The subject of this paper is the evolution of Browman particles m disordered environments The "Ariadne's clew" we follow is understanding of the general statistical mechanisms which may generate "anomalous" (non-Brownlan) diffusion laws,... more
We generalize the continuous time random walk (CTRW) to include the effect of space dependent jump probabilities. When the mean waiting time diverges we derive a fractional Fokker-Planck equation (FFPE). This equation describes anomalous... more
... LETTERS VOLUME 82 3 MAY 1999 NUMBER 18 Anomalous Diffusion and Relaxation Close to Thermal Equilibrium: A Fractional Fokker-Planck Equation Approach Ralf Metzler,1, * Eli Barkai,2, and Joseph Klafter1, 1 ... For the forcefree case, a... more
The lateral mobility of lipids in phospholipid membranes has attracted numerous experimental and theoretical studies, inspired by the model of Singer and Nicholson (1972. Science, 175:720-731) and the theoretical description by Saffman... more
We have investigated the accuracy and stability of an implicit numerical scheme for solving the fractional diffusion equation. This model equation governs the evolution for the probability density function that describes anomalously... more
The fractional di usion equation is solved for di erent boundary value problems, these being absorbing and re ecting boundaries in half-space and in a box. Thereby, the method of images and the Fourier-Laplace transformation technique are... more
We measured individual trajectories of fluorescently labeled telomeres in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells in the time range of 10(-2)-10(4)sec by combining a few acquisition methods. At short times the motion is subdiffusive with r2... more
The viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm of living yeast cells were investigated by studying the motion of lipid granules naturally occurring in the cytoplasm. A large frequency range of observation was obtained by a combination of... more
Diffusion weighted MRI is used clinically to detect and characterize neurodegenerative, malignant and ischemic diseases. The correlation between developing pathology and localized diffusion relies on diffusion-weighted pulse sequences to... more
We review recent evidence illustrating the fundamental difference between cytoplasmic and test tube biochemical kinetics and thermodynamics, and showing the breakdown of the law of mass action and power-law approximation in in vivo... more
We propose diffusion-like equations with time and space fractional derivatives of the distributed order for the kinetic description of anomalous diffusion and relaxation phenomena, whose diffusion exponent varies with time and which,... more
Classical and anomalous diffusion equations employ integer derivatives, fractional derivatives, and other pseudodifferential operators in space. In this paper we show that replacing the integer time derivative by a fractional derivative... more
A physical-mathematical approach to anomalous diffusion may be based on generalized diffusion equations (containing derivatives of fractional order in space or/and time) and related random walk models. By space-time fractional diffusion... more
Cajal bodies (CBs) are nuclear organelles that contain factors required for splicing, ribosome biogenesis and transcription. Our previous analysis in living cells showed that CBs are dynamic structures. Here, we show that CB mobility is... more
Anomalous diffusion has been widely observed by single particle tracking microscopy in complex systems such as biological cells. The resulting time series are usually evaluated in terms of time averages. Often anomalous diffusion is... more
Details about molecular membrane dynamics in living cells, such as lipid-protein interactions, are often hidden from the observer because of the limited spatial resolution of conventional far-field optical microscopy. The superior spatial... more
To explore the character of transport in a plasma turbulence model with avalanche transport, the motion of tracer particles has been followed. Both the time evolution of the moments of the distribution function of the tracer particle... more
Subdiffusion and its causes in both in vivo and in vitro lipid membranes have become the focus of recent research. We report apparent subdiffusion, observed via single particle tracking (SPT), in a homogeneous system that only allows... more
A computer algorithm for the visualization of sample paths of anomalous diffusion processes is developed. It is based on the stochastic representation of the fractional Fokker-Planck equation describing anomalous diffusion in a... more
A mathematical method called subordination broadens the applicability of the classical advection-dispersion equation for contaminant transport. In this method the time variable is randomized to represent the operational time experienced... more
We propose and study a numerical method for time discretization of linear and semilinear integro-partial differential equations that are intermediate between diffusion and wave equations, or are subdiffusive. The method uses convolution... more
Anomalous diffusion is a possible mechanism underlying plasma transport in magnetically confined plasmas. To model this transport mechanism, fractional order space derivative operators can be used. Here, the numerical properties of... more
Fractional diffusion equations are widely used to describe anomalous diffusion processes where the characteristic displacement scales as a power of time. For processes lacking such scaling the corresponding description may be given by... more
We present a general-purpose model for biomolecular simulations at the molecular level that incorporates stochasticity, spatial dependence, and volume exclusion, using diffusing and reacting particles with physical dimensions. To validate... more
The use of reaction-diffusion models rests on the key assumption that the underlying diffusive process is Gaussian. However, a growing number of studies have pointed out the presence of anomalous diffusion, and there is a need to... more
1] We introduce a new conceptual model for longitudinal and transverse diffusion of moving bed particles under weak bed load transport. For both rolling/sliding and saltating modes the model suggests that the particle motion is diffusive... more
... Originally described as the “battling” of (dust) particles seen against the sunlight in dark hallways of houses by Roman poet-philosopher Titus Lucretius Carus [5], re-discovered by Dutch physicist-physician Jan Ingenhousz [6] as the... more
The statistical properties of fast protein -water motions are analyzed by dynamic neutron scattering experiments. Using isotopic exchange, one probes either protein or water hydrogen displacements. A moment analysis of the scattering... more
The superdiffusion behavior, i.e. < x 2 (t) >∼ t 2ν , with ν > 1/2, in general is not completely characherized by a unique exponent. We study some systems exhibiting strong anomalous diffusion, i.e. < |x(t)| q >∼ t qν(q) where ν(2) > 1/2... more
An analytical model for drillstring torque and drag is generated using a soft model. The soft model does not integrate all parameters affecting the drillstring behavior although some other researchers have taken the stiffness into account... more
The Fokker-Planck equation has been very useful for studying dynamic behavior of stochastic differential equations driven by Gaussian noises. However, there are both theoretical and empirical reasons to consider similar equations driven... more
We present a numerical study of classical particles diffusing on a solid surface. The particles' motion is modeled by an underdamped Langevin equation with ordinary thermal noise. The particle-surface interaction is described by a... more
The time fractional diffusion equation is obtained from the standard diffusion equation by replacing the first-order time derivative with a fractional derivative of order β ∈ (0, 1) . The fundamental solution for the Cauchy problem is... more
1] One way to study the mechanism of gravel bed load transport is to seed the bed with marked gravel tracer particles within a chosen patch and to follow the pattern of migration and dispersal of particles from this patch. In this study,... more
The well-scaled transition to the diffusion limit in the framework of the theory of continuous-time random walk (CTRW) is presented starting from its representation as an infinite series that points out the subordinated character of the... more
In the present review we survey the properties of a transcendental function of the Wright type, nowadays known as M-Wright function, entering as a probability density in a relevant class of self-similar stochastic processes that we... more
The best high-resolution records of climate over the past few hundred millennia are derived from ice cores retrieved from Greenland and Antarctica. The interpretation of these records relies on the assumption that the trace constituents... more
The long-term limit motions of individual heavy-tailed (power-law) particle jumps that characterize anomalous diffusion may have different scaling rates in different directions. Operator stable motions [Y(t):t> or =0] are limits of... more
To offer an insight into the rapidly developing theory of fractional diffusion processes we describe in some detail three topics of current interest: (i) the well-scaled passage to the limit from continuous time random walk under power... more
We demonstrate that the Fokker-Planck equation can be generalized into a 'Fractional Fokker-Planck' equation, i.e. an equation which includes fractional space differentiations, in order to encompass the wide class of anomalous diffusions... more
A physical-mathematical approach to anomalous diffusion may be based on generalized diffusion equations (containing derivatives of fractional order in space or/and time) and related random walk models. By the spacetime fractional... more
Nonlocal conservation laws of the form
In this paper, we briefly review the progress made in the mathematical modeling of biofilms over the last 30 years. Biofilms constitute a spectrum of dynamical microorganisms, whose interaction with the surrounding environment and thereby... more
We have studied the self-diffusion properties of butyl-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide ([BMIM][TFSI]) + water system. The self-diffusion coefficients of cations, anions, and water molecules were determined by pulsed... more