Anthropology of Humour
Recent papers in Anthropology of Humour
Although it has been an almost ubiquitous discourse from ancient times to the present, satirists and critics do not agree on a single definition of satire. A synthetic definition of satire could be reached through a critical survey of its... more
Publication date: 2014
Publication name: Suomen antropologi - Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 4 / 2014
Publication name: Suomen antropologi - Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society 4 / 2014
comienzos hasta el principio del periodo histórico. Para ello hemos considerado tres grandes hitos de la historia: el origen del lenguaje, el surgimiento del arte y la aparición de la escritura.
A partir de materiales etnográficos de campo, se describen diversas instancias de fenómenos que hacen reír a los chacobo (Pano) de la Amazonía boliviana en contextos discursivos o prácticos como la caza, las fiestas, las relaciones... more
Humour has constantly intrigued scholars and has been extensively analysed from disciplines as varied as anthropology, sociology, psychology, neuroscience or linguistics. Within this, it has received due attention from discourse and... more
This course examines the link between political economy and the everyday, lived social relations. Taking stock of new political anthropology, it showcases some available approaches for understanding the political from a grassroots,... more
The paper intends to track the naming criteria for dogs among the chané. Links between onomastics and diverse cultural contexts are thus analysed - such as the daily treatment and attitudes towards dogs, mythic symbolism, etymology, human... more
With a few remaining Yaminahua and Pacaguara, the Chacobo are currently the only Pano-speaking group of Bolivian Amazonia. Through ethnographic description the paper analyses practical, symbolic and discourse contexts such as hunting,... more
This paper explores two different forms of male soci-ality in a coastal village in southern Sri Lanka, where sociality, in both cases, is expressed through a combination of humour and deception. I illustrate how men express friendship and... more
In seinem Essay "Frames of comic freedom" beschreibt Umberto Eco das Komische als das Resultat einer Regelverletzung, die von jemandem begangen wurde, den wir als "Barbaren" abtun können. Voraussetzung ist, dass uns der andere nicht allzu... more
"In the best-known in C. S. Lewis's (1898-1963) heptad of children's books about Narnia, an old professor is approached by two children who worry that their little sister is deranged because she claims to have passed through a wardrobe... more
On 23 August 2009 YouTube user TheKassitus released the video Mihemmed – Niilin hanhet (’Geese of Nile’), which by May 2010 had been nearly 2,5 million times. In the video, the Syrian Kurd musician Ebdo Mihemed (Abdo Mohamed in Arabic)... more
In Anthropology, the body is perceived as something which can be influenced by culture and society. The ‘physical’ body is constantly modified by social categories, and there can “be no naturally way of considering the body that does not... more
Although it has been an almost ubiquitous discourse from ancient times to the present, satirists and critics do not agree on a single definition of satire. A synthetic definition of satire could be reached through a critical survey of its... more
This article focuses on the analysis of gossip that is done in a playful key, including laughter as a salient feature, drawing on extracts taken from two naturally occurring conversations among Galician female undergraduate students. The... more
Según los casos latinos, se declina el silencio en relación con el humor, en una frase. Nominativo: plantea la importancia del sujeto psicológico. Vocativo: nuestro tiempo tiene verdadera necesidad de invocar ambos elementos (silencio y... more
Der Beitrag fragt nach den Qualitäten populären Humors, genauer: populären Lachens. Mit Mary Douglas trennt er die humoristischen Texte und Performanzen als Lachanlässe von den Leistungen und Funktionen des Lachens selbst - die sind... more
Im Folgenden geht es um Lachen als soziale Praxis. Dabei können wir vom verbreiteten Kriegshumor nicht direkt auf das Kriegslachen schließen. Lachen in einem anthropologisch auch nur etwas strikteren Sinn bezeichnet nicht etwa die... more