Anomalous Diffusion

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Anomalous diffusion refers to a deviation from classical Brownian motion, characterized by non-linear mean squared displacement over time. It occurs in heterogeneous media where particle movement is influenced by complex interactions, leading to subdiffusive or superdiffusive behavior, which is often analyzed using fractional calculus and statistical mechanics.
Texas -We study the process of random growth of surfaces approximating it by fractional Brownian motion (FBM) with scaling index H. The diffusion trajectories generated by the ballistic deposition (H = 1/3) and Edward-Wilkinson (H = 1/4)... more
Texas -We study the process of random growth of surfaces approximating it by fractional Brownian motion (FBM) with scaling index H. The diffusion trajectories generated by the ballistic deposition (H = 1/3) and Edward-Wilkinson (H = 1/4)... more
In this paper we discuss the connection between trajectory and density memory. The first form of memory is a property of a stochastic trajectory, whose stationary correlation function shows that the fluctuation at a given time depends on... more
The standard setup for single-file diffusion is diffusing particles in one dimension which cannot overtake each other, where the dynamics of a tracer (tagged) particle is of main interest. In this article, we generalize this system and... more
des Milieux H•t•rog•nes, ESPCI, Unitd de recherches associde au CNRS 857, Paris We present an experimental study and a model of the diffusion of sinusoidal pressure waves through porous media. We show that measurements of the hydraulic... more
In living cell or its nucleus, the motions of molecules are complicated due to the large crowding and expected heterogeneity of the intracellular environment. Randomness in cellular systems can be either spatial (anomalous) or temporal... more
We report on fluorescence fluctuations of nanoparticles diffusing through a laser focus. Subject to an intensity threshold the fluorescence signal is transformed into time traces of on and off periods. The distribution functions of the... more
We consider the coagulation dynamics A+A -> A and the annihilation dynamics A+A -> 0 for particles moving subdiffusively in one dimension, both on a lattice and in a continuum. The analysis combines the "anomalous kinetics" and "anomalous... more
Priprema za izvođenje nastavne jedinice dio je nastavnog kurikula. Pojmovi koji se navode u okviru glavnih sastavnica pripremanja nastavne teme (npr. ocekivana postignuca i ishodi) pa tako i u okviru sastavnica suvremenog kurikula, nisu... more
• We use the evolution of distributions to characterize normal or anomalous diffusion. • We considered space and time dynamics to test different regimes of diffusion. • The width of the distribution is related to the parameters of the... more
The mobility of water molecules confined in a silica pore is studied by computer simulation in the low hydration regime, where most of the molecules reside close to the hydrophilic substrate. A layer analysis of the single particle... more
In this paper, we solve a particular time-space fractional Stefan problem including fractional order derivatives in time and space variables in the Fourier heat conduction equation. For this, we consider fractional time derivative of... more
Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or... more
Anomalous diffusion processes are usually detected by analyzing the time-dependent mean square displacement of the diffusing particles. The latter evolves asymptotically as W(t) ∼ 2Dαtα, where Dα is the fractional diffusion constant and 0... more
The paper describes an approach to anomalous diffusion within the framework of the generalized Langevin equation. Using a Tauberian theorem for Laplace transforms due to Hardy, Littlewood, and Karamata, generalized Kubo relations for the... more
We present a model for the local diffusion-relaxation dynamics of the Cα-atoms in proteins describing both the diffusive short-time dynamics and the asymptotic long-time relaxation of the position autocorrelation functions. The relaxation... more
We study the motion of N = 2 overdamped Brownian particles in gravitational interaction in a space of dimension d = 2. This is equivalent to the simplified motion of two biological entities interacting via chemotaxis when time delay and... more
This paper investigates anomalous diffusion behavior for ultra low energy implants in the extension or tip of PMOS devices. Transient enhanced diffusion (TED) is minimal at these low energies, since excess interstitials are very close to... more
In this paper, we are interested in approximating the solution to scalar conservation laws using systems of interacting stochastic particles. The scalar conservation law may involve a fractional Laplacian term of order α ∈ (0, 2]. When α... more
We simulated the invasion of a proliferating, diffusing tumor within different surrounding tissue conditions using a hybrid mathematical model. The in silico invasion of a tumor was addressed systematically for the first time within the... more
Density and temperature conditions in the solar core suggest that the microscopic diffusion of electrons and ions could be nonstandard: Diffusion and friction coefficients are energy dependent, collisions are not two-body processes and... more
Density and temperature conditions in the solar core suggest that the microscopic diffusion of electrons and ions could be nonstandard: Diffusion and friction coefficients are energy dependent, collisions are not two-body processes and... more
Density and temperature conditions in the solar core suggest that the microscopic diffusion of electrons and ions could be nonstandard: Diffusion and friction coefficients are energy dependent, collisions are not two-body processes and... more
We study asymptotic properties of diffusion and other transport processes (including self-avoiding walks and electrical conduction) on large randomly branched polymers using renormalized dynamical field theory. We focus on the swollen... more
We demonstrate that the 'microscopic' field theory representation, directly derived from the corresponding master equation, fails to adequately capture the continuous nonequilibrium phase transition of the Pair Contact Process with... more
10 and 13 orders of magnitude concerning length and time scales are bridged. Are and how are all of these organization levels connected to fullfill their obvious functions, e. g. gene regulation or replication, since they are optimized by... more
Applications at Erasmus MC: E.g. genome sequence analysis, protein structure simulations, chip/array analysis, epidemiology of viral infections, patient diagnostic image analysis (AMI). Applications at Erasmus MC: E.g. genome sequence... more
10 and 13 orders of magnitude concerning length and time scales are bridged. Are and how are all of these organization levels connected to fullfill their obvious functions, e. g. gene regulation or replication, since they are optimized by... more
Fig..1: Two BACs 650 kbp appart were used to determine the overall architecture of the PWS/AS region, and within the PWS region four YACs with six trilaterable distances were used to detect the fine structure of the PWS locus and to test... more
To overcome the "dare-to-share" attitude in respect to the inverse tragedy of the commons in the grid sector, a sustainable grid ecology within the e-Society is crucial for the success of the grid sector. I.e. that the e-Human Ecology of... more
The combination of genome sequence and structure, its annotation and experimental data in an accessible and comprehensible way is a major challenge. Increasingly there is a large number of extremely divergent data sets: the sequence... more
Typical textbook illustration of the human cell nucleus: 1) human cell nuclei differ from spherical shape, 2) the DNA is not a closed pipe, 3) nucleosomes are not regularly organized into chromatin, 4) chromatin does not float around... more
and The different organization levels of genomes bridge several orders of magnitude concerning space and time. How all of these organization levels connect to processes like gene regulation, replication, embryogeneses, or cancer... more
The combination of genome sequence and structure, its annotation and experimental data in an accessible and comprehensible way is a major challenge. Increasingly there is a large number of extremely divergent data sets: the sequence... more
In VWCISC we propose a unique working and collaboration environment for international scientific communities. Science is increasingly collaborative at an international level, which enables projects to build teams of specialists best... more
Frage 3 • Das Proposal schlägt vor, das PG als Teil von WissGrid zu konstituieren. Eine Darlegung, wie dies genau umgesetzt werden soll fehlt bisher. Das gilt insbesondere für das Verhältnis von dem WissGrid Fachberater Team (in AP2) und... more
By means of a particle model that includes interactions only via the local particle concentration, we show that hyperballistic diffusion may result. This is done by findng the exact solution of the corresponding non-linear diffusion... more
In this paper we study the Hamiltonian dynamics of charged particles subject to a non-selfconsistent stochastic electric field, when the plasma is in the so-called weak turbulent regime. We show that the asymptotic limit of the Vlasov... more