Animals and non-humans
Recent papers in Animals and non-humans
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
Artificial intelligence is often portrayed in science fiction as conscious and humanlike. We explore this phenomenon by analyzing mostly recent TV series and movies in the context of philosophical issues such as the problem of other... more
The article examines self-portraits taken in 2011 by Indonesian crested black macaque monkey Naruto with wildlife photographer David Slater’s camera. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) filed a lawsuit against Slater to... more
This paper is comprised of three movements namely: a discussion of Olivier Perriquet's video installation in the 'The Dreams of Forms' exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris held in 2017; Lori Beaman's 'sea turtle project' and the... more
Peter Carruthers argues in favour of the position that the pains of non-human animals are nonconscious ones, and from this that non-human animals are due no moral consideration.1 I outline Carruthers' argument in Section II, and call... more
Les philosophes médiévaux n'ont pas hésité à proclamer que : « Chaque être humain est un animal. » Pour eux, c'était un fait scientifique et une vérité logique, un élément crucial de leur vision du monde dans laquelle toutes les... more
In this chapter, I argue – using a number of examples from representations of non-human animals – that there are close connections between the exotic otherness of animals in Occidental representations and the othering of some human... more
Social media is a powerful tool for sharing information and awareness campaigns concerning environmental issues, especially as they pertain to the conservation of wild, nonhuman animals (henceforth, "animals"). This form of online... more
RESUMO A atual centralidade dos animais de estimação nas sociedades urbanas tem desencadeado uma série de pesquisas. Nos estudos sobre consumo, o mercado pet tem chamado a atenção. O seu crescimento exponencial no Brasil na última década... more
A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as... more
Monografia w języku polskim, która ukazała się w Wydawnictwie Naukowym "Śląsk" w 2016 roku. Spis treści: Wstęp do ekokrytyki 17 Zagadnienia i problemy badawcze ekokrytyki 19 Przegląd polskich stanowisk wobec problematyki ekologicznej... more
La domanda a cui gli autori cercano di rispondere, e che a mio giudizio è la più importante che possiamo farci nel merito della questione dello status morale degli animali, fa riferimento alla questione dell’esistenza di... more
Salas Carreño, Guillermo. 2018. “On Quechua Relatedness to Contemporary and Ancient Dead.” In Non-Humans in Amerindian South America. Ethnographies of Indigenous Cosmologies, Rituals and Songs, edited by Juan Javier Rivera, 197–223. New... more
En este artículo propongo leer “La agonía Rasu-Ñiti” de José María Arguedas como un texto cosmopolítico. Es decir, que expresa una política Quechua basada en una lógica relacional no-humana. El danzante de tijeras Rasu-Ñiti afirma que es... more
The paper looks at an unexplored case of a sentient ecology in Cappadocia among the cave dwellers and their environment, at a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Turkey.
REFLECTION This paper describes student work in a seminar and field school that use research through designing as a means to engage the more-than-human world in landscape architectural design practices. Students used an epistemology of... more
Welcome to Aesop’s Anthropology, an effort to theorize culture and society across species lines. This project pursues a basic question: what can we learn about culture from other species? Studies of nonhumans are generating new... more
Les images visionnaires, qu'elles soient induites par l'ingestion de substances psychotropes, suscitées par des dispositifs rituels ou saisies à l'occasion d'un débordement perceptif, constituent de véritables agents de la vie sociale. Ce... more
What exactly is innocence—why are we morally compelled by it? Classic figures of innocence—the child, the refugee, the trafficked victim, and the animal—have come to occupy our political imagination, often aided by the important role of... more
A well-known definition of music states that what we understand with this term may be subsumed under "humanly organized sound:" This was formulated by John Blacking (1973, 3) in his celebrated book "How Musical is Man?" His proposal,... more
Альманах Хроники Драконов
dragons, draconity, otherkin, russian dragon community,
dragons, draconity, otherkin, russian dragon community,
The essay presents a historical profile of the relationship between man and non-human animals. The author analyzes in particular the influence that, at the end of the Eighteenth century, the birth of the concept of «human rights» had on... more
O trabalho busca apontar um conjunto de justificativas para que a teoria sociológica passe a atentar mais profundamente para a relação entre humanos e não-humanos, especialmente para o papel dos animais de estimação na sociedade... more
A partir de investigaciones que muestran cómo la provisión de comida y la cohabitación son fundamentales en la construcción del parentesco en los Andes, el autor muestra cómo esta misma lógica está presente en otras interacciones... more
This study reviews ethological literature and the views of working riders on the manners in which horses communicate nonverbally; explores social-scientific paradigms of human nonverbal communication as presented in the academic... more
Un libro che ha cambiato la vita di decine di migliaia di lettori. Un cult del movimento vegano e del femminismo. Tradotto in 10 lingue «Una bibbia per la comunità vegana.» New York Times «Una polemica intelligente […] argomento... more
Advocates of veganism frequently present their case holistically, outlining its benefits for nonhuman and human animals and for our shared environment. However, a consistent feature of ‘mainstream’ public discourse on veganism is the... more
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
The rights of nature can be a powerful tool for thinking anew our relationships with so-called "natural beings" conceived as political subjects, and for protecting them against exploitative corporate interests. In this paper, I first... more
This chapter examines Aquinas' understanding of both the similarities and differences between human and non-human animals. In order to do so, I will examine what Aquinas has to say about (a) the telos (overall purpose or end) of humans... more
What role do nonhuman animals play in human social life? This question has long interested anthropologists, who have provided various answers, themselves reflective of broader theoretical trends within the discipline. For much of the... more
A lo largo del tiempo , los seres humanos hemos construido nuestras vidas junto con los animales . Los cuales han sido objetos de múltiples investigaciones desde la antropología clásica; tal y como los trabajos propuestos por el... more
1. The White Snake Films: Complicating “Hong Kong Horror Cinema” 2. Horror in the White Snake Tales: Sexual Encounters and Their Aftermaths 3. Horror in Early Experimental White Snake Films: the Tokyo and Shanghai Connections 4. The White... more
REVIEWS Jose Tarin, "Derechos no humanos?" Isegoria 67, 2022. Pilar Gomez, ""Cómo ser filosofo moral en el siglo XXI" Nueva Revista, 24 Nov 2022.... more
Depuis quelques années nous assistons à un tournant épistémologique et théorique majeur dans les études de genre grâce à l’entrée massive dans nos agendas scientifiques d’acteurs non humains tels que les animaux, les forêts, la poussière,... more