Animals and non-humans
Recent papers in Animals and non-humans
This paper brings together phenomenology and a kind of reader-response criticism in order to explicate E.B. White's famous children's novel, Charlotte's Web. The paper has three main parts. In the first, the paper highlights some... more
Posthumanism has had a significant impact on art and art research in Nordic and Baltic countries, including all kinds of performances and theatre, dance, and performance studies. The field of posthumanist research encompasses a wide range... more
Interview by Anna Raimo for Insula Europea. Marco Ceravolo è Postdoctoral Fellow presso il Dipartimento di Italiano dell’Università di Toronto. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Italian Studies all’University College Cork (Cork,... more
Children's literature deals with approaching various themes from cultural, social, and psychological perspectives. The study of children's literature involves examining numerous features such as themes, character development, cultural... more
This chapter examines the phenomenon of conflict within the framework of ecological crisis, applying Lotman’s semiotic theory through an ecosemiotic perspective. Central to the analysis is the concept of the *ecosemiosphere*, as developed... more
What calls for justice? Are we called to do justice to other animals? How ought we to understand and relate to the other animals around us? The work of Jacques Derrida offers a strong foundation from which to consider these questions, and... more
O título deste ensaio adota aspas para remeter, desde logo, a um assunto controverso e urgente: em que medida o contexto histórico explica a ficção de Machado de Assis? Como sua literatura estiliza matérias verossímeis de seu tempo, não... more
There is a widely debated issue regarding the status and impact of exponentially growing artificial intelligence. The article deals with the problem of the moral agency of animals, and artificial intelligence. The author addresses several... more
It was international news when New Zealand's Parliament, in a 2017 settlement of Māori land claims, declared that the Whanganui River “is a legal person and has all the rights, powers, duties, and liabilities of a legal person.” Such... more
L’histoire des circulations en Méditerranée ancienne s’est longtemps restreinte à celles des hommes et dans le cadre des milieux anthropisés, au détriment des circulations des animaux. L’essor des études animales amène désormais à les... more
Çalışma, 2022-2023 yıllarında Ankara’da bir at binicilik kulübünde yaklaşık bir yılda gerçekleştirdiğim türlerarası etnografik bir çalışmaya dayanır. Kulüpteki çeşitli gruptan (seyisler, antrenörler vd.) insanlarla kulüpteki atların... more
This essay aims to understand and analyse xenotransplantation as a possible alternative to human-to-human organ transplants. I am especially interested in pointing out the most debated ethical issues connected with this controversial... more
Au terme des cinq volumes de ce traité pratique de la méthode pour passer et penser du côté des animaux, en rassemblant les sciences du vivant et les sciences humaines désirant maintenant aller au-delà de l'humain, il est bon de... more
Who are we, humans of the 21st century? This question is at the core of posthumanism, which redefines the notion of humanity relationally, counting on plurality, ecology and technology as integral parts of the human. This opens radical... more
The _Essay explores affective and cultural legacies embedded in disposal architectures. Drawing on various theories of waste, it examines the material histories of domestic disposal and notions of affect and belonging. Central questions... more
Anthropomorphism, the imposition of human traits on nonhuman objects and animals, is an ancient tradition in the art of storytelling. Existing studies on anthropomorphism in literature have mostly focused on its being a satirical device... more
Pese a la veteranía de la etnografía, o quizás debido a ella, se ha venido señalando la creciente irrelevancia que desde el punto de vista de cierta antropología y de los colaboradores/informantes aqueja a unos discursos en exceso... more
The aim of this work is to ascertain the relevance of the miasmatic theory for the construction and spatial organization of the Hospital Geral de Santo António in Porto, Portugal, in the 19th century, from then recent graduate physicians'... more
This article concentrates on the domestic reuse and repurposing of packaging as a form of material life in Estonian households, and on the material and historical background of reuse and repurposing. The Estonian case reflects the... more
While there are a few publications in the field of game studies that focus on posthuman approaches (
This book celebrates the wisdom of ancient Indigenous cultures and, in particular, the role of the feminine within them. Barbara Alice Mann (Bear Clan, of Seneca descent) and Kaarina Kailo (Finnish nationality) conjoin the oral traditions... more
Este notable libro enseña cómo el daño forja cosmos. Enseña mucho más; me concentro en la cuestión del daño cósmico, pues en ella encuentro su lección más poderosa. Frente al argot rutinario e institucionalizado del conflicto armado... more
Перевод с английского С. И. Арутюнова, 1994 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ с примерным соответствием страницам английского оригинала Часть первая. УЧЕНИЕ О ТЕЛЕПАТИИ I. Поле телепатического взаимодействия II. Телепатическая работа. Три главных фактора III.... more
Question: What do Olympian Simone Biles, climate warrior Greta Thunberg, billionaire Elon Musk, artist Leonardo Da Vinci and sci-fi bestseller Octavia Butler have in common? Answer: They are change-makers who are neurodivergent or, in... more
Humans have the ability to flexibly synchronize motor output with sensory input, such as when dancing, performing, walking in step with a partner, or just tapping a foot along with music. The study of these behaviors, collectively called... more
Convocatoria de dossier "Historia ambiental de las ciudades en el contexto del Sur global" Fechas de recepción de artículos: hasta el 14 de febrero de 2025 CALL FOR PAPERS Environmental History of Cities in the Context of the... more
Focusing on the role of differentiation and its significance for lived experience, the Collaborative Research Center 1482 "Studies in Human Differentiation" [Humandifferenzierung] invites you to apply for a spring school at Johannes... more
Background: Escherichia coli consists of a wide range of strains with huge diversity in their genome, distributed in nature and the alimentary tracts of animals and humans. This study analyzed the phylogenetic group determination and... more
Abstract: This article explores the application of care as an ethical and methodological approach in geography, grounded in feminist methodologies that challenge extractive academic practices. It specifically discusses how care is... more
El artículo presenta resultados preliminares de una investigación etnográfica en curso. Realizando para este trabajo en específico diferentes entrevistas no directivas a varios actores involucrados como funcionarios públicos, miembros de... more
Dans cet article nous explorons la xénographie d’Elisa Chimenti en nous focalisant sur deux aspects : le plurilinguisme de son écriture et la mise en scène du rapport des femmes aux espaces à travers l’art du récit, entre harem et monde... more
Introduction d'un numéro des Cahiers de recherche sociologique codirigé avec Magali Uhl. Sommaire : MAGALI UHL ET KHALIL KHALSI Introduction. Les autres qu’humains. Explorations en humanités environnementales JÉRÔME MICHALON... more
À partir d’un bref panorama des humanités environnementales essentiellement francophones, cet article se propose de dégager quelques traits saillants d’une pensée qui, ne se contentant pas de décrire les réalités interspécifiques de notre... more
I was interviewed by Karen M’Closkey for LA+, a cool interdisciplinary journal of landscape architecture. Here I talk about art, animals, plants, architecture and more...
Pigs are the only species where the geographical distribution of the domestic type overlaps with that of its wild ancestors. Therefore, distinction between domestic pig and wild boar remains are important to better understand the roles of... more
Zusammenfassung Mit der Entdeckung des Unbewussten und der damit einhergehenden Dezentrierung des Subjekts hatte sich Freud in die großen umstürzenden Theorien der Menschheit eingereiht und sich in eine Linie mit Kopernikus und Darwin... more
Autant le statut des animaux dans les systèmes productifs fait l'objet de débats, autant la définition de la durabilité alimentaire n'implique aucun égard particulier pour les plantes. Le projet PlantCoopLab trouve son inspiration dans ce... more
El presente libro nace como producto de una convocatoria para Libros de Cátedra de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata. La propuesta, avalada por la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, permitirá introducir al lector en los principales... more
Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology 2024 - From Heaven to Earth - Divinity, Humanity, and Nature in the Ancient Near East. Abstract: One of the unresolved questions of Assyriology concerns the apparent diversity between... more
Anders Burman reseña Lugares Parientes en Estudios Atacameños
Non-human entities, including animals, mountains, rainforests, eco-systems, AI, and robots, are beginning to be considered the subjects of rights in different parts of the world. This innovative book provides a critical outlook on this... more
Wastelands are gaining a new centrality in urban areas, both from a socio-economic and ecological point of view. The scarcity of land available for real estate development makes these spaces interesting opportunities, increased by a... more