The presence on Web 2.0 has significantly changed the role of the library and the way librarians interact with their users. Depending on the needs of the library, different Web 2.0 applications are used for different purposes and... more
Projects the concept of '~acit Knowledge' [TK]. Further discusses the types of tacit knowledge that exists in any organization and also outlines some of the steps that can be taken to manage this resource. Also discusses some of the... more
Academic libraries have to provide very flexible services focused more on individualized and distant contact with their clients. To answer new demands they not only have to move their services and resources to the Web but also should... more
The paper studies the research ar1icles published in Indian and foreign journals by Or. R. C. Sinha, an Indian born Canadian and an internationally reputed plant virologist. This bibliometric study is an attempt to analyze his ar1icles... more
This document aims to showcase the research conducted by Library and Information Science (LIS) scholars in India from 1980 to 2019. The study's secondary data was obtained via Incites; a web-based analytical tool provided by Clarivate... more
The growth of the LIS literature of 1985-90 and 2005-2010 as reflected through Annals of Library and Information Studies is studied. The paper examines the year-wise growth of the library and information science literature, subjects... more
The aim of this study is to examine the use and access of grey literature by Scholars of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) and to evaluate the grey literature contents along with general contents in AMU Repository. The study used a... more
The study attempts a mapping of Artificial Intelligence (AI) research productivity in India from 2014 to 2023 by quantitatively analysing the publications covered in the Web of Science (WoS) database. Artificial intelligence is a... more
Research is the backbone of any subject field, not just required to be undertaken for its survival and sustenance but also for the furtherance of subject scope. This study assessed the level of research productivity of teaching faculty... more
The study analyses the research output of Pakistan for the period 2001-10 on several parameters including its growth and share in the world's research output, pattern of research communication in core domestic and international journals,... more
Analyses the ranking of the India's productive institutions in agricultural sciences, based on the basis of various quantitative indicators, such as the total number of papers and international collaborative papers and qualitative... more
This document aims to showcase the research conducted by Library and Information Science (LIS) scholars in India from 1980 to 2019. The study's secondary data was obtained via Incites; a web-based analytical tool provided by Clarivate... more
Survey of 101(84.16%) students belonging to Agriculture Science College, Shimoga to study the frequency, purpose of visit to the library and the usefulness of agriculture science periodicals reveals that 77.22% of respondents visit... more
The paper highlights the coverage, features, functionalities and limitations of different anti-plagiarism software used at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. While anti-plagiarism software can enhance the quality of writing, the... more
As an essential component and one of the quality assessment measures, the availability of electronic resources is gaining significance in libraries, hence increasingly becoming part of the acquisition and collection-building activities.... more
Provides an overview of reprography as an inseparable -part of information centres and libraries. Study gives a brief historical development of reprography and its impact on document delivery services. Questionnaire method using field... more
This document aims to showcase the research conducted by Library and Information Science (LIS) scholars in India from 1980 to 2019. The study's secondary data was obtained via Incites; a web-based analytical tool provided by Clarivate... more
An analysis of primary documentary sources indexed by Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA) and Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) indicates that LISTA indexed 519 and LISA indexed 327 primary... more
Research may be defined as a methodical and scientific exploration for relevant knowledge on a certain subject. Conducting research contributes to advancements in a certain field of work. This report presents findings from a study... more
Bhubaneswa~751013 Provides an insight into various behavioural approaches of working journalists (WJs) in seeking and searching information. Describes the pattern of their searching and locating information sources and services, mode of... more
Career Services is famous for offering top-tier medical education opportunities in India and medical courses admissions to prestigious private colleges for MBBS, MS, and MD courses. These programs equip students with comprehensive medical... more
S. R. Ranganathan formulated several rules and guidelines for classification and cataloguing, and normative principles are one among them. The present study aims to develop an ontology on normative principles (NorPOnt) so that it will... more
A survey of sixty five library staff in six libraries in Ondo state of Nigeria on how the libraries manage difficult library patrons revealed that having good interpersonal skills and conducting regular library orientation progrmames for... more
The paper seeks to investigate how far the interactivity dimensions-as proposed by Ha and James (1998) and empirically validated by Chen and Yen (2004) using business websites-are applicable to library website. It also attempts to frame... more
The Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) is probably the most well-known journal in the library and information science discipline. This paper examines the collaboration and authorship pattern of ALIS within the study period... more
The study examines the change in pattern of impact factor and SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR) of the journal under study from 2008 to 2021 besides examining the pattern of growth of the number of papers. The study identified the most... more
Explores the phenomena of bibliographic coupling in nine core journals in toxicology indexed in the Toxicology Information Online (TOXLINE), the international database. A total of 1218 articles were taken for analysis using Software... more
Acknowledgements have caught the attention of policy makers as they, like citations, indicate influential contributions to a scientific work. The present paper analyzes the acknowledgements-funding and personal-of the research output of... more
Analyses articles in Baltic Astronomy published during the years 2000 to 2008 with regard to distribution of contributions, authorship pattern of contributions, distribution of references, analysis of length of papers, etc. Out of 8489... more
The journal literature in the field of library and information science has grown exponentially. A few countries publish a good number of library and information science journals and India is also in the race. The study researches the... more
This paper aims to measure the extent to which Bangladesh-based Library and Information Science (LIS) researchers have published in leading LIS journals indexed by Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS. To answer this question, bibliographic... more
The paper studies the applicability of Lotka's law for international business literature. The data included eleven thousand two hundred two (11202) references appended to research articles published in Journal of World Business during... more
Cognitive Neuroscience is a scientific field that studies the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive processes, such as perception, attention, memory, language, and decision-making. The present study explores the research productivity of... more
The traditional characteristics and challenges for organizing and searching information on the World Wide Web are outlined and reviewed. The classification features of two of these methods, such as Google, in the case of automated search... more
The portal of e-PG Pathshala is an authentic source of study of e-resources in different academic subjects including the academic subject Library & Information Science. The all papers which are being taught in the courses of Library &... more
The study identified the research performance of different government institutes namely,
Plagiarism is a growing concern for academia across the globe. Several factors influence the behaviour of the researcher towards plagiarism. The UGC (Promotion of Academic Integrity and Prevention of Plagiarism in HEIs) Regulation, 2018... more
Science and technology is being practiced today in a collaborative manner with participation of scientists from different disciplines, institutions and countries. To combat the problems of pollution, environment, energy, biodiversity,... more
Abstract: The study aims to to analyze the performance of education and research institutes in India in medical and alliedsciences during 1999-2008, based on their research output, using robust quantitative and qualitative indicators... more
The study investigated the use of blogs and social networking sites especially the school library blogs by the students of Kendriya Vidyalaya(KV), Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The study reviewed the characteristics and evaluated... more
The paper examines 25,132 biochemistry research contributions of Indian scientists covered in the Web of Science for a period of 10 years (2004-2013). It was found that the biochemistry research is gradually growing and average annual... more
Analysis of 137 Ph. D theses submitted during 2001-2010 found that majority of the theses (107) were in chemistry. The study analysed the number of references included in the theses and found an average of 242.79 references to a thesis.... more
A summary report of a Case study by Damiana Kiilu, Senior Librarian User Services in USIU-A Library
The study examines the research productivity of the DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) for a selected period of 2012-2020. In 2012, the Scopus database started indexing DJLIT publications, and it was the... more
All the papers from five volumes have been scanned and analyzed with the help of spreadsheet. The total 97 articles were published during the period 2013-2017. The study covers the year-wise, institutions-wise, state-wise distribution of... more
All the papers from five volumes have been scanned and analyzed with the help of spreadsheet. The total 97 articles were published during the period 2013-2017. The study covers the year-wise, institutions-wise, state-wise distribution of... more
This study aims to analyse the contributions in IASLIC Bulletin –an official organ or a leading library science journal published by IASLIC. The total 97 articles were published during the period 2013 – 2017. The study covers the... more
The paper analysed 699 papers published in Library & Information Science Research (LISR) during the period of 1994-2020. Google Scholar was used to obtain the number of citations received by these papers until April 30, 2021. The study... more