processo de desenvolvimento de políticas públicas voltadas para a população LGBT (lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais), a partir de conferências levadas a cabo nas instâncias... more
Existe abundante investigación sobre la teoría del amor cortés pero poca sobre su relación con los usos sociales. Las obras literarias y los tratados para la educación de la aristocracia sugieren que era ampliamente aceptado como pauta... more
What would the world be like if we really did have the right to choose our sexuality and pleasurable sexual relations? Karin Ronge, Women for Women's Human Rights, Turkey Sexuality has had a place in international development from the... more
|| Προλογικά Δήμητρα Βασιλειάδου, Τα πάντα γύρω από το σεξ; Δήμητρα Βασιλειάδου, Γλαύκη Γκότση, Κοιτάζοντας πιο κοντά: η σεξουαλικότητα στην εγχώρια έρευνα και βιβλιογραφία || Λόγοι των «ειδικών» και σεξουαλικές πρακτικές Βασιλική... more
Sex is not an activity commonly open to observation. Therefore, when a discipline such as anthropology, whose knowledge is mainly based on learning through participant observation, takes sexual practices as its object of analysis, a... more
The importance of interpersonal and sexual relations and realized sexuality in the concepts of subjective well-being is considered quite often, but the understanding of sexual well-being is presented rather vaguely, mainly... more
El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar los modos en que las condiciones de clase y de género se entrecruzan y constituyen moralidades diferenciales en las trayectorias afectivas y sexuales de los jóvenes. Se entiende a lo afectivo-sexual... more
la decaPitación coMo sÍMBolo de castración entre los MeXicas -Y otros GruPos MesoaMericanos-Y sus connotaciones GenÉricas jAime echeVerríA GArcíA miriAm lóPez hernández Introducción los ámbitos de la decapitación entre los nahuas y otros... more
Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal RODRÍGUEZ-SHADOW, MARÍA J.;LÓPEZ HERNÁNDEZ, MIRIAM Antropología y arqueología de la sexualidad: premisas teóricas y conceptuales Contribuciones desde Coatepec,... more
Premarital Intimate Relationships among Young People in Villages and Cities of Eastern and Central Ukraine in the Early Twentieth Century.
If only sex could be risk-free. No potential children or child-support payments to worry about. No relationship hassles. No health risks. Just plain gratification. Enter the sexbot, a robot built for the sexual pleasure of men and women.... more
Commonwealth Caribbean countries have retained or reformed colonial laws that criminalise sexual activities between persons of the same sex. These colonial laws began as a more general prohibition against all types of non-procreative... more
In this course we will examine passages central to human experience as they are framed within and across traditions and new structures of meaning-making. We will approach our study through literature, history, ethnographic accounts,... more
2009, en Contribuciones desde Coatepec, núm. 16, enero-junio, pp. 77-89.
The concept of identifying the macrocosm (the surrounding world) and the microcosm (the man) in relation to the principle of thought in binary oppositions creates a representation of an anthropomorphized cosmos in the archaic... more
los ambitos de la decapitacion entre los nahuas y otros grupos mesoamericanos fueron diversos, y su importancia se hace de inmediato evidente en los codices, vasijas, bajorrelieves y restos oseos, entre otros materiales prehispanicos, asi... more
Сущность и игра полов в Мироздании.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
The essence and the game of sexes in the Universe.
In just over a decade, mobile phones have become part of everyday life almost everywhere, radically transforming how we access and exchange information. Many have argued that in Africa, where most have gone from no phone to mobile phone,... more
Resumen El propósito del artículo es explorar cómo se ha concebido la maternidad durante la época prehispánica, particularmente entre los antiguos nahuas. Mediante la revisión de fuentes etnohistóricas y arqueológicas se estudiarán... more