Anthropological study of witchcraft and sorcery
Recent papers in Anthropological study of witchcraft and sorcery
The overwhelming majority of those accused of witchcraft during the early modern European witch-hunt were women. 80-percent of the accused were female with some regions seeing figures as high as 96 percent. The stereotype of the witch as... more
Acusações de feitiçaria a crianças e adolescentes têm emergido em diversas partes da África, com destaque para a República Democrática do Congo. Em Angola este fenômeno é observado principalmente entre o grupo étnico Bakongo. Procura-se... more
Explains why familiarity breeds contempt!
Preliminary note: This seminar paper was written in 1998 as part of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts by advanced study in The History and Literature of Witchcraft at the University of Exeter.
January, 22nd, 2016
January, 22nd, 2016
Projet de thèse : CONSTRUIRE LA FIGURE DE LA SORCIÈRE EN FRANCE À LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE (XIVe-XVe siècles) Justice, représentations, circulations des savoirs et des imaginaires Par Maxime Gelly-Perbellini École des Hautes Études en... more
La vie consacrée dont le projet est de suivre le Christ chaste, pauvre et obéissant, martyr de l'amour, dans une communauté fraternelle et apostolique en s'adaptant aux traditions et aux cultures de l'Afrique au sud du Sahara est... more
A short piece on the folklore surrounding bees - both honeybees and bumblebees
MONTANER, Alberto, "Entre la brujería y la teúrgia: formas de la magia en el Siglo de Oro", unpublished slide presentation of a plenary lecture at the conference on «Esoterismo y Brujería en la Literatura del Siglo de Oro» held at the... more
Avvertenza preliminare: la Mandragora autumalis è una solanacea dagli effetti estremamente pericolosi (vari effetti neurotossici, fino all'arresto cardiaco: si rimanda per info dettagliate su queste caratteristiche alle varie trattazioni... more
The construction of ‘sorcerers’ in the Formicarius, Malleus Malificarum, Die Emeis and other treatises presented a comparatively impoverished imagery, whereas imaging the male victims of feminine witchcraft, like the harridan-ridden... more
Используя концепцию Джорджа Стокинга о презентизме и историцизме как двух методах изучения историографии, автор данной статьи ставит вопрос о том, ограничено ли было использование эвгемеристического метода в британской фольклористике... more
ABSTRACT The Jacobean era's infamous witchcraft trials are recalled after reservoir repairs close to Pendle Hill reveal a buried cottage with bricked‐up cat. Interpretations of the building as the site of Malkin Tower, recorded in court... more
Obeah, which colonial ordinances defined capaciously as “any assumption of supernatural power,” was a crime in Trinidad until 2000, and the letter of the law continues to make Obeah a punishable offense in most of the anglophone... more
In commemoration of the release of the Book of Saint Cyprian by Nephilim Press, a short piece about the presence of Saint Cyprian in Brazil and the process by which this edition came to be.
In the wake of mass calamity, one can discern emergent specters of collective memory, trauma, and mourning over human death as well as the destruction of human dwellings. In the Philippines, a former Spanish and U.S. colony, recent... more
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
В книгу включены тексты, представляющие «отреченные», потаенные пласты русской рукописной традиции XVII—XVIII вв.: заговоры, извлеченные из ру-кописных сборников и следственных дел о колдовстве, травники и физиогно-мические трактаты, а... more
MONTANER, Alberto, «La magia y sus formas en la literatura del Siglo de Oro», en Brujería, magia y otros prodigios en la Literatura española del Siglo de Oro, ed. María Luisa Lobato, Javier San José Lera y Germán Vega, Alicante,... more
Статья посвящена феномену чуда на Кубе. Прослеживая историко-культурные особенности развития Кубы, автор развивает идею о транскультурации чуда и анализирует, как афрогенные традиции, такие как сантерия, пало монте и другие, обогатились... more
Тексты о колдунах и деревенских "профессионалах", их собственные рассказы, заговоры из архива лаборатории фольклористики РГГУ, снабженные комментариями и справочным аппаратом
A u cours de mes recherches chez les peuples indigènes de l'ouest du bassin de l'Amazone, j'ai eu de nombreuses occasions d'assister aux activités de guérisseurs et de sorciers.
This compelling volume explores how war magic and warrior religion unleash the power of the gods, demons, ghosts, and the dead. Documenting war magic and warrior religion as they are performed in diverse cultures and across historical... more
В сборнике публикуются фольклорные тексты о колдунах и представителях сельских жителей, которые пользуются магическим знанием (пастухи, плотники, охотники, повитухи и др.), а также собственно магические тексты. Все они записаны в ходе... more
The book offers a first comprehensive study of the anti-witchcraft phenomenon in Catalonia. The author presents a theoretical framework on the emergence of the European witch-craze during the Late Middle Ages, and then focuses on the... more
MONTANER, Alberto, y TAUSIET, María, «“Ojos ayrados”: Poética y retórica de la brujería», en Señales, Portentos y Demonios: La magia en la literatura y la cultura españolas del Renacimiento, Salamanca, Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y... more
Depuis des millénaires, les personnes à la chevelure rousse subissent toutes sortes de préjugés qui en ont fait des individus associés au mal, à Satan et même aux vampires à certaines époques. Mais qui sait que l’origine de la malédiction... more
Is there an epigraphic equivalent to the so-called curse-tablet? This paper aims to tease out the implications of a singular, durable residue of ancient magic and superstition (CIL 6.20905). Does the inscribed text confirm or contest the... more
Les études relatives aux contextes congolais (Brazzaville et Kinshasa) mettent en évidence, pour les deux dernières décennies, l’intensification du recours à l’imaginaire sorcellaire comme causalité des malheurs, avec les pratiques... more
Este libro es sobre los aportes teóricos y metodológicos del antropólogo norteamericano Paul Stoller. Se hace un recuento de sus principales temas como lo son la antropología de los sentidos, la memoria, el embodiment y la fenomenología.... more
Рахно Костянтин. Гончар і відьомство в білоруській та українській міфологічній прозі // Сіверянський літопис. – Чернігів, 2015. – № 5. – С. 102-107.
Eva LARA y Alberto MONTANER (coords.), Señales, Portentos y Demonios: La magia en la literatura y la cultura españolas del Renacimiento, Salamanca, Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2014, 950 pp., 232 ils.— ISBN... more
Violent Becomings conceptualizes the Mozambican state not as the bureaucratically ordered polity of the nation-state, but as a continuously emergent and violently challenged mode of ordering. In doing so, this book addresses the question... more
Consideration is given to how elements of the occult: witchcraft, magic and sorcery may be identified in the archaeological record. Working definitions of occult terminology are established before proceeding to propose a new approach,... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Review of Favret-Saada, Jeanne (foreword by Veena Das; translated by Matthew Carey). The anti-witch. xix, 115 pp., Illus., bibliogr. Chicago: Hau Books, 2015. £12.50 (paper)
This thesis focuses on the institutional practices around witchcraft accusations in a region of central India. The reluctance of anthropologists and historians to dwell on the social heterogeneity of witches, their accusers and magical... more