Anthropological demography

98 papers
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Anthropological demography is the study of human populations through the lens of anthropology, focusing on the cultural, social, and biological factors that influence population dynamics, including fertility, mortality, migration, and population structure, while emphasizing the contextual and historical aspects of demographic changes.
The deep interconnections between biology, population politics, and ethics have been strongly brought to the fore by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has highlighted the ways in which governments and state machineries calculate,... more
This paper examines the political and social transformations within Kurdish society and their impact on Kurdish identity and anthropology. These studies highlight the need for a deep understanding of the complex dynamics shaping Kurdish... more
and Business, is provided by the University Library and the IT-Services. The aim is to enable open access to the scholarly output of the WU. This document is the publisher-created published version. It is a verbatim copy of the publisher... more
El cálculo de la mortalidad infantil ha sido empleado para medir el bienestar en una población, las causas de una alta o baja mortalidad infantil dependerán del contexto en el que se estudie. La siguiente investigación tuvo como... more
Epidemias têm sido a causa do declínio populacional entre povos indígenas do continente americano, desde os primeiros contatos com os invasores europeus. Doenças como a varíola, o sarampo e as gripes, dizimaram milhões de pessoas no... more
The text only may be used under licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. All other elements (illustrations, imported files) are "All rights reserved", unless otherwise stated.
Background A vast variety of factors may cause recurrent pregnancy loss. Blood group incompatibility of parents could cause abortion. The examination of couples or twins, blood groups showed that the blood group incompatibility can affect... more
Research in several Latin American countries points to violence, loss of traditional territories, and seeking education, health, and wage labor as key variables in triggering rural–urban migration among Indigenous people. This study... more
This study investigates the demographic and health behavior of the Xavante Indians of Mato Grosso State, Central Brazil. Data covering the period 1999 to 2004 was collected using information from household censuses and vital statistics.... more
The genetic trait of lactase persistence (LP) evolved as an adaptation to milking pastoralism in the Old World and is a well-known example of positive natural selection in humans. However, the specific mechanisms conferring this selective... more
* o texto foi elaborado com informações obtidas até 18,12,02, ** O autor agradece a colaboração da estagiária Dóris Nogueira Rocha na pesquisa dos dados e na elaboração das tabelas.
En el presente trabajo mostramos una estadística, comprendida entre 1895 y 1899, sobre las causas de mortalidad entre la población de Huacho. Para esta investigación consultamos los libros de defunciones del Archivo del Obispado de... more
Typescript prepared by Lorraine Telfer-Taivainen. United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research provides economic analysis and policy advice with the aim of promoting sustainable and equitable development.... more
Registro em video do show Rupestres Sonoros com Mawaca gravado ao vivo no Auditório Ibirapuera em 2009. Esse espetáculo é uma homenagem aos indígenas com sua rica diversidade musical e relaciona em uma ‘arqueologia musical’ inspiradas... more
Ziele und Aufgabenstellung des Vorhabens 3 2.1 Forschungsfragen 4 2.2 Stand der Forschung und theoretischer Begründungszusammenhang 5 3 Material und Methoden 3.1 Methodologie und Methodenbeschreibung 3.1.1 Von Kindern geführte... more
Wie hat sich die Kindheit im dorflichen Raum gewandelt? Wie beurteilen die Kinder ihre aktuelle Lebenssituation? Wie beurteilen die Eltern die Lebenssituation ihrer Kinder? Welche Muster des Aufwachsens zeigen sich im landlichen Raum? Das... more
A coleção Brasil Plural tem como objetivo dar visibilidade às pesquisas realizadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Brasil Plural (INCT/CNPq). Busca retratar as diferentes realidades brasileiras em toda sua complexidade e contribuir... more
This article suggests that emerging adulthood, the stage in the life cycle described by Arnett for the United States, is also evident in Europe. The article examines the characteristics of emerging adulthood in Europe and highlights their... more
British Pakistanis continue to have earlier and higher fertility than other ethnic groups in the UK, despite a recent rise in educational and employment opportunities for British Pakistani women. In this paper we present findings from an... more
This study examines fertility decline in North-Central Namibia in the period 1960-2000. A Scandinavian-type parish-register system, established in the beginning of 20th Century and still in use, provided register-based data for fertility... more
The main aim of this study was to analyse fertility change in Ovamboland (North-Central Namibia) (1927-2010) and the Kavango region (North-East Namibia) (1935-1979) in Northern Namibia. According to the results, the fertility change was... more
This study examines fertility decline in North-Central Namibia in the period 1960-2000. A Scandinavian-type parish-register system, established in the beginning of 20th Century and still in use, provided register-based data for fertility... more
We investigated the possible differential effects of A and B blood group materno-fetal incompatibility on human fertility through a comparative analysis of couples with recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) and healthy mothers. ABO... more
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative... more
An analysis of previous spontaneous abortions and the frequencies of blood-group combinations in mother-child pairs was carried out in 500 gravidae. The rate of previous spontaneous abortions in blood-group-0 women whose latest child has... more
DAL POZ, João. 2006. A ocupação indígena nas áreas Zoró e Roosevelt - Laudo antropológico pericial. Processo 2001.36.00.001508-9, Primeira Vara da Justiça Federal, Seção Judiciária de Mato Grosso – TRF1. Autores: Colonizadora Amazônia... more
In this study I describe the scope and variety of grandmotherly nurturing practices during the socialist regime and in post-socialism in Bulgaria. In the first part of the paper I examine childcare practices during the socialist period in... more
Without exception, the desire for boy child has been a common phenomenon in the South Asian countries including India. Although the preference for sons in India has declined over the years, it persists across states, albeit in different... more
Child-bride marriage''-the marriage of prepubescent girls to adult men-has well-known nefarious consequences for females in developing countries where such marriage is often practiced. To improve these outcomes, developingworld... more
Das Sondermodul der Erhebung EU-SILC 2010 erfasste erstmals Informationen uber die Entscheidungsfindung und Verteilung von Ressourcen innerhalb von Haushalten und Partnerschaften. Der Beitrag prasentiert erste ausgewahlte Ergebnisse... more
OBJETIVOS: caracterizar aspectos de la fecundidad de mujeres indígenas Suruí de la Amazonía brasilera. MÉTODOS: se levantaron y sistematizaron 88 historias reproductivas y de nacimientos, obtenidas a través de visitas domiciliarias en dos... more
Existe uma espécie de maldição contra os homens e,esse mal e,por causa dos atributos e,papel que os homens ocupam no mundo.
This article analyses the transformation in the mode of partnership formation in seven countries of Eastern Europe. The aim of the study is to provide an up-to-date account of the switch from direct marriage to non-marital cohabitation as... more
Este trabalho refere-se ao controle de uma epidemia de escabiose em aldeia da tribo Panará, localizada no Xingu, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Descreve as dificuldades encontradas, decorrentes das diferenças culturais entre os... more
Ð Province-level census data for 1985 and 1990 from Turkey are used to examine the eect of the economic value of women on the 0±9 cohort population sex ratio. The sex ratio is interpreted as an indicator of the relative life chances of... more
The systematic literature search on the fertility rate was performed on articles from the Web of Science compiled by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) to provide major publication characteristics. All articles related to... more
Methodological nuptialism in the study of relationships has contributed to an academic hiatus of studies on non-marital relationships and the sustenance of negative attitudes towards such relationships. Approaches that most scholars have... more
It is now widely recognised that experiences of infertility are socially and culturally contingent. Drawing on reproductive narratives of 108 British Pakistani Muslims living in Northeast England (collected from 2007 to 2010), we show... more
This chapter explores young women's participation in higher education as a reflection of changes and challenges to the moral economy currently taking place in the Indian state of Punjab. With its renowned capitalist agricultural... more
Este trabalho refere-se ao controle de uma epidemia de escabiose em aldeia da tribo Panará, localizada no Xingu, Estado do Mato Grosso, Brasil. Descreve as dificuldades encontradas, decorrentes das diferenças culturais entre os... more
OBJETIVOS: caracterizar aspectos de la fecundidad de mujeres indígenas Suruí de la Amazonía brasilera. MÉTODOS: se levantaron y sistematizaron 88 historias reproductivas y de nacimientos, obtenidas a través de visitas domiciliarias en dos... more
Esta publicação foi possível através de apoio da Fundação Ford, por meio do projeto Saúde Indígena em Rondônia,
Este trabajo forma parte de los resultados del proyecto Fondecyt Nº 1110980. "Los significados culturales en los comportamientos y valores sexuales de adolescentes indígenas. Un estudio comparado Aymara-Atacameño".
Demografija izlazi jednom godišnje. Mišljenja autora ne odražavaju nužno gledište uredništva. Objavljeni prilozi se indeksiraju u sledećim bazama:-CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library, Frankfurt am Main)-SCIndeks (Srpski... more
Las estrategias reproductivas están enmarcadas por las limitaciones ecológicas específicas ante las que cada grupo humano se enfrenta. Los patrones naturales de la reproducción de los Wichí se exploran tomando en consideración la energía... more
OBJETIVOS: caracterizar aspectos de la fecundidad de mujeres indígenas Suruí de la Amazonía brasilera. MÉTODOS: se levantaron y sistematizaron 88 historias reproductivas y de nacimientos, obtenidas a través de visitas domiciliarias en dos... more
Esta publicação foi possível através de apoio da Fundação Ford, por meio do projeto Saúde Indígena em Rondônia,