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We present algorithms and systems for interactive boundary computation of Boolean combinations of sculptured solids. The algorithm is applicable to all spline solids and computes an accurate boundary representation. To speed up the... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationGeometric ModellingModel validation
This article focuses on Pili, a popular Taiwanese transmedia puppetry that features martial arts-based narratives and fight sequences through CGI (computer-generated image) animation, and examines relations mediated between puppetry,... more
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      AnimationPuppetryTheater and filmTransmedia
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryMotion AnalysisWalt Disney Animation Studios
The theme of spectatorship is central in this essay that reviews and critiques a number of approaches to animation spectatorship. Its basic premise is that the phenomenal and the noumenal 'worlds' animation confronts us have an uneasy... more
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      Film TheoryAnimationFilm AnalysisPhenomenology
« Andreï Tarkovski : nouvelles perspectives comparatives », co-dirigé par Macha Ovtchinnikova et Marie Gueden , Tétrade n°7, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 2021 Dans ce numéro, il s’agit d’explorer de nouvelles perspectives... more
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      Russian StudiesAnimationVideo ArtFilm and Video Art
Historically, the role of drawing in traditional animation was unequivocal. How has this role been affected or changed by the advent of computer animation, and the increasingly widespread use of digital tools in animation? Can the... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryComputer AnimationDrawing
One of the most important tropes for the fantastic is the ghost, a quasi-universal figure that juxtaposes concepts of the real and the unreal, and a very important component of fantastic narrative. Chin Wan (陳雲) notes the way different... more
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      AnimationGenre studiesFantasy (Film Studies)Gothic Fiction and the horror film
This is a book primarily for professionals and lovers of animation, but it can also be employed as a textbook for other fields of audiovisual media. Pikkov is a director of animated films who, in addition to creating animated films,... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryStop-motion AnimationEast European Animation
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      Visual propagandaAnimationPuppetryPropaganda
Home on the Range (Will Finn and John Sanford, 2004) concluded what had been, for Disney, a stylistically progressive sequence of theatrically released features defined in this article as the Neo-Disney period that broke with the... more
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      Film StudiesAnimationPopular CultureComputer Animation
Using a neoformalist approach to the study of film and television, this paper analyzes the American Animated Cartoon, arguing that it shows particular traits and narrative strategies; and thus it can be considered a genre that deals with... more
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      AnimationGenreFilm HistoryHistory of Animation
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      ScreenwritingVisual StudiesDesignArt
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      AnthropologyAnimationEthnographyAnimation Theory
In recent debates on empathy in various disciplines, including philosophy, psychology, psychopathology, cognitive sciences, neurophysiology, the discussion has focused on empathic experiences within the intersubjective context, either... more
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      AestheticsMax SchelerAnimationAristotle
Stüssy is an internationally renowned fashion label which encapsulates the surf wear trend originating in Orange County, California, and which has largely been adopted by the streetwear and hip-hop scenes.
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      MarketingEnglish LiteratureArt HistoryDesign
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      Film StudiesAnimationStop-motion AnimationFilm Analysis
In this PDF, prominent types of animation used in multimedia and career opportunities associated with them are detailed.
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      Animation3D animation2D animationStop Motion
Piyasadaki Türkçe animasyon yaptım ve tanıtım kitaplarının bir incelemesini yaptım. Temel İngilizce Animasyon kitaplarının da bir listesini oluşturdum.
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      AnimationAnimasyonçizgi Film
The authors are producing two-dimensional animated human faces with lip motion synchronized to a given speech sound file. The process is called lip synchronization. We assume the only input is the sound file; no text is used to... more
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    • Animation
The Intertwining Line explores early and contemporary animation and its intertwined relationship with contemporary drawing. The exhibition at Cornerhouse, Manchester features work by nine artists, including internationally acclaimed... more
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      AnimationContemporary ArtDrawingFilm and Video Art
Recent high dynamic range (HDR) display devices provide significantly greater output brightness and dynamic range compared to conventional display technology. A possible concern for the extended use of HDR displays is the potential to... more
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      PerceptionAnimationHigh Dynamic RangeFacial expressions
Research about stop motion animation shorts and used as a technique for VFX in movies, done for a Stop Motion workshop given by Bert Brusselman in Córdoba, Argentina.
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      AnimationStop-motion AnimationOptical toys, pre-cinematic imagesFilms
In this paper an operational model for the automatic generation of lifelike gestures of an anthropomorphic virtual agent is described. The biologically motivated approach to controlling the movements of a highly articulated figure... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnimationComputer AnimationMotion control
We examine how people perceive visual properties of new concepts for the design of animated vehicle instrument clusters, with emphasis on aesthetic aspects. The project is placed in the context of animations for eco-conscious driving. It... more
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Exploring unknown models or scenes is a highly interactive and dynamic process. Systems for automatic presentation of models or scenes either require cinematographic rules, direct human interaction, framesets, or precalculation of paths... more
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      AnimationVirtual EnvironmentHuman InteractionCGF
Multiple view 3D video reconstruction of actor performance captures a level-of-detail for body and clothing movement which is time-consuming to produce using existing animation tools. In this paper we present a framework for concatenative... more
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      AnimationOptimal ControlGraph TheoryLinear Programming
We describe a versatile, low cost, video movie making system for generating and displaying scientific graphics from remote supercomputers. The system makes video movies by single frame animation from the output of time dependent,... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDistributed ComputingComputer GraphicsAnimation
Vocal communication is most effective when the listener is able to observe the mouth of the speaker. This is especially true for the hearing impaired, and dramatically true for the deaf, who rely on lip-reading for comprehending speech.
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      AnimationComputer AnimationSpeech RecognitionSpeech Communication
The unprecedented economic growth and immigration that Ireland experienced between 1995 and 2007 did not only challenge national but also ethnic, social, and gender identities. The contributions to this volume explore how films tackle... more
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      Cultural StudiesIrish StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
Computer visualizations are all around us. In this paper we describe a design process in which we explore the development of a new visualization to aid managerial decision making. The ultimate goal of our design effort is to develop a... more
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      Computer ScienceVisualizationAnimationDecision Making
Since the early 1900’s Broadway has been called the ‘Great White Way’ because of the proliferation of its light-studded movie marquees and advertising signs, but this was in fact a misnomer as the area was often in blazing color. From... more
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      AnimationAdvertising and MediaColorTimes Square
T he time of mythical promise is upon us. The day has come when anyone with the interest and equipment can construct a new implementation of heaven and earth and all the myriad creatures that dwell there.
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ArchitectureVisualizationAnimation
We advocate the use of point sets to represent shapes. We provide a definition of a smooth manifold surface from a set of points close to the original surface. The definition is based on local maps from differential geometry, which are... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationComputational GeometryImage-based Rendering
We are presenting techniques for simulating the motion and the deformation of cloth, fabrics or, more generally, deformable surfaces. Our main goal is to be able to simulate any kind of surface without imposing restrictions on shape or... more
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      AnimationDeformable ObjectsCollision detectionConsistency Checking
Character rigging is a process of endowing a character with a set of custom manipulators and controls making it easy to animate by the animators. These controls consist of simple joints, handles, or even separate character selection... more
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryComputer AnimationCharacter Animation
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      AnimationStop-motion AnimationLearning and Teaching
Facial Expressions - A multidisciplinary approach:
Psicology: Universal Emotions
Animation: 2D and 3D Animated Characters
Content Analysis: Method proposal for animated characters analisys
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      AnimationContent AnalysisImage AnalysisEmotions (Social Psychology)
Online learning is becoming more prevalent throughout the years. At the same time, learners are using various technological devices to learn via the internet. One of the common ways of online learning is by watching videos from streaming... more
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      Computer ScienceAnimationEducational AnimationInstructional Animations
JQRSS Qualitative Researcher Awards Congratulations to the following researchers who have been recognised by the JQRSS Editorial Board for their outstanding research activities, scholarly conduct and valuable contribution to the journal.... more
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      HistoryDesignAnimationCultural Heritage
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      Media StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsAnimationRace and Ethnicity
This paper focuses on the computational creation of animated data visualization used to communicate urban analysis and design in a video. The goal is to combine abstract analysis information with concrete qualitative impressions of a... more
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      ArchitectureAnimationAugmented RealityMedia
product or service to those who will truly benefit from it. Psychological selling isn't about making people buy from you, but more effectively reaching your target audience.
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Editorial and description of issue contents.
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryArt TheoryAnimation
Since 1990 the DRA Speech Research Unit has conducted research into applications of speech recognition technology to speech and language development for young children. This has been done in collaboration wirh Hereford and Worcester... more
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      Computer Science EducationAnimationLiteratureComputer Animation
A study of recent experimental stop-frame flicker strategies, focussing on filmmakers Jodie Mack, Benedict Drew and Sebastian Buerkner.
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      AnimationAnimation TheoryExperimental AnimationExperimental Film
As defined by Paul Taberham (2019, 17-18), “the basic premises of experimental animation hark back to the early twentieth century avant-garde”. This form of animation “typically offers formal challenges to the spectator” akin to the aims... more
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      AnimationMusic VideoSurrealismExperimental Animation
We describe a method for the visual interactive simulation of wires contacting with rigid multibodies. The physical model used is a hybrid combining lumped elements and massless quasistatic representations. The latter is based on a... more
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      Computer GraphicsAnimationVirtual RealityAdaptive Dynamics
The educational impact of visualization depends not only on how well students learn when they use it, but also on how widely it is used by instructors. Instructors believe that visualization helps students learn. The integration of... more
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      VisualizationAnimationPedagogyStudent Learning
this paper we introduce ourinteractive movie system by focusing on how weachieved an integration of narrative-based and spontaneousinteractions. Also, there is the important question:what is the objective of creating interactive... more
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      AnimationHuman FactorsComputer AnimationControl Systems
To develop a model that relates the purpose of the communication to the nature of the animation, we surveyed existing user interfaces that use animation, analyzed these uses with respect to type of animation and communicative function,... more
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      AnimationDesign PatternsUser InterfaceGraphic User Interface Design