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Over the past decade and a half, psychedelic drug-induced experiences have been returning to psychiatry as promising new healing modalities. The case of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy can inform how we think about the context of drug... more
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      Medical SociologyPsychedelicsAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsContainment
In 2002, following reports of adverse side effects experienced by Japanese patients taking the antipsychotic medication, Zyprexa, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare required Eli Lilly & Co. to place a new warning label on its... more
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      Japanese StudiesPsychiatryMedical AnthropologyEconomic Anthropology
This review discusses a growing body of scholarship at the intersection of anthropology and science and technology studies (STS) that examines how drugs are rendered efficacious in laboratories, therapeutic settings, and everyday lives.... more
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      Medical AnthropologyBodies and CultureDrugs and drug cultureMateriality (Anthropology)
Europe, in this paper I examine what people within Pentecostal faith communities do with pharmaceuticals. As shown by research on 'the social life of medicines,' medical objects such as pills and capsules can be used in a number of ways.... more
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      PovertyGlobal citiesGentrificationGhana
In the contemporary United States, matters of life and health have become key political concerns. Important to this politics of life is the desire to overcome racial inequalities in health; from heart disease to diabetes, the populations... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMedical SociologyMedical AnthropologyHistory of Medicine
Le sommaire de ce numéro revues/sante pub/sss/ text.html Montrouge, le 06/06/2012 Emmanuelle Simon Vous trouverez ci-après le tiréà part de votre article au formatélectronique (pdf)... more
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      Traditional MedicineAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
Ethnographic inquiry into Ayurvedic commodification in Kerala revealed the prevalence of a distinct regional pharmaceutical market dominated by physician-manufacturers, oriented towards supplying classical medicines to Ayurvedic doctors.... more
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      Medical AnthropologyTraditional MedicineAyurvedaTraditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Aim: The pharmaceutical industries spend a significant amount on the advertisement and promotion of their products, of which the largest division is spent on the visits of sales representatives of these industries to the physicians.... more
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      Pharmaceutical EducationPharmaceutical TechnologyPharmaceutical CarePharmaceutical Biochemistry
Doctors aren't that corruptible.
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    • Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals
In July 2012, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the commercial use of an antiretroviral pharmaceutical to prevent HIV. This method of preventing HIV is known as HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). The single... more
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      Medical AnthropologyHIV/AIDSPleasureBiopolitics
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologyPolitical EconomyIntellectual Property
Resumo: Apesar da risperidona e quetiapina não estarem disponível nos protocolos clínicos terapêuticos do SUS para o tratamento de Sintomas Psico lógicos e Co mportamentais da Demência (SPCD), ambos são amplamente utilizados pelos... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPharmacyClinical PharmacologyAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyPolitical Economy
"Pharmaceuticals have increasingly been analysed as objects. This carves out a particular place for pharmaceuticals in the analysis of material things, and of material things in the analysis of pharmaceuticals. Whilst material culture... more
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      AnthropologyMaterial Culture StudiesAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
The paper aims to discuss some findings of an ongoing research on pharmaceuticals in the Regional state of Tgray of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The paper focuses on the market of pharmaceuticals, local and imported. It... more
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      African StudiesAnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      Medical AnthropologyChild and adolescent mental healthCommunity-Based Mental Health ServicesMedical Anthropology/ antropología médica
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySelf and IdentityPsychopharmacology
Over the years, medical anthropology like the discipline of anthropology as whole has gone through a lots of changes. The present article discusses about one of these latest modifications, a paradigmatic shift which spared the... more
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    • Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals
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      African StudiesAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsBiocapitalScience and Technology Studies
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      Economic SociologyJapanese StudiesMedical AnthropologyEconomic Anthropology
DSM-5 contains a far more detailed exposition of the place of "culture" in psychopathology than any previous edition of the manual. At the same time, "culture" has also become the basis from which two of the major attacks on DSM-5 have... more
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      PsychiatrySociology of Mental Health & IllnessAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
A short graphic ethnography about Athens' social clinics of solidarity and their grassroots provision of medicine.
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      Medical AnthropologyEthnography (Research Methodology)Comics and Graphic NovelsAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
In 2006, the United States Department of Defense developed for the first time official criteria for the use of psychopharmaceuticals “in theater”—in the physical and tactical spaces of military operations including active combat. Based on... more
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      AnthropologyPsychological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
This chapter explores that role that racial minority communities in the United States have played in advocating for race-based medicine. Specifically, it looks at African-Americans as central players in the making of BiDil, a heart... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMedical SociologyMedical AnthropologyAnthropology of the Body
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      Political EconomyBioethicsAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
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      Medical AnthropologyAnthropology of FoodDrugs and drug cultureSymbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)
This paper discusses re-emergence of Korean medicine(s) in the global context with a focus on a natural drug JOINS, a highly contentious drug regarding its legal status. By following through its life world, the paper contends that the... more
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      Anthropology of PharmaceuticalsHerbal MedicinePostcolonial Studies of Science
This essay will discuss aspects of a ‘biographical approach’ to the anthropological study of pharmaceuticals. First, the biographical approach will be discussed in connection to ‘cultural biography of things’ (Kopytoff 2005). Second, I... more
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      Medical AnthropologyAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
Mo d e r a ç ã o : C r i s t i a n a B a s t o s (I C S-U L i s b o a) C h i a C h i a r a P u s s e t t i (I C S-U L i s b o a) B i o t e c n o l o g i a s d e a p r i mo r a me n t o h u ma n o e n t r e b i o p o l í t i c a e b i o e... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of the BodyAnthropology of emotionsHuman Enhancement
Editor Invited Book Review of Chorev, Nitsan. Give and take: developmental foreign aid and the pharmaceutical industry in East Africa. xiv, 305 pp., bibliogr. Princeton: Univ. Press, 2019.
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      Medical SociologyAfrican StudiesMedical AnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Qu’est ce qu’un corps ? Comment la guérison est elle pratiquée, reçue et évaluée ? Partant d’une analyse du parcours des hormones sexuelles – objets hybrides et complexes – dans les pratiques cliniques et les récits sur le corps, les... more
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      AnthropologyOntologyPsychedelicsAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyAnthropology of the BodyGender and Sexuality
With the tenth anniversary of the landmark publication Social Lives of Medicines , new avenues arise for exploring the 'thinginess of things' . This paper, based on fieldwork carried out between 2001 and 2008, discusses how 'the Chinese... more
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      Medical AnthropologyMalariaAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsEthnobiology and Traditional Knowledge of Medicinal Plant in Healthcare System
In Racial Prescriptions, Jonathan Xavier Inda offers a critical and timely analysis of the making of BiDil, the first (and only) drug that was marketed exclusively to African Americans. Sibille Merz speaks to him about the re-articulation... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMedical SociologyHistory of MedicineRace and Racism
The degradation behavior of cefixime trihydrate was investigated under different stress conditions of acidic hydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis and oxidation using spectrophotometry. Stability indicating spectrophotometric methods were... more
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      Clinical PharmacologyCommunity PharmacyAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsClinical Pharmacy
Competing Orders of Medical care in Ethiopia. From Traditional Healers to Pharmaceutical Companies, Lexington Books, 2019. Competing Orders of Medical Care in Ethiopia traces the development of pharmaceutical products and medical remedies... more
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologySocial AnthropologyEthnography
Over the years, medical anthropology like the discipline of anthropology as whole has gone through a lots of changes. The present article discusses about one of these latest modifications, a paradigmatic shift which spared the... more
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    • Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals
The last two decades have seen an exponential growth in the consumption and prescription of psychostimulants for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) worldwide. While much has been said in the literature about... more
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      Social TheoryGlobalizationADHD (Psychology)Localization
This article draws on ethnographic research at iThemba Pharmaceuticals, a small South African startup pharmaceutical company with an elite international scientific board. The word ‘iThemba’ is Zulu for ‘hope’, and so far drug discovery at... more
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      Global HealthAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsSouth AfricaPostcolonial Studies of Science
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      Gender StudiesMedical AnthropologyLoveAnthropology of Kinship
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      Medical AnthropologySocial History of MedicineAnthropology of Pharmaceuticals
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      African StudiesLatin American StudiesAnthropologyMedical Anthropology
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      Intellectual PropertyHumanitarianismHIV/AIDSCapitalism
After the Civil War and the defeat of Derg (1991), the new government in Ethiopia has started a program of liberalization of economy. This has involved the health system too, giving rise to new health enterprises both in clinical sector... more
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      African StudiesMedical AnthropologyEthnographyEthiopian Studies
In north Indian psychiatry, clinical attentions to women's symptoms often involve scrutiny of emotions related to marriage and its breakdown. In pharmaceutically oriented practice, relations are used to evaluate biologies, and drugs... more
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      PsychiatryGender StudiesMedical AnthropologyWomen's Studies
this book aims at placing research materials on Nzema local knowledge at the disposal of students of medical anthropology and traditional medicine. The materials set forth concern nosographical, ethnobotanic and pharmacological knowledge... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyEthnobotanyEthnography
With the United States military stretched thin in the ''global war on terror,'' military officials have embraced psychopharmaceuticals in the effort to enable more troops to remain ''mission-capable.'' Within the intimate conditions in... more
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      AnthropologyPsychological AnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
This panel invites ethnographic accounts of the way il/licit drugs are made to do things in laboratories, therapeutic settings, drug outlets and everyday lives across regulatory settings in the Global North and South. It takes as point of... more
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      Medical AnthropologyDrugs and drug cultureAnthropology of PharmaceuticalsScience and Technology Studies
Abstract The increase in use and distribution of pharmaceuticals on a global scale has caused pharmaceuticals to play an integral role in the notions of quality of health. This study is concerned with how Western medication is transacted... more
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    • Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals