Animal Welfare Theories
Recent papers in Animal Welfare Theories
This 5-part series of articles (written as an undergraduate major in Philosophy and Government) at the College of William and Mary) is the first major study of the animal rights and animal liberation movement that was fully emerging in... more
Animal welfare is a growing public concern that has the potential to undermine the social license of zoos and aquariums. The lack of consensus on how animal welfare is defined across such a diverse sector combined with and a widespread... more
This Article develops the proposition that non-human animals can possess and exercise legal rights. This proposal is supported by the fact that our legal system already accommodates a number of animal interests within the criminal... more
Husbandry training and environmental enrichment are both important advancements associated with current behavioral welfare practices. Additionally, the use of training procedures has been proposed as a form of enrichment, with the... more
Animal Welfare 1996, 5: 139-153 To assess the validity of using wild behavioural data as a welfare indicator for zoo animals, the time budgets of 19 captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), from four zoos were compared with the time... more
a alcuni mesi il mio modo di lavorare con le api sta subendo un cambiamento. Questo cambiamento non è scaturito da una nuova intuizione tecnica e gestionale e non necessariamente sta facilitando i miei interventi in apiario, ma è qualcosa... more
Kant’s view that we have only indirect duties to animals fails to capture the intuitive notion that wronging animals transgresses duties we owe to those animals. Here I argue that Kantianism can allow for direct duties to animals, and in... more
Extending ethical considerability to animals consistently takes the form of imperialism: progressing outward from the core of human morality, it incorporates only those animals deemed relevantly similar to humans while rejecting or... more
У монографії досліджено теоретичні та практичні питання міжнародно-правового регулювання співробітництва держав у сфері забезпечення добробуту тварин та їх захисту від жорстокого поводження. Здійснено аналіз становлення та розвиток... more
This paper analyses Connecticut's "pet trust statute," and attempts to answer a question left silent by its drafters and the Connecticut Probate Courts—to what duty or standard of care should a trust protector be held? It reviews hedonic... more
В данной статье исследуется проблема соотношения и разграничения понятий «благополучие животных» и «защита животных от жестокого обращения» в контексте международно-правового регулирования. Рассматриваются различные подходы к... more
Buddhism offers a religious vision at three levels. At the ultimate level, the Dharma refers to our existing in the midst of a limitless ocean of grace called the Dharmakaya that is beyond our understanding. This then appears in spiritual... more
The purpose of the present paper is to demonstrate the inconsistencies between ethical theory and legal practice of animal treatment. Specifically, we discuss contemporary legal solutions, based on three case studies – Serbian, German and... more
Certificate of the Kinderuni Wien 2015. The title of the seminar, which was held on the 10th July 2015, was: "Stell dir vor, du bist ein Tier...". Age of children: 10-12.
La loi n° 2018-938 du 30 octobre 2018 « pour l’équilibre des relations commerciales dans le secteur agricole et alimentaire et une alimentation saine, durable et accessible à tous » (EGALIM) traite incidemment dans plusieurs de ses... more
In this paper I introduce the 'changing the subject' problem. When proponents of animal protection use terms such as dignity and respect, they can be fairly accused of shifting debate from welfare to rights because the terms purportedly... more
Behaviour represents a reaction to the environment as fish perceive it and is therefore a key element of fish welfare. This review summarises the main findings on how behavioural changes have been used to assess welfare in farmed fish,... more
The purpose of this paper is to describe the welfare conceptions of international thoroughbred racing industry bodies and situate them in the wider animal welfare debate. The aim is to assess the industry’s future-readiness in light of a... more
In The Netherlands annually over 45 million (and globally billions) male chicks are killed immediately after hatching. Because the aim of the layer breeding industry is to produce laying hens, they have no use for male chicks. These... more