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Although at first glance ṣîṣîṯ meet the definitional criteria of an amulet, there are just three passages in the early rabbinic literature which only indirectly suggest such interpretation. Yet, as it turns out, the tassels feature strong... more
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      Jewish StudiesApotropaic DevicesHebrew BibleOld Testament
While Aquinas’s primary notion of truth as adequation is applied to God and man in somewhat different ways, it is apparent that it is not applicable to the angels, at least not in the same way. However, since truth is a transcendental,... more
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      AngelologyThomas AquinasTranscendental Philosophy
In the conclusion of his article entitled "The Angelic Spirit in Early Judaism," John R. Levison invited the scholarly community to use his work as "a suitable foundation for discussion of the angelic spirit" in early Christianity. 1 A... more
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      Early ChristianityAngelologyPneumatologyChristian Origins
Archangels in Nubian Christianity played a very important role as protectors of people and intermediaries between them and the God. Therefore they were often presented in Nubian painting. The aim of this paper was to describe different... more
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      AngelologyKingship (Medieval History)Ancient Egyptian Art and ArchaeologyIconography and Iconology
La preponderancia de estudios sobre las series angélicas virreinales, y la creencia generalizada de que las representaciones de ángeles apócrifos constituyen una peculiaridad específica de la angelología virreinal, ha creado una relación... more
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      AngelologyAngelsNunsArte Barroco Español
This paper has two main purposes: to outline the methodology underlying the tag ontology utilised in the Elyonim veTachtonim [hereinafter: EvT] inventory and to demonstrate the system of topic tags used to designate recurring subjects... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreJewish StudiesDigital HumanitiesMagic
This book discusses the occurrence of angelic imagery in early Christian discourse about the Holy Spirit. Taking as its entry-point Clement of Alexandria s less explored writings, Excerpta ex Theodoto, Eclogae propheticae, and... more
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityAngelologySecond Temple Judaism
Origen's shares with Plotinus the belief that sufficiently advanced teachers, and they only, have direct access to the divine.
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      AngelologyPlotinusOrigenGreek Patristics
L’Ars notoria, que l’on peut aussi appeler l’Art des notes, tient une place à part au sein du corpus de textes de magie rituelle attribués à Salomon qui pénètre en Occident à partir du XIIe siècle. Cette tradition bénéficie comme nulle... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLearning and TeachingAngelology
The denial of angelic rule in the world to come (Heb 2.5) provides an important clue to the purpose of Christ's exaltation over the angels in Heb 1-2. The excessive reliance upon angels for national deliverance and personal protection... more
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)AngelologyThe Letter to the HebrewsEpistle to the Hebrews
Edited by Jay M. Hammond, Wayne Hellmann, and Jared Goff Although Bonaventurian scholarship has seen a great expansion in the past forty years, there remains no English volume that provides a general yet detailed study of Bonaventure... more
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      HistoryMedieval PhilosophyTheologyHistorical Theology
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      Jewish MysticismAngelologyTheosisProphecy
At the origin of the Watchers tradition is the single enigmatic reference in Genesis 6 to the “sons of God” who had intercourse with human women, producing a race of giants upon the earth. That verse sparked a wealth of cosmological and... more
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      Early ChristianityAngelologyDemonologyEnoch literature
Objective: To analyze the physical, economic, political and sociocultural components of the environment in Kuwait and determine if the country classifies as an obesogenic environment. Design: Observational, cross-sectional study following... more
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      Angelologyhome delivery
The study explores the eschatological reinterpretation of the Yom Kippur ritual found in the Apocalypse of Abraham where the protagonist of the story, the patriarch Abraham, takes on the role of a celestial goat for YHWH, while the text’s... more
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      Jewish StudiesPatristicsNew TestamentLiturgy
Milton’s angelology in Paradise Lost places him within a long scriptural and exegetical tradition in which angelic being elucidates human being. As God’s only other rational creations, angels are essential for understanding the nature and... more
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      Gender and SexualityEarly Modern EnglandAngelologyJohn Milton
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyJewish Mysticism
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      ReligionPatristicsAngelologySecond Temple Judaism
How is it that when people on earth encounter heavenly beings these consistently appear in human guise; yet, when, in turn, humans enter the celestial world these selfsame human visitors seem to take on qualities of angelic beings? Could... more
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      ReligionJewish StudiesTheologyJewish Mysticism
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyJewish MysticismApocalypticism
Pelagius de Majorque, ermite du XVe siècle, est un maillon important de l'histoire de la magie savante, à la croisée des traditions médiévale et renaissante, des mondes oriental et occidental. Cet article pose un premier jalon pour une... more
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      AngelologyWestern Esotericism (History)Medieval MagicMedieval Devotional Culture
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      PlatoAnthropology of the BodyAngelologyAugustine of Hippo
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      Critical TheoryMetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyTheology
In this article, I examine the interplay of transmission and exegesis in Zecha-riah's textual history, analyzing the strategies that early interpreters employed to create coherence in a difficult text. I use Zechariah's horse visions as... more
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      Translation StudiesNew TestamentBiblical StudiesAngelology
El artículo aborda el asunto del culto angélico a los Siete Príncipes en Nueva España, analizando, en primer lugar, la tradición teológica que lo respalda. Así mismo, analiza las bases del culto, que se sustenta en el Apocalipsis Nova de... more
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      IconographyAngelologyHistory of Colonial MexicoChristian Iconography
The article investigates, by way of close reading, the literary unit that opens the seventh among the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice. The study begins with a text-critical analysis of the poem based on its extant witnesses, including the... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesAngelologyQumran
In the modern world, angels can often seem to be no more than a symbol, but in the Middle Ages men and women thought differently. Some offered prayers intended to secure the angelic assistance for the living and the dead; others erected... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Studies
This paper takes a new approach to the contentious area of the etymology of Metatron, applying the lessons learnt from biblical folk-etymologies which have been shown to actively influence the writing of narratives. In the first section... more
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      TalmudAngelologyMetatronHekhalot Literature
John Climacus's seventh-century ascetical and spiritual masterwork, the Ladder of Divine Ascent, drew on and reformulated the themes and trajectories of Chalcedonian ascetic spirituality in ways that would prove decisive for later... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsHistorical TheologyByzantine Literature
Angels are messengers. Their specifi c task is to bring messages from the heavens down to earth. From the Book of Genesis to the Gospel of Luke, biblical narratives abound with angels appearing to humans under the guise of human form,... more
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      AngelologyMedieval Political ThoughtVoice
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      Social CapitalAngelologyPapacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval Scandinavia
This paper presents the background, ambitions and the initial achievements of the Elyonim veTachtonim research project aimed at constructing an electronic database of accounts involving angels, demons and ghosts in early rabbinic... more
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      Cultural StudiesHumanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Jewish StudiesDigital Humanities
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      Intellectual HistoryMusicMusicologyEarly Modern History
A series of edited collections forging new connections between contemporary critical theorists and a wide range of research areas, such as critical and cultural theory, gender studies, film, literature, music, philosophy and politics.
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      Critical TheoryPolitical EconomyPolitical PhilosophyMedia Studies
Durante los siglos XVI y XVII surgieron dos nuevas propuestas iconográficas para la represen-tación de San Miguel arcángel, que no recogen los manuales de iconografía. Una de ellas, elaborada por Martín de Vos, le muestra con la mano... more
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      AngelologyIconography and IconologyArte BarrocoSan Miguel Arcángel
A swift survey of Noah reviews clearly shows that the audience’s sensitivity was challenged in several regards: Noah was portrayed as a “religious extremist” and “borderline psychopath”, the Creator proved to be a “distant—unaware or... more
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      TheologyFilm StudiesPopular CultureHebrew Bible
[The Meaning of the Angels’ Position in Jesus’ Tomb in John 20:12] Compared with the Synoptics, the Johannine angels assume a particular and significant position inside Jesus' tomb. The evangelist describes it precisely as one angel... more
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      Johannine LiteratureAngelologyAngelsJohannine Literature (Religion)
The late Luigi Enrico Rossi has taught us the importance of submerged literature. 1 His method is an efficient way to bypass the tyranny of Canon and of the mechanisms that made this canon persist through the ages. By tracing the threads... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)AngelologyQumran
This article pursues the intersection of angelology and Pneumatology in the writings of the so-called Persian Sage. The first part of the article takes its cue from the critique of Aphrahat's Pneumatology contained in a seventh-century... more
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Abstract: This article is part of the scholarly revival in Angela of Foligno (c.1248-c. 1308) studies in relation to images. With the exhibition entitled "Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno"... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
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      French LiteratureFrench RevolutionAngelologyCounter-Revolution in France
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      Qumranic StudiesAngelologyEnoch literatureManichaeism
… Now observe a deep and holy mystery of faith, the symbolism of the male principle and the female principle of the universe … there is the line where the male and female principles join, forming together the rider on the serpent, and... more
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      Hebrew BibleJewish MysticismEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Angelology
This essay begins with a hypothetical explanation of the Satan's fall and then gives a short exegetical summary of Genesis 3-11.
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      SinologyAngelologyRobert W. JensonBook of Genesis
Hungarian Historical Review 10, no. 2 (2021): 395–397.
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPower (social)Central European history
A partir de un análisis de los tratados sobre brujería publicados por teólogos y ministros protestantes, el presente artículo se propone estudiar las particularidades del discernimiento de espíritus en relación al problema de la posesión... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
The Michael Figure in Rev 12 continues to intrigue biblical scholars, with special reference to his identity and role in the narrative of the war in heaven. This work is a contribution to the on-going scholarly discussion, especially from... more
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      AngelologyNew testament exegesisApocalyptic Studies
When defining his notion of "demon", Thomas Aquinas introduces some corrections to the Augustinian tradition, with the intention of moving away from the anthropologizing conceptions that dominated the previous millenium. But Aquinas'... more
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      Medieval StudiesAquinasAngelologyDemonology