Anthropology of Reproduction
Recent papers in Anthropology of Reproduction
The symbolism of the two complementary figurines found at the Chalcolithic site of Gilat—a woman with a churn and a ram with cornets—is reconsidered. The male sexual symbolism of the ram, the seminal associations of the cornets, and their... more
Patient Citizens, Immigrant Mothers:
Mexican Women, Public Prenatal Care,
and the Birth-Weight Paradox. Alyshia
Gálvez, New Brunswick: Rutgers University
Press, 2011. 211 pp.
Nicole S. Berry
Simon Fraser University
Mexican Women, Public Prenatal Care,
and the Birth-Weight Paradox. Alyshia
Gálvez, New Brunswick: Rutgers University
Press, 2011. 211 pp.
Nicole S. Berry
Simon Fraser University
What kinds of parents do South African gay men and lesbians want to be? What reproductive and parental decision-making challenges do they face in their families and communities? In this case study, we focus on the reproductive and... more
Este articulo analiza la reproducción humana, que no es sólo un proceso biológico, puesto que esta determinada por las condiciones materiales y las relaciones sociales. Esta es una de las conclusiones extraídas de la revisión de estudios... more
This chapter discusses parental collective efforts to challenge existing medical and state authorities in the Czech Republic and to change the current birth care system for the better. In the Czech Republic the issue of ‘natural... more
Ta en oiko mi en dimo is a popular Greek proverb meaning that whatever happens at household [ oikos] should not be exposed into public [ dimos]. In the Greek cultural context sexuality, reproduction, family relations belong to the realm... more
This is the introduction to Birthing a Mother (an ethnography about gestational surrogates and intended mothers) as well as the first chapter on the surrogate's experience of the surrogacy process.
Scholars have long debated the relationship between morality and the market. Some argue that morality tempers market interests, while others argue that the market has its own moral order. Meanwhile, feminist scholars have argued that a... more
In my undergraduate thesis I explored the possibility that Ancient Greek fertility cults ritualized certain ethnobotanical practices that might today have been called "abortion," but at the time, would have been thought of in a very... more
"Las relaciones de parentesco han sido definidas en términos de altruismo y mutualidad de los seres. En estas relaciones se sintetiza el aspecto cooperativo de los humanos. Los parientes son personas que participan intrínsecamente en la... more
"En la introducción del libro The Ethics of Anthropology: Debates and Dilemmas publicado en 2003, su editora, la antropóloga británica P. Caplan (2003) señalaba que en los años precedentes, especialmente desde 1997, se había producido una... more
The anthropology of mothering is the cultural study of mothering. In this field, as with all other topics of study, anthropologists focus on cultural beliefs and practices holistically and through cross-cultural comparison. This is... more
Pregnancy is considered a feminine experience in mainstream Canadian culture. Babies identified as female at birth are expected to grow up to become feminine heterosexual mothers. This research considers the desires, choices, and... more
Pregnancy is considered a feminine experience in mainstream Canadian culture. Babies identified as female at birth are expected to grow up to become feminine heterosexual mothers. This research considers the desires, choices, and... more
El libro trata sobre las conexiones entre el aborto voluntario y las relaciones de género, con énfasis en las políticas del cuerpo y de la reproducción.
The basic misunderstandings of sexuality in western culture derive from culturally constructed stigma of interpreting Sexuality as sin, violence and perversion. The basic and still living mistake was initialized by churchfather St.... more
Based on eight interviews with Danish gay male couples and one gay man, who had or were planning to become fathers through transnational commercial surrogacy, I examine the ways the men form family subjectivities between traditional... more
This review analyzes the emerging literature on reproductive tourism through a metaphorical “reproscope,” focusing largely on cross-border egg donation and surrogacy as the prime areas of contemporary anthropological investigation. While... more
Introduction chapter. In parts of West Africa, some babies and toddlers are considered spirit children—nonhumans sent from the forest to cause misfortune and destroy the family. These are usually deformed or ailing infants, the very... more
In this article, I examine the meaning of natural bodies and natural births in contemporary midwifery in Canada and explore the impact of these central concepts on the embodied experiences of pregnant and birthing women. The ideal of a... more
The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that childhood attachment predicts whether a person has children in later life. Although being a parent is considered a typical part of the human life cycle in most parts of the... more
This paper examines the significance of the chemical pregnancy as a new reproductive experience in the United States today. Early pregnancy testing initially detects the presence of hCG, the so-called pregnancy hormone, but later testing... more
This paper is about the clinical principle of informed choice — the hallmark feature of the midwifery model of care in Ontario, Canada. Drawing on ethnographic history interviews with midwives, I trace the origins of the idea of informed... more
Hace cuarenta años, en un trabajo sobre antropología y adopción, Jack Goody (1969), señaló que en las sociedades occidentales la adopción tiene tres funciones esenciales: a) proveer de un hogar a huérfanos, expósitos y menores con... more
Nociones de cuerpo, sujeto y persona fundamentarían actuales debates éticos-políticos sobre las llamadas tecnologías de reproducción asistida (ART). Las ART encarnarían promesas y amenazas a lo considerado vida humana. Desarrolladas para... more
Based on research about the infertility experiences of women and demand for in vitro fertilisation treatment in Turkey, I observe in this paper the rhetorical strategies employed by childless women to bring meaning to their infertility... more
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
U ovom se članku obrađuje tema trudnoće i poroda kao predmeta istraživanja antropologije. Predstavlja se antropologija trudnoće i poroda kao poddisciplina unutar šireg područja medicinske antropologije i ističu se aktualna područja... more
The philosophy of “evidence-based medicine”—basing medical decisions on evidence from randomized controlled trials and other forms of aggregate data rather than on clinical experience or expert opinion—has swept U.S. medical practice in... more
Anthropologists are increasingly and critically attentive to the symbolic, ideological and political dimensions of women’s observance and ritual practice of Islam throughout Muslim contexts. However, few researchers focus on the eclectic... more
Nociones de cuerpo, sujeto y persona fundamentarían actuales debates éticos-políticos sobre las llamadas tecnologías de reproducción asistida (ART). Las ART encarnarían promesas y amenazas a lo considerado vida humana. Desarrolladas para... more
This paper analyzes the distinction between Western and post-socialist biological citizenship, formulated by Rose and Novas in terms of “active” versus “passive” biological citizenship projects, in order to propose a refinement of the... more
Nociones de cuerpo, sujeto y persona fundamentarían actuales debates éticos-políticos sobre las llamadas tecnologías de reproducción asistida (ART). Las ART encarnarían promesas y amenazas a lo considerado vida humana. Desarrolladas para... more
Based on evolutionary theory, Trivers & Willard (TW) predicted the existence of mechanisms that lead parents with high levels of resources to bias offspring sex composition to favor sons and parents with low levels of resources to favor... more