Animal Ecology
Recent papers in Animal Ecology
Domesticated animals spread from their ancestral heartland in northern Africa and southwestern Asia into eastern and southern Africa after 4000 BP. Three theories account for the relatively slow spread of domesticated animals into the... more
Omnivory is an important interaction that has been the centre of numerous theoretical and empirical studies in recent years. Most of these studies examine the conditions necessary for coexistence between an omnivore and an intermediate... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
Coexistence between great tits Parus major and blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, but also other hole-nesting taxa, constitutes a classic example of species co-occurrence resulting in potential interference and exploitation competition for... more
1.A major challenge in evolutionary ecology is to understand how coevolutionary processes shape patterns of interactions between species at community level. Pollination of flowers with long corolla tubes by long-tongued hawkmoths has been... more
1. Predicting population dynamics at large spatial scales requires integrating information about spatial distribution patterns, inter-patch movement rates and within-patch processes. Advective dispersal of aquatic species by water... more
Several theoretical models predict under what conditions maximum species diversity can be maintained, and they are often used to develop effective ecosystem management plans. 2. Two models that are currently used to predict patterns of... more
Despite its central place in animal ecology no general mechanistic movement model with an emergent home-range pattern has yet been proposed. Random walk models, which are commonly used to model animal movement, show diffusion instead of a... more
1. Quantifying the pattern of temporal and spatial variation in demography, and identifying the factors that cause this variation, are essential steps towards understanding the structure and dynamics of any population. 2. One critical but... more
Jacquemontia reclinata House (Convolvulaceae) is a federally listed endangered species endemic to coastal strand habitat of south-eastern Florida. In order to identify the closest relatives of J. reclinata, a phylogenetic reconstruction... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Incomplete reproductive isolation and hybridization is relatively frequent in primates. However, no cases of hybridization between formally recognized species have been reported in tamarins (genus Saguinus), a highly specious group of... more
1. Physical barriers contribute to habitat fragmentation, influence species distribution and ranging behaviour, and impact long-term population viability. Barrier permeability varies among species and can potentially impact the... more
One of the most difficult problems in developing spatially explicit models of population dynamics is the validation and parameterization of the movement process. We show how movement models derived from capture-recapture analysis can be... more
The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semi-aquatic, generalist carnivore released onto Tierra del Fuego (TDF) Island in the 1940s, subsequently spreading to adjacent islands in the archipelago with potential effects on native prey... more
During several surveys made in the region of the lower Fly River and delta, Papua New Guinea, nine species of oxudercine gobies (Gobiidae: Oxudercinae) were recorded: Boleophthalmus caeruleomaculatus, Oxuderces wirzi, Periophthalmodon... more
En Europe occidentale, la persécution intense, l'urbanisation et le développement de l'agriculture intensive ont peu à peu repoussés les grands prédateurs vers les montagnes, qui constituent bien souvent leurs derniers retranchements. Les... more
Ian Redmond reports from his former study site on Mt Elgon, Kenya, then attended the Brazzaville ivory burn, and asks how the latter can help protect the former. Ian Redmond, Obe is a wildlife biologist and conservationist, known for his... more
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
The Golden Jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758), which belongs to the Canidae family, is an opportunist carnivore in the Gaza Strip (365 square kilometers). The current study aims at giving notes on the occurrence and some ecological... more
A complete review of microbat records available from five Western Oases of the Egyptian part of the Libyan Desert (Siwa, Bahariya, Farafra, Dakhla, Kharga) is presented, covering both literature data and particularly new records obtained... more
RESUMEN Rhinoclemmys nasuta (Testudines: Geoemydidae) es considerada una especie casi endémica de Colombia y la más primitiva del género, sin embargo, se encuentra clasificada por la IUCN como deficiente de datos, ya que la información... more
Ce projet de recherche propose d'étudier les stratégies d'adaptation en milieu fragile (désert, steppe) au travers des « desert kites », de grandes constructions faites d’alignements de pierres convergeant vers un enclos (fig. 1).... more
History 602 Wytham Wood 602 Methods 602 Comparison of Marley population with those elsewhere Movements of Wytham tits Variations in the breeding population and the erection of nest-boxes 606 Survival of the young after they leave the nest... more
We used radio-telemetry techniques to determine hourly activity patterns of 29 juvenile Lilac-crowned Parrots (Amazona finschi) during 1996–2000 in tropical dry forest of Jalisco, Mexico. Parrots had two peak activity periods—early... more
Habitat management to restore or create breeding sites may allow metapopulations to increase in size and reduce the risk of demographic stochasticity or disasters causing metapopulation extinction. However, if newly restored or created... more
Both wing size and wing shape aff ect the fl ight abilities of birds. Intra and inter-specifi c studies have revealed a pattern where high aspect ratio and low wing loading favour migratory behaviour. Th is, however, have not been studied... more
Acoustic parameters for the spinner dolphins' bioacoustic sounds have previously been described. However, the dolphins in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean were only recently studied near the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. Therefore, to... more
AGRIS record. Record number, US9715809. Titles, Farming and birds in Europe: the common agricultural policy and its implications for bird conservation. ... ISBN, 01-254-42807. Notes, ill., maps. bibliographical ref. and index. English... more
The decline of the southern bluefin tuna (SBT) stock since the onset of industrialised fishing has been considerable with estimates of current stock levels being between 5 and 12% of the pre exploitation biomass. If the fishing fleet... more
Arguments that megafaunal extinctions in Australia were anthropogenically mediated have focused on establishing terminal appearance ages. This approach has been underpinned by three principle tenets: (1) if megafauna disappeared before... more
İnsanoğlunun hayvanlarla olan ilişkisinin başlangıcından bu yana insanın "efendi", hayvanların "mal" olma konumu "Derin Ekoloji" düşünce sisteminde değişir. Bu değişimde insan etkinliğinin hayvanların lehine sınırlandırılması, biz... more
"Se comparó la avifauna frugívora y las plantas ornitócoras en una zona no quemada con otra quemada, entre los meses de febrero a julio de 2005, en el Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque, las áreas de estudio se localizaron en el sector... more
The overkill hypothesis was originally proposed more than 40 years ago as an explanation for the extinction of North American Pleistocene megafauna (Martin 1967;. The hypothesis states that when people arrived in the Americas, they hunted... more
Birds’ ecological functions cover a wide spectrum, from creating soil to shaping primate behavior, and many species play key ecological roles, such as decomposition, predation, pollination, nutrient deposition, and seed dispersal. From an... more
The study was conducted to identify the species of skinks and to determine their distribution and abundance with special reference to elevation along Cantubias Ridge of Mt. Pangasugan. A preliminary survey was done in the two study areas... more