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We develop an unsupervised approach to condition monitoring of cellular networks using competitive neural algorithms. Training is carried out with state vectors representing the normal functioning of a simulated CDMA2000 network. Once... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceTelecommunicationsCell Phones
A method is presented for detecting changes to the distribution of a criminal or terrorist point process between two time periods using a non-model-based approach. By treating the criminal/terrorist point process as an intelligent site... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsTerrorismCrime ScienceSpace-Time Point Processes
Achieving cost-effective systems for network performance monitoring has been the subject of many research works over the last few years. Most of them adopt a two-step approach. The first step assigns optimal locations to monitors, whereas... more
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      Anomaly DetectionCost ModelCost effectivenessNetwork Performance
With the increasing number of computers being connected to the Internet, security of an information system has never been more urgent. Because no system can be absolutely secure, the timely and accurate detection of intrusions is... more
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      Internet SecurityNeural NetworkAnomaly DetectionIEEE Student Member
Maps of relatively strong crustal magnetic field anomalies detected at low altitudes with the magnetometer instrument on Lunar Prospector are presented. On the lunar nearside, relatively strong anomalies are mapped over the Reiner Gamma... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAnomaly DetectionMagnetic fieldSolar Wind
This paper analyzes the blackhole attack which is one of the possible attacks in ad hoc networks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious node impersonates a destination node by sending a spoofed route reply packet to a source node that... more
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      Information TechnologyInformation SecurityWireless CommunicationsComputer Networks
An implemented system for on-line analysis of multiple distributed data streams is presented. The system is conceptually universal since it does not rely on any particular platform feature and uses format adaptors to translate data... more
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      Computer ArchitectureNetwork SecurityData AnalysisAuditing
We introduce a novel technique to detect anomalies in images. The notion of normalcy is given by a baseline of images, under the assumption that the majority of such images is normal. The key of our approach is a featureless probabilistic... more
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      Information TheoryAnomaly DetectionStatistical TestFalse Positive Rate
Audio signal processing is moving towards detecting and/or defining rare/anomalous sounds. The application of such an anomaly detection problem can be easily extended to audio surveillance systems. Thus, a rare sound event detection... more
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      Fuzzy LogicAnomaly DetectionFuzzy SetAudio Event Detection
Deregulation, cyber-terrorism, and increased interdependency are making large complex critical infrastructures, such as the telecommunications and electricity networks, increasingly vulnerable. Solutions are needed that can provide a... more
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      Anomaly DetectionCritical Infrastructure
In recent years, data mining has played an essential role in computer system performance, helping to improve system functionality. One of the most critical and influential data mining algorithms is anomaly detection. Anomaly detection is... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningAnomaly DetectionData Science
The data deluge has created a great challenge for data mining applications wherein the rare topics of interest are often buried in the flood of major headlines. We identify and formulate a novel problem: cross-channel anomaly detection... more
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      Data MiningAnomaly DetectionTopic modeling
This paper examines short-term price reactions after one-day abnormal price changes and whether they create exploitable profit opportunities in various financial markets. A t-test confirms the presence of overreactions and also suggests... more
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      Anomaly DetectionEfficient Market HypothesisOverreaction HypothesisContrarian Investment
The Internet and computer networks are exposed to an increasing number of security threats. With new types of attacks appearing continually, developing flexible and adaptive security oriented approaches is a severe challenge. In this... more
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      AssessmentNetwork SecuritySecurityAnomaly Detection
Image classification in the open-world must handle out-of-distribution (OOD) images. Systems should ideally reject OOD images, or they will map atop of known classes and reduce reliability. Using open-set classifiers that can reject OOD... more
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      Pattern Recognition and ClassificationAnomaly DetectionImage ClassificationExtreme Value Theory
Masqueraders are users who take control of a machine and perform malicious activities such as data exfiltration or system misuse on behalf of legitimate users. In the literature, there are various approaches for detecting masqueraders by... more
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      Anomaly DetectionOne class ClassificationInsider ThreatMalicious insider threat
Anomaly detection in a wireless sensor network (WSN) is an important aspect of data analysis in order to identify data items that significantly differ from normal data. A characteristic of the data generated by a WSN is that the data... more
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      Distributed ComputingArtificial IntelligenceGame TheoryRemote Sensing
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      Relational DatabaseAnomaly DetectionCondition Based MaintenanceEmerging Technology
Concerns of cyber-security threats are increasingly becoming a part of everyday operations of cyber-physical systems, especially in the context of critical infrastructures. However, despite the tight integration of cyber and physical... more
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      Network SecurityComputer SecurityAnomaly DetectionCritical Infrastructure Security
Despite all attempts to prevent fraud, it continues to be a major threat to industry and government. Traditionally, organizations have focused on fraud prevention rather than detection, to combat fraud. In this paper we present a role... more
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      EngineeringAnomaly Detection
Anomaly detection is a pattern recognition task whose goal is to report the occurrence of abnormal or unknown behavior in a given system being monitored. In this paper we propose a general procedure for the computation of decision... more
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      Cognitive ScienceData MiningPattern RecognitionRadio Resource Management
Visual surveillance is an active research topic in image processing. Transit systems are actively seeking new or improved ways to use technology to deter and respond to accidents, crime, suspicious activities, terrorism, and vandalism.... more
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      Civil EngineeringImage ProcessingTerrorismData Analysis
Outlier (or anomaly) detection is an important problem for many domains, including fraud detection, risk analysis, network intrusion and medical diagnosis, and the discovery of significant outliers is becoming an integral aspect of data... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningAnomaly DetectionRisk Analysis
In wastewater industry, real-time sensing of surface temperature variations on concrete sewer pipes is paramount in assessing the rate of microbial-induced corrosion. However, the sensing systems are prone to failures due to the... more
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      ForecastingAnomaly DetectionForecasting and Prediction ToolsSewer
Networks of various kinds often experience anomalous behaviour. Examples include attacks or large data transfers in IP networks, presence of intruders in distributed video surveillance systems, and an automobile accident or an untimely... more
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      Machine LearningAnomaly DetectionVideo SurveillanceIP networks
Safety is one of the key issues in the use of robots, especially when human–robot interaction is targeted. Although unforeseen environment situations, such as collisions or unexpected user interaction, can be handled with specially... more
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      RoboticsMachine LearningAnomaly Detection
Подтверждена геомагнитная гипотеза полтергейста и мысль о том, что этот феномен может быть некой формой природных явлений, связанных с геофизическими факторами. Причём связь эта носит универсальный характер независимо от его географии.... more
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      ParapsychologyAnomalistic PsychologySpirituality & MysticismOccultism
The rapid proliferation of wireless networks and mobile computing applications has changed the landscape of network security. Anomaly detection is a pattern recognition task whose goal is to report the occurrence of abnormal or unknown... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingArtificial Intelligence
Wireless network has an exponential increase in various aspects of the human community. Accordingly, transmitting a vast volume of sensitive and non-sensitive data over the network puts them at risk of being attacked. To avoid this,... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningNetwork SecurityClassification (Machine Learning)
Conditional Anomaly Detection ... However, in contrast to problems in supervised learning where studies of classification accuracy are the norm, little research has systematically addressed the issue of accuracy in general-purpose... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisAnomaly DetectionDomain Knowledge
—Despite all attempts to prevent fraud, it continues to be a major threat to industry and government. In this paper, we present a fraud detection method which detects irregular frequency of transaction usage in an Enterprise Resource... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyEducation
The emergence of mobile platforms with increased storage and computing capabilities and the pervasive use of these platforms for sensitive applications such as online banking, e-commerce and the storage of sensitive information on these... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingMachine LearningAnomaly Detection
IEC61850 is the mainstream of the development for substation automation. This paper presents a practical consideration and analysis for implementing a secure sampled measured value (SeSV) message in substation automation system. Due to... more
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      Power SystemIntrusion Detection SystemsCryptographyAnomaly Detection
Network anomaly detection system enables to monitor computer network that behaves differently from the network protocol and it is many implemented in various domains. Yet, the problem arises where different application domains have... more
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      Machine LearningAnomaly DetectionAveraged One Dependence Estimator (AODE)
Firewalls are core elements in network security. However, managing firewall rules, especially for enterprise networks, has become complex and error-prone. Firewall filtering rules have to be carefully written and organized in order to... more
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      Network SecurityAnomaly DetectionSecurity ManagementPolicy Management
Anomaly detection refers to methods that provide warnings of unusual behaviors which may compromise the security and performance of communication networks. In this paper it is proposed a novel model for network anomaly detection combining... more
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      Computational ComplexityAnomaly DetectionSoftwareSupervised Learning
In previous work, we presented the first spam filtering method based on anomaly detection that reduces the necessity of labelling spam messages and only employs the representation of legitimate e-mails. This method achieved high accuracy... more
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      Anomaly DetectionSpam FilteringElectronic mailMathematical Model
In this study, we introduce a novel unsupervised countermeasure for smart grid power systems, based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Given the pivotal role of smart grid systems (SGSs) in urban life, their security is of... more
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      Machine LearningPower SystemStatistical machine learningAnomaly Detection
Our aim is to estimate the perspective-effected geometric distortion of a scene from a video feed. In contrast to most related previous work, in this task we are constrained to using low-level, spatio-temporally local motion features... more
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      EngineeringOptimization (Mathematical Programming)Computer ScienceAlgorithms
Wireless (Wi-Fi) networks based on IEEE 802.11 1 family of standards have been spreading its coverage last years and this trend is expected to grow. Every day more and more people use this type of networks to access Internet, company or... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningNetwork SecurityWireless Sensor Networks
In this paper we focus on the aggregation of IDS alerts, an important component of the alert fusion process. We exploit fuzzy measures and fuzzy sets to design simple and robust alert aggregation algorithms. Exploiting fuzzy sets, we are... more
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      Anomaly DetectionIntrusion DetectionInformation FusionFuzzy Set
In today's world of computer security, internei attacks such as DodDDos, worms, and spyware continue to cvolve as detection techniques improve. It is not easy, however, to disfinguish such new attacks using on/y knowledge of preexisling... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningNetwork SecurityGenetic Algorithms
Among the various forms of malware, botnets are becoming the major threats on the Internet that use for many attacks, such as spam, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS), identity theft and phishing. NetFlow protocol is a standard for... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork SecurityComputer NetworksAnomaly Detection
Given the anticipated increases in highway traffic, the scale and complexity of the traffic infrastructure will continue to grow progressively in time and in distributed geographical areas. To assure transportation efficiency, safety, and... more
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      Traffic controlAnomaly DetectionInfrastructure DevelopmentSouth Carolina
The use of the Internet has increased in all areas in recent years. With the huge growth and use of the internet increasing, there have been an increase in the number of intrusions and hackers. The risk of intrusion in the network... more
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      Anomaly DetectionIDSFirewallMisuse Detection
Intrusions detection systems (IDSs) are systems that try to detect attacks as they occur or after the attacks took place. IDSs collect network traffic information from some point on the network or computer system and then use this... more
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      Distributed ComputingComputer NetworksPower SystemIntrusion Detection Systems
Anomaly detection is used for identifying data that deviate from 'normal' data patterns. Its usage on classical data finds diverse applications in many important areas like fraud detection, medical diagnoses, data cleaning and... more
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      Machine LearningQuantum ComputationAnomaly DetectionComputer and Network Security
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      EngineeringTechnologyData MiningComputer Networks
Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unusual behavior. It is widely used in data mining, for example, to identify fraud, customer behavioral change, and manufacturing flaws, data mining techniques make it possible to search... more
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      BioinformaticsArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningComputational Biology