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      ExorcismIisus Hristos
M.A .thesis submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts to the School of Graduate Studies, Villanova University by John D. Caputo, B.A., Cand. M.A. ' ..
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      PhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyTheology
This theological book is a rare small but jam packed outstanding Volume of its kind and known as a systematic treatise that explores the nature and attributes of God within Christian dogmatics. The work examines both natural and... more
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      EthicsEpistemologyMedieval PhilosophyTheology
Књижевно-лингвистичко-културолошка хумано(по)етика: добар – лош, зао: пројекат Центра за научноистраживачки рад Филoлошко-уметничког факултета 2022-2023. Књ. 4, Добри, нормални, поштени, пожртвовани у књижевности, језику и уметности... more
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    • Momcilo Nastasijevic
Српски језик, књижевност, уметност, Зборник радова са XVIII међународног научног скупа одржаног на Филолошко-уметничком факултету у Крагујевцу (27–28. октобар 2023), Књига II/1, Старост, (ур. Д. Бошковић, Ч. Николић), Крагујевац:... more
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    • Ivo Andric
Workshop @ IISF - Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici - 24/02 - Intelletti angelici e corpi [Angelic intellects and bodies] - 25/02 - L’ intelletto angelico e la conoscenza di sé: momenti del dibattito da Tommaso a Suárez... more
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      Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyAngelologyRené Descartes
Platonic demonology was known in the Middle Ages mainly through Apuleius, Calcidius, Augustine, and Martianus Capella. In the 12 th century, there was a true revival of Platonic demonology, the textual and pictorial traditions of which... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyMedieval PhilosophyTheology
In today's culture, many churches have fallen into the trap of comfort, mistaking it for godliness. But when we look at Scripture, we see that Jesus never called us to a life of ease-He called us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and... more
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      Biblical TheologyEvangelismNew Testament TheologyReligious Revivals
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      PhenomenologyEarly Intervention in Psychosis
Si comparamos el judaísmo con otras religiones con las que coexistió desde sus orígenes, es posible apreciar algunas semejanzas centrales. Estas semejanzas, sin embargo, no terminan por explicar la novedad del judaísmo y su influencia en... more
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      AngelologyEarly Judaism
The article is devoted to a brief overview of opinions on the "primacy" of the principles of non-contradiction and the excluded middle of the scholastics who commented on Aristotle's Metaphysics in the form of quaestiones. It is shown... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyAristotlePrinciple of Non-Contradiction
This rare amazing book , is the final theological work of the Swedish scientist-turned-mystic and theologian. This extensive treatise serves as a summation and systematic presentation of Swedenborg’s theological system, which he claimed... more
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      ChristianityTheologyRare Books and ManuscriptsAngelology
This extremely rare book of its kind is a theological and metaphysical exploration of the existence of extraterrestrial life, based on the author's claimed spiritual experiences and visions. Swedenborg, a scientist-turned-mystic,... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceTheologyMetaphysics of Consciousness
The Book of Uí Mhaine contains a version of the corpus of onomastic legends known as Dindshenchas Érenn ‘History of the Notable Places of Ireland’. The content and structure of the Book of Uí Mhaine version of the text differs... more
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      Celtic StudiesManuscript Studies
This extremely rare book belongs to the rich traditions of eschatological literature, engaging with themes of the afterlife, divine judgment, and the unseen spiritual dimensions that shape human existence. Trail, a reverend and scholar,... more
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      SpiritualityOld Testament ProphecyTheological HermeneuticsAngelology
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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonDoctrine of ScriptureBible Study
Semavî orduların başkumandanı, ejderha avcısı, "Tanrı'nın seçilmiş halkı" Hıristiyanların hâmisi, şefaatçi, haberci, şifacı, ölümden sonra iyi ruhları göğe yükselten, su prensi, dağların, mağaraların ve vahşi tabiatın efendisi, en... more
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      Cult of SaintsAngelologyAngels
Il taccuino esplora il rapporto tra vita, esistenza e narcisismo, interrogandosi sulla distinzione tra il vivere biologico e l’esistere ontologico. Il narcisista, ridotto a pura immagine di sé, è descritto come un “non ente”, un essere... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyDoctrine of GodPhilosophy of God
Artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia postaci anioła Gabriela w kontekście siedmiu manuskryptów qumrańskich, w których on występuje, czyli w trzech tekstach hebrajskich (1QM, 4Q285, 1Q19) oraz w czterech tekstach aramejskich (4Q201, 4Q202,... more
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      Qumranic StudiesAngelologyEnoch literatureDead Sea Scrolls
Рад разматра мотивску заступљеност небеских тела у оквиру корпуса српског грађанског песништва. Песничка грађа се истражује ради истицања једног од посебно заступљених и слојевитих аспеката барокне поезије, односно небеских тела као... more
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      Baroque Art and LiteratureSerbian Literature
Magic Seals on the Body among Jews in the First Centuries C.E. Meir Bar-Ilan Several sources from Rabbinic and Hekhalot literature are examined to clarify how and why all sorts of divine names were written on the body (sphragis), a magic... more
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      ReligionRitualJewish MysticismMagic
Discusses the nature of human stupidity including its ethical, educational, political and psychological implications.
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Secondo il cabalista Leon, Nicola Cusano non era inferiore a Spinoza e precedeva anche il pensiero matematico di Galileo.Per questo considerava Cusano uno dei suoi Maestri.
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    • Teología
Este texto procura transmitir uma reflexão em torno das formas de nomeação do Deus de Israel e da construção dessas formas em directa relação com outras divindades cultuadas no mesmo espaço cultural e social, equacionando o seu peso... more
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Prueba del poder seductor de la figura de Caín en la moderna civilización occidental son las obras literarias que se le han dedicado, como Las memorias de Caín de Lars Gyllensten (1963), Balada de Caín de Manuel Vicent (1987) o Caín de... more
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aviceniana, se encuentran una serie de relatos visionarios. En el contexto de cada una de estas narrativas, Suhrawardī emplea numerosas imágenes simbólicas para transmitir varias ideas clave que marcan su filosofía. Dado su lenguaje... more
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      ReligionSpanish LiteraturePersian LiteratureTheology
Un film sur trois femmes, de trois générations, dans des endroits différents, toutes connectées par le roman de Virginia Woolf. Celle-ci est en train de l"écrire. Laura Brown le lit, et le subit, tout comme Clarissa Vaughan le vit. Mais... more
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    • Philosophy
Presentació sintètica de la doctrina del místic català Ramon Llull, qui es denominava ell mateix "christianus arabicus". De fet, la seva obra no es pot entendre sense el coneixement dels pensadors musulmans i, en particular, dels... more
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Spis rzeczy Recenzenci prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Cegielski (UW), prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Pasek (AGH), prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Pilarczyk (UJ), prof. dr hab. Beata Szymańska (UJ), prof. dr hab. Łukasz Trzciński (AGH), dr hab. Diana Oboleńska... more
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      SpiritualityImaginationWestern Esotericism
The subject of this paper are two interpretations given in the Judaic-Hellenistic context of the dreams of the patriarch Joseph and the visions of Aseneth. The first one is the interpretation of Philo of Alexandria who sees messages to be... more
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      Philo of AlexandriaVisions And DreamsEcstatic StatesJoseph and Aseneth
Година 2023. може се сматрати ангелолошком годином српске књижевности, годином када је, на њеном концу, српска наука о књижевности добила три различите публикације посвећене анђелима: антологију, монографију и зборник радова. Овом... more
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    • Angelology
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      EpistemologyArt HistoryPortuguese StudiesRenaissance Studies
Icons are rich in depictions of divine blessing. It is frequently shown as a gesture of God’s hand or hands, seen in the hemisphere of heaven. Certain icons, such as the icon of the Baptism of the Christ or the Old Testament Trinity... more
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Segun la proposicion ix(x) del Liber de causis , toda inteligencia esta llena de formas. Pero ni el Liber ni la Elementatio Theologica de Proclo (el contexto original de esta doctrina) le atribuyen semejante replecion al intelecto humano.... more
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A răsfoi “Cutia Pandorei“ poate însemna să afli cum am ajuns să iubesc
filozofia, să spun lucrurilor pe nume, fără ocolișuri și alte menajamente,
fără să pretind cunoaşterea adevărului.
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Francesco Ciabattoni’s chapter illustrates the tradition of ascribing corrective and healing function to psalms and shows how in the Purgatorio the musical exercise to which the penitents are subjected functions as spiritual and choral... more
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      Italian LiteratureDante
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      AngelologyAngelsTeologiaRomano Guardini
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      ClassicsMuseum EducationPublic Outreach
Рад „Анђели у српској барокној емблематици, бакрорезима, дрворезима, хералдици и драми” фокусира се најпре на српски барокни зборник емблема Итика Јерополитика (1774), у коме су представе анђела и анђелчића најчешће на емблемима који се... more
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      HeraldryAngelologySerbian LiteratureWoodcuts
This paper is devoted to express religious stable compounds in English and Uzbek languages. Also there are given some examples compared in English and Uzbek languages. Stable compounds which help us to form a broader details about... more
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    • Languages and Linguistics
P. Galassi, «L’angelologia biblica di san Tommaso d’Aquino», in Divus Thomas 124(2021)3, pp. 118-168.
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P. Galassi, «L’angelologia teologica di san Tommaso d’Aquino», in Sacra Doctrina 65(2020)1, pp. 51-163.
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      AngelologyCharles JournetSan Tommaso d'AquinoTomismo
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      PhilosophieHistoire de la philosophieCorps
T he liberation of rabbinic theology from the reins of medieval theology is still underway. One of the central issues that sets rabbinic theology apart from later medieval developments is the attribution of body or form to the godhead.... more
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This story is a considerable departure from the author’s accustomed venues of countryside or towns and villages. Set in a salt mine in Poland the plot is a well-known trope. A high-born man, a Prince in fact, espies a beautiful young... more
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The Paper Angels Among Us? The Watchers Myth and Angelology in Ephrem’s Commentary on Genesis and the Ethiopic Tradition by David A. Skelton delves into the ancient interpretive traditions surrounding the story of the Watchers in Genesis... more
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesAngelology
Garden of Lilies is an original collection of poems written in English. The poems of the old collection "Decayed by Love" along with new works were recollected in this new collection. The main idea behind the title is that these poems are... more
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      Creative WritingPoetry
Il breve brano di nostro interesse, Genesi 6,1-7, 1 si colloca tra i passi riguardanti le genealogie dei patriarchi antidiluviani e la narrazione dello sterminio dell'umanità attraverso il diluvio: 1 Quando gli uomini cominciarono a... more
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      Émmanuel LévinasMitología, teología, historia de las religionesTorahNephilim
Este encuentro busca incentivar y problematizar el estudio de la cultura visual, sus circulaciones y procesos de transculturización, a través de los fenómenos de intercambio, apropiación, adaptación y repetición en el espacio geográfico... more
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      ImagenMonarquía HispánicaAsian ArtGlobal Circulation