Anthropology of Dress
Recent papers in Anthropology of Dress
Book review. Michael Carter: Being Prepared: Aspects of Dress and Dressing. Sydney: Puncher & Wattmann, 2017, 210 pp., ISBN 978-1-9221-8694-2. The meanings of dress, clothing and fashion are so intermingled nowadays that it is hard to... more
This article considers how entrepreneurs’ fashion themselves as founders. Based on ethnographic research conducted in Australia, we discuss whether the informal dress codes of the startup world neutralize gender differences.... more
Kyoto people have an expression, 'kidaore'. If you kidaore, you dress to destruction: you spend all of your money on clothing and fashion. How we dress and represent ourselves is integral to our cultural identity but dress is more than... more
Мода и стил - това са понятия, неразривно свързани едно с друго. Между тези две явления има и винаги е имало симбиоза. Модата се променя постоянно, а въвеждането на нови модни стилове се случва ежедневно. Стилът обаче надхвърля честите... more
This article presents an interdisciplinary approach to fashion theory, in support of those studies in the field of subcultures and alternative lifestyles. The thesis of this work is that fashion shows the lasting correlation between forms... more
The aim of this paper is to analyse how archetypes of dress are used as costumes in performance art. I will focus on the 'archetype' because this concept allows going beyond the materiality of dress and provides insight into narratives of... more
ה י ר ו ט ס י ה ל י ל א ר ש י ן י ז ג מ | w w w. s e g u l a m a g . c o m 88 גיליון | תוכן שטריימל, 14 קולפיק ספודיק, מאז מזוהה היה לא הידוע החסידי הפרווה כובע עם לא... more
Единственото последователно поведение на модата е, че тя се променя непрекъснато сезон след сезон. Множество изследователи и теоретици се опитват да създадат модели и теории, които да послужат за по-доброто разбиране или своевременна... more
Прича о српској сремској ношњи је прича о моди, идентитету и настанку једног националног костима. Она је била креација која је настала залагањем чланица Кола српских сестара из Старе Пазове, са циљем да се обнови сеоска ношња у Срему, те... more
This is a draft and I would appreciate any comments or critique of its form or content.
Texto publicado en:
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
This work reconstructs the repertory of insignia of rank and the contexts and symbolic meanings of their use, along with their original terminology, among the Nahuatl-speaking communities of Mesoamerica from the fifteenth through the... more
(In Greek) A theoretical review of social studies of dress startiing from Veblen and Simmel, moving on to semiotics and structuralism, the biopolitical turn of the 1980s, phenomenology and embodiment and, finally, the implications of... more
Common knowledge about Second World War prisoner identification in Nazi concentration camps usually focuses on the registration process and the striped uniforms issued to new inmates. Recent research on concentration camp clothing based... more
El vestir es una de las manifestaciones de la vida cotidiana donde mejor es posible diferenciar la opulencia de la pobreza que caracteriza la Cuba decimonónica. Distintas fuentes del período destacan que la preocupación por el bien lucir... more
The second half of the 4 th century and the beginning of the 3 rd century BC witnessed an eastward expansion of the area inhabited by Celtic communities. Large territories from the eastern Carpathian Basin (the Great Hungarian Plain and... more
The essay uses contemporary anthropological and sociological study of dress and nakedness to consider nakedness in the Book of Revelation as part of a gendered apocalyptic fashion code and following Bourdieu the generation of a form of... more
Huulthin (shawls) play an important role in Nuu-chah-nulth First Nations’ oral histories, social organization, and ceremonial life. Drawing upon archival, material, museum, and ethnographic data, this research explores changes in huulthin... more
El llamado del diseño hoy para Colombia y Latinoamérica es a ser relacional, participativo, diverso y plural, permitiendo restablecer la conexión cuerpo-artefacto en una comprensión holística de lo propio. Esta postura difiere a las ideas... more
Lavinia Fontana was a late Italian Renaissance painter of exceptional and formidable skill, particularly when it came to her depictions of fabric and ornamentation. The nobility of Bologna flocked to have her paint them bedecked in their... more
MA Thesis on the history of camouflage in fashion. Fashion Institute of Technology, 2011.
This dissertation investigates how people in the northern US Southwest used clothing and representations of clothing in other media to signal aspects of social identities in the Chaco and post-Chaco eras (AD 850–1300). This was a time... more
The present paper focuses on the concepts of urban and linguistic space. It considers the city as a diamesic melting pot. Graffitism is seen as a communication channel that needs to be examined in order to better understand the urban... more
Part of the website that was in the web for almost nine years between 2003 and 2011. The purpose of the website was to show Maldivians their real country,
their true cultural identity.
their true cultural identity.
Artifacts of female dress such as brooches and pendants have long been objects of interest to scholars of late Iron Age /early medieval Scandinavia. They figure in dating and tracing stylistic developments, and their presence is often... more
In her introduction to this issue, Kaiser advances a perspective that highlights dimensions of place and time in a dynamic and non-stereotypical way. Rather than treating these dimensions as background factors in the architecture of... more
Gostaria de iniciar esta reflexão, lembrando que o livro provou ser um dos objetos mais antigos da história, que, além de duradouro, é provavelmente uma das criações mais úteis e versáteis que o homem já inventou. Tornou-se o artefato... more
Modern Greece embraced the new Western European approach to dress and culture through the industrialisation of textiles. The new technology of the sewing machine and paper pattern were adopted with great enthusiasm to show the rest of... more
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In the recent Bloomsbury publication Fashion Victims: The Dangers of Dress Past and Present, author Alison Matthews David chronicles the disturbing history of the failure of clothing to protect its wearers, despite the fact that... more
This paper was presented at the Conference on Material Religion at Duke University, September 12, 2015. It offers a brief description of the religious dress practices within the Oneness Pentecostal tradition, and examines the ways in... more
From first contact in the eighteenth century many Westerners described Fijians as being "naked” or "near naked." Actually, both men and women used an extensive array of bodywear. However, Christian missionaries made it a condition of... more
Through an analysis of the ninth- to eighth-century B.C.E. mortuary assemblages from the Queens’ Tombs of Nimrud’s Northwest Palace in Iraq, this paper interprets dress elements and ensembles in terms of identity and ideology. The Queens’... more
This article presents a study of the deposition of jewellery on bodies in the third-millennium bc Mesopotamian ‘Royal Cemetery’ at Ur. Four assemblages of adornments are identified and evaluated in relation to burial type, gender, age,... more
saggio sulla vita intima di palazzo degli infanti di spagna: abito, vita diaria, amuleti, pratiche culturali e mediche, iconografía pittorica tra fine Cinquecento e inizi Seicento