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Considers whether the Roman garum trade between Hispania and Britannia was via the annona mechanism through investigation of transport amphorae. Note: illustrations are not included, please email me if needed.
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      Transport EconomicsTransport HistoryFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)Shipping/ Transport Logistics
C'è una seconda trincea nella grande guerra, quella del fronte interno, la cui vicenda si può ricostruire soltanto adottando metodi tipici della storia sociale, in particolare di quel settore della storia sociale che riguarda... more
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      Italian StudiesMovimentos sociaisGuerraConsenso
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacologyPharmacognosy
En este trabajo nos proponemos analizar las recientes investigaciones arqueológicas relativas al transporte marítimo de grano en época romana, tratando de indicar a su vez las limitaciones de estas fuentes de información. Los resultados... more
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      Roman HistoryFood HistoryShipping/ Transport LogisticsShipping
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
Español A partir de los sellos en ánforas olearias béticas halladas en algunos campamentos romanos, el autor se plantea problemas más generales sobre la organización del abastecimiento del ejército romano. Se defiende en esta obra una... more
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      Roman PotteryRoman EpigraphyRoman EconomyRoman Trade Networks
1 Su questi sterri vid. A. Maiuri, Lavori di restauro della Sopr. alle antichità della Campania nel biennio 1927-8 (I), in BdArte, maggio 1929, p. 520 ss.; negli anni precedenti si era sgombrato l'ingresso orientale, A. Maiuri, in NSc.,... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman legal and administrative historyAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
The crisis of the 3rd century AD stimulated also in Italy temporary and partial answers to urgent problems, before the institution of the provinces (293 AD). In Thugga an eques, A. Vitellius Felix Honoratus, whose cursus honorum took... more
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      Late AntiquityRoman ItalyGallienusRoman North Africa
Publd in: 'HortFlora Res. Spectrum' Vol1(2):April-June 2012
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      StandardizationAnnonaCustard AppleBench Grafting
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      History of MantovaAnnonaMarket History in the MediterraneanHistory of Verona
Granai, solai e strutture specializzate per il ricovero delle derrate sono un bene rara durante /'Aneien regime Nel mondo mediterraneo, nell'età medievale e moderna, poche famiglie potevano vantare una riserva di grano tale da garantire... more
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      AnnonaMarket History in the MediterraneanGrain MarketPublic Granaries
1. A lectin was isolated from an extract of Branchiostoma lanceolatum by affinity chromatography using an asialo-A-peptone-oellulose column.
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Resumo y amplío los resultados de mi experiencia como historiador en relación con el comercio de productos envasados en ánforas durante la etapa del Imperio Romano. Queda abierta esta ponencia a la opinión pública, como lo estuvo en su... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyHadrianArqueologia
On the basis of «The Achievements of the Divine Augustus» the author analyses the significance of the legacy of populares, one of the main political movements in the Late Republic, in the politics of Emperor Augustus. The main features of... more
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      Augustan PrincipateAugustusRoman colonisationAugustan Rome
A lo largo de los dos primeros siglos del Imperio, los emperadores romanos intentaron asegurar el abastecimiento de toda la población de la ciudad de Roma para evitar subleva-ciones que pudieran alterar el orden político establecido,... more
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      Roman High EmpireAnnona
Since there has not been one single analysis of the Dr. 20 stamps at the Tyne-Solway isthmus and Hadrian’s Wall, we will describe the development of Baetican exports to the Tyne-Solway isthmus from a geographical and administrative... more
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      Roman stamped potteryOlive OilHadrian's Wall (Archaeology)Trade
The last day of the year 406, Sueves, Vandals and Alans crossed the Rhin. On this paper I reassess the traditional historiographical view on this issue and I offer an alternative view of the sources that described this penetration,... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryArthurian StudiesHistory of Piracy
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      Roman EgyptRomeRoman AfricaGrain
Annona is a genus of Annona species are tap rooted, evergreen or semi deciduous, tropical trees. Annona specie is largest genus in the family Annonaceae, which containing approximately 60 species. Annona species are native to tropical... more
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      BotanyAnnonaFruit ScienceAnnonaceae
SECAH artículo [ARTIGO] 06_abril_15
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      Latin EpigraphyTradeMediterranean archaeologyAmphorae (Archaeology)
Objectif. Cette étude a pour but de mettre en évidence l'activité anti-inflammatoire de l'extrait d'éthanol de Annona senegalensis et de faire son screening phytochimique. Méthodes. Les rats ont été repartis en trois lots. Le premier lot... more
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      InflammationEthanolPlant extractsAnnona
A bio-guided optimization of the extraction of bioactive components from Annona glabra leaves has been developed using the etiolated wheat coleoptile bioassay as the control method. The optimization of an ultrasound-assisted extraction of... more
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      AllelopathyUltrasonicsPlant extractsAnnona
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      Roman ArmyRoman EgyptRomeRoman food and drink
Background. Annona muricata L. has been reported to possess antitumor and antiproliferative properties. Not much work has been done on its effect on BPH-1 cell lines, and no in vivo studies targeting the prostate organ exist. The study... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineBiologyApoptosisMedicine
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      Roman stamped potteryOlive OilRoman EconomyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
por medio del CEIPAC 16 (, y la Universidade Estadual de Campinas, por medio del CPA y NEE 17 (, colaboran, hace mas muchos años, en el estudio del abastecimiento militar romano, con la... more
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    • Annona
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      TradeMediterranean archaeologyAmphoraeWine and Olive Oil Production
Context: The herbal preparations of Annona senegalensis Pers. (Annonaceae) root bark are used in Nigerian ethnomedicine for the treatment of epilepsy and febrile seizures. The scientific evidence for this effect has been reported.... more
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      Food HistorySupply ChainMilling industryBread History
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      Roman LawAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Tituli PictiDressel 20
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of main emulsion components namely, modified starch, propylene glycol alginate (PGA), sucrose laurate and sucrose stearate on creaming index, cloudiness, average droplet size and... more
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      Organic ChemistryStarchSucroseBeverages
Annona muricata (A. muricata) is widely distributed in Asia, Africa and South America. Different parts of this plant are used to treat several diseases in Cameroon. The aim of this study is to determine the in vitro anti-proliferative... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineAfricaCell CycleMitochondria
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      Classical ArchaeologyTaxationMediterraneanRoman Pottery
This article studies the organization and procedures of the so-called Cheirismos of Neapolis. As the "cheïrismos at Neapolis" it is a place for delivery of imperial grain at Alexandria; as the "Cheirismos of Neapolis" it is a service at... more
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      Roman provincial administrationGreek PapyrologyRoman EgyptAncient Roman History
Annonas are consumed as fresh fruits, but are also widely used in folk medicine for treating pain and other ailments. Antinociceptive properties of the Annona diversifolia ethanol crude extract were tested using the paininduced functional... more
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      PharmacologyFolk MedicineMiceFunctional impairment
A polyphenol-enriched fraction from Annona crassiflora fruit peel (Ac-Pef) containing chlorogenic acid, (epi)catechin, procyanidin B2, and caffeoyl-glucoside was investigated against hepatic oxidative and nitrosative stress in... more
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      EngineeringOxidative StressAntioxidantsPolyphenols
Cruciale per lo sviluppo del sistema economico capitalista, il "lungo Cinquecento" 2 di ispirazione braudeliana trascorre invece all'insegna della continuità con il passato medievale sotto il profilo dell'incertezza alimentare: i raccolti... more
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      History of wineVine and Wine HistoryAnnonaVino
La diffusione dell'uliveto in Liguria è un fenomeno sul quale i pareri sono tuttora contrastanti. In un lavoro "classico" sull'argomento, Massimo Quaini faceva notare che in occasione della caratata del 1531 la maggior parte delle... more
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      OlivoAnnonaStoria delle istituzioniRepublic of Genoa
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      Free RadicalsPlant BiologyOxidative StressNigeria
Este volumen es el resultado del trabajo realizado, durante varios años, por el grupo CEIPAC consistente en el estudio del material anfórico hallado en la Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten, Alemania). Se han estudiado más de dieciocho mil... more
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      Military HistoryRoman HistoryLatin EpigraphyRoman Economy
. L'espansione urbana, lo sviluppo istituzionale, il rapporto col territorio, Firenze, Olschki, 2010 (Biblioteca Storica Toscana, lxII), pp. xxxviii-444, con una cartina, 2 figg. n.t. e 1 pieghevole. Due secoli di storia di Firenze,... more
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      AnnonaMarket History in the MediterraneanGrain MarketPublic Granaries
In 2008/09 an inscription was found in Ostia, engraved on a statue base in honour of a Caesar named Maximianus. It was reused under the new portico of access to the 'Forum of the Heroic Statue'. It was dedicated by Manilius Rusticianus... more
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      Late AntiquityOstia (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyTetrarchy
Il progetto riguarda una ricerca in corso sulla vicenda del sistema annonario di Padova tra Quattro e Cinquecento, quale indice della dinamica "città/campagna" nella cornice dello stato territoriale veneziano. L'ipotesi di lavoro e' che... more
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      Early Modern HistoryVenetian HistoryFamine StudiesPadua
Withania somnifera also known as Ashwagandha, has been an important herb in the ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems. The present study was designed to evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of aqueous root extract of W.... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyArtemiaEthnopharmacology
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) has an exceptional flavor and aroma, which makes it a fruit with great potential. However, little is known about its propagation by seeds. According to the scientific literature, the germination of... more
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      BotanySeed DispersalEcologySeed germination
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicinePlant BiologyEthnopharmacologyPharmacognosy
Bioassay-guided fractionation of the bark extract of Annona foetida afforded a new antileishmanial pyrimidine--carboline alkaloid, N-hydroxyannomontine (1), together with the previously reported annomontine , O-methylmoschatoline (3), and... more
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      Natural ProductsBrazilMedicinal PlantsLeishmania
A biological method was used to synthesize stable silver nanoparticles that were tested as mosquito larvicides against Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi, and Culex quinquefasciatus. Annona squamosa leaf broth (5%) reduced aqueous 1 mM... more
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      Vector-Borne DiseaseMalariaMetal NanoparticlesInsecticides
In the Ancient World, the concept of agrarian policy, as we may understand it today in the European Union, did not exist, but thanks to the legislative measures passed by the Roman emperors, we can infer what ideas inspired these laws and... more
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      Roman EmpireRoman land use and the agrarian economyAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceAnnona