Angular Histograms
Recent papers in Angular Histograms
This paper presents a study for the orientation effectiveness on the detected areas for many sampled objects when many type of the edges detection are applied. The Canny, Laplace, Prewitt and Sobel are applied for three objects (pencils'... more
Six Sigma (G) is an approach originally developed by Motorola in 1980s to systematically improve processes by eliminating defects(G) which will result to reduction of process variation.
In high-stake situations, the micro-expressions reveal the hidden emotions of a person and it has potential applications in many areas. The recognition of such short-lived subtle expressions is a challenging task. The literature proposes... more
A new area of research to prevent illegal piracy and duplication copying is digital watermarking. Owing to personal computers being applied in many fields and Internet becoming popular and easier to use, most information is transmitted... more
The multilayer secured DWT-DCT and YIQ color space based image watermarking technique with robustness and better correlation is presented here. The security levels are increased by using multiple pn sequences, Arnold scrambling, DWT... more
The offline signature verification is an automatic verification system that works on the scanned image of a signature. Signature verification uses the gray level measure with varying foreground features. The signature verification is... more
Steganography is the science of embedding secret data inside data so they can be sent to destination security. Image steganography is the most popular type of carrier to hold information. Many algorithms have been proposed to hide... more
The multilayer secured DWT-DCT and YIQ color space based image watermarking technique with robustness and better correlation is presented here. The security levels are increased by using multiple pn sequences, Arnold scrambling, DWT... more
A novel Modified Histogram Equalization (MHE) technique for contrast enhancement is proposed in this paper. This technique modifies the probability density function of an image by introducing constraints prior to the process of histogram... more
The purpose of this project in computer vision is to expand my knowledge of digital image processing through a review of mathematical techniques used by academic researchers in the work in multi-dimensional — i.e., colour — images. A... more
A novel Modified Histogram Equalization (MHE) technique for contrast enhancement is proposed in this paper. This technique modifies the probability density function of an image by introducing constraints prior to the process of histogram... more
A novel Modified Histogram Equalization (MHE) technique for contrast enhancement is proposed in this paper. This technique modifies the probability density function of an image by introducing constraints prior to the process of histogram... more
This paper presents a study for the orientation effectiveness on the detected areas for many sampled objects when many type of the edges detection are applied. The Canny, Laplace, Prewitt and Sobel are applied for three objects (pencils'... more
A novel Modified Histogram Equalization (MHE) technique for contrast enhancement is proposed in this paper. This technique modifies the probability density function of an image by introducing constraints prior to the process of histogram... more
Human activity recognition is an important task in computer vision because it has many application areas such as, healthcare, security, entertainment, and tactical scenarios. This paper presents a methodology to automatically recognize... more