Recent papers in Angelology
edited with Kelley Coblentz Bautch and John C. Endres. CBQMS 53. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic Biblical Association, 2014.
The Michael Figure in Rev 12 continues to intrigue biblical scholars, with special reference to his identity and role in the narrative of the war in heaven. This work is a contribution to the on-going scholarly discussion, especially from... more
Many philosophers throughout Christianity’s history have asserted the existence of intermediary beings or, in more familiar terms, angels and demons. According to Christianity, God, angels, demons, and human souls are all thought to... more
Переводчик с фр. / translator from fr. Ленен Л. Божественная каббала. — СПб.: Издательство «Академия исследования культуры», 2019. — 288 с. — (Серия Code Grimoire). ISBN 978-5-94396-218-9 «Божественная каббала» — это неизвестная до... more
This essay begins with a hypothetical explanation of the Satan's fall and then gives a short exegetical summary of Genesis 3-11.
I am currently revising and expanding the material presented in this paper in preparation for an upcoming Theopolis Explorations volume. The forthcoming book will explore some important areas that I was not able to cover at length in this... more
Der erste Beitrag, "Der Lobpreis der himmlischen Wesen" von Beate Ego behandelt das im Titel genannte Thema zunächst religions-und traditionsgeschichtlich und ana-
A study about Saint Michael and All Angels celebrated on September 29.
[The Meaning of the Angels’ Position in Jesus’ Tomb in John 20:12] Compared with the Synoptics, the Johannine angels assume a particular and significant position inside Jesus' tomb. The evangelist describes it precisely as one angel... more
Augustine speaks in De civitate Dei of two cities, foreign (peregrina) and familiar (terrena), as mixed (permixta). I explore the nature of the mixture and argue against a (merely) eschatological reading.
Praca magisterska z teologii dogmatycznej, UKSW 2004:
Rozdział 1
Rozdział 1
Political interpretations of John Milton's "Paradise Lost" focus on the speeches and deeds of the poem's overt political episodes: Satan's rule of the fallen angels in Hell, God’s rule of the faithful angels in Heaven, and the biblical... more
Christians, more than ever, need a basic introduction to Bible doctrine that is systematic and true to Scripture. This book is a popular introduction to the study of Bible doctrine firmly in the evangelical tradition. Each chapter covers... more
Paper being prepared for 2025 journal publication
Praca magisterska z teologii dogmatycznej, UKSW 2004:
EvT version 003 “Gabriel” …is finally online! Although this version is only slightly larger than its predecessor (585 units versus 560 units in version 002 “Belfegor”), it features several important changes. • All the units of the... more
The Nature, Role, and Identity of Michael based on the Bible
"o anjo do SENHOR acampa-se ao redor dos que o temem e os livra" (Sl 34.7)
Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pisa n. 9 del 24.5.1983 Direttore responsabile: Fabrizio Serra * A norma del codice civile italiano, è vietata la riproduzione, totale o parziale (compresi estratti, ecc.), di questa pubblicazione in... more
Table of Contents and Introduction for Augustine's Theology of Angels.
Este artículo muestra que es necesario que en toda creatura haya una multiplicidad de principios de ser y de obrar, y que dicha multiplicidad se acrecienta en la medida en que las creaturas se alejan ontológicamente más de Dios. Para... more
The article presents the diagnosis of contemporary systematic angelology. The author indicates the relations between the development of theological reflection and its signs in words and images. The author treats the Enlightenment as a... more
The Names of the Angels Meir Bar-Ilan This paper is interdisciplinary in nature and aims at analyzing in broad terms the names of the angels from the Bible through the Pseudepigrapha, Qumran, Talmudic, and Hekhalot literature as well... more
Die rabbinische Literatur umfasst ein gigantisches Textkorpus ganz unterschiedlicher Texte: die Mischna, die Tosefta und die beiden Talmudim, den Palästinischen oder Jerusalemer Talmud sowie den Babylonischen Talmud, wie auch die... more
In the modern world, angels can often seem to be no more than a symbol, but in the Middle Ages men and women thought differently. Some offered prayers intended to secure the angelic assistance for the living and the dead; others erected... more
This article discusses whether Judaism believes that angels have free will like humans or not.
Abstractum: Synkretyzm religijny w tekstach chrześcijańskich, hermetycznych oraz papirusach magicznych greckich, na przykładzie problemu genezy zła Celem pracy jest omówienie problematyki związanej z synkretyzmem religijnym w wybranych... more
[Man or Angel? Identity of the Young Man in the Markan Narrative on Jesus’ Empty Tomb (16:5-7)] The question of the identity of the νεανίσκος in Mark 16:5-7 is not so clear and straightforward as one might think at first glance. If the... more
Small text of practical qabalah from the Geonic period, which greatly influenced the Sefer Raziel
Ci sembra utile valutare la ricezione, nell’ambito degli studi biblici e qumranici, della nostra proposta interpretativa circa «[...] uno dei [problemi] più dibattuti nella storia recente dell’esegesi della Lettera agli Ebrei. Ma anche... more
Although the angel Gabriel is viewed positively in three world religions, he has appeared as the villain in three Hollywood films over just a decade and a half: The Prophecy (1995), Constantine (2005), and Legion (2010). While these films... more
The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ desires that His children live in victory (1 Cor. 15:57; 1 Jn. 5:4). To that end, He has provided the discerning believer with details about the methods used by Satan to attack the saints.