Background: Cesarean section (CS) is considered a significant surgical intervention necessitating a high level of professional skill and a choice between general anesthesia (GA) and spinal anesthesia. Anesthesia type can significantly... more
Background: Cesarean section (CS) is considered a significant surgical intervention necessitating a high level of professional skill and a choice between general anesthesia (GA) and spinal anesthesia. Anesthesia type can significantly... more
Nalbuphine is a synthetic mixed agonist -antagonist opioid that has long been used for perioperative care. Yet, its use in critical and emergency medicine settings was still relatively low till recently. The current article provides an... more
The geriatric population experiences significant changes of several organ systems. They also have several co-morbidities and are considerably vulnerable and especially sensitive to the stress of surgery and anesthesia. A high incidence of... more
Background and Aims Total body hypothermia (cooling) improves outcome in hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). This study tested the hypothesis that cooling affects the liver by examining whether cooling during HIE was associated with... more
A 54-year-old male, recovering from dengue fever, presented with duodenal perforation and acute inferior wall myocardial infarction (IWMI). He had a history of fever, thrombocytopenia, and was being treated on an outpatient basis for... more
Evaluation of loco-regional anesthesia procedure in the emergency department and prehospital care : a regional survey INTRODUCTION : l'anesthésie locorégionale (ALR), initialement réservée aux anesthésistes réanimateurs, n'est pas... more
Background: Ropivacaine also showed the advantage of lesser motor blockade making it preferable when early mobilization is suggested. This helps to hasten the postoperative recovery . Since its introduction into market in 1996,... more
Rasa nyeri merupakan pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan bagi kehidupan seseorang. Definisi nyeri terbaik datang dari Margo McCaffery, seorang perawat ahli nyeri yang dikenal secara internasional. Definisi nyeri yang sering dikutip olehnya... more
Background : Reversal agents given after completion of surgery have variations in neuromuscular recovery time. Few studies are published regarding the role of using calcium with reversal agents for faster recovery in adults only but not... more
Asiye Demırel1, Mevlut Comlekci2, Gokcen Basaranoglu3*, Haluk Ozdemir1, Nuriye Beril Bozkurt4, Mahmut Gokhan Teker5, Kerem Erkalp2, Nalan Muhammedoglu6 and Leyla Saidoglu7 1Vakif Gureba Training Hospital, Istanbul 2Bagcilar Training... more
Background: The use of gastric suction has been advocated while dexamethasone reduces postoperative vomiting and pain. The objective of the study was to compare effectiveness of gastric suction with an orogastric tube and the effect of a... more
Minimal mandatory monitoring in the perioperative period recommended by Association of Anesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland and American Society of Anesthesiologists are universally acknowledged and has become an integral part of the... more
Objective To evaluate current nutritional practices during and after therapeutic hypothermia (TH) for infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) in UK neonatal units. study design Email survey of neonatal clinicians. setting UK... more
Objective To evaluate current nutritional practices during and after therapeutic hypothermia (TH) for infants with hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) in UK neonatal units. study design Email survey of neonatal clinicians. setting UK... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of sedation and analgesia produced by xylazine alone and in combination with tramadol or pentazocine in goats. Four male adult West African goats weighing 8.5 ± 0.2 kg (Means ± Standard... more
Objective: This research aims to compare the effectiveness of intrathecal bupivacaine combined with dexmedetomidine to bupivacaine alone in patients having caesarian procedures. Methods: This randomized, controlled study was conducted at... more
Conclusion: Our protocol produced a more easy anesthetic e ect and time-saving procedures with a highly successful rate in MI rats. Subcutaneous injection of Atipamezole e ciently counters the cardiopulmonary side e ect of MMB which is... more
Background The administration of adequate analgesia post-operatively has been associated with fewer cardiopulmonary complications, lower morbidity and mortality, lower healthcare costs, and higher patient satisfaction. One of the most... more
Opioids are strong analgesics widely employed to treat various types of pain. In 2018, an estimated 168 million opioid prescriptions were dispensed in the United States. Opioids carry a number of side effects and up to 80% of patients... more
Background: This study was designed to find out the effective antiemetic drug for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting in high risk emetogenic patients undergoing thyroid surgery. Patients and methods: One hundred twenty... more
The tracheoesophageal fistula which occurred during oro-tracheal intubation of a patient in intensive care unit is a true challenge both in diagnostic and in therapeutic approach. The best treatment is prevention, by identifying risk... more
Study objective: To compare the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) during perioperative administration of 5% dextrose and normal saline in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Design: Prospective, randomized, double-blind... more
Early detection of patients with a high risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) could improve postoperative strategies. We investigated the role of monitoring systemic and lung inflammatory biomarkers during surgery and the... more
Le compte rendu fait partie intégrante de tout dossier médical. Les évaluations des dossiers médicaux ont montré que leur qualité avait un impact sur le parcours de soin des patients. En France, tout acte d'échographie remboursé par... more
The high incidence of SA errors emphasizes the central role of adequate SA for decision-making and performance. Distribution of errors between the levels of perception, comprehension and projection was similar to other domains. An... more
Background: Supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias are the most common rhythm disturbances in patients following thoracic surgery. The purpose of our study was to determine which of the clinical parameters are the most valuable in... more
Study Objective: To evaluate the effects of oral, intramuscular (IM) and intravenous (rv) glycopyrrolate on oral and gastric secretions, and to assess how these routes of administration change intubating conditions. Design: Randomized,... more
Background The lack of a consensus definition of neonatal sepsis and a core outcome set (COS) proves a substantial impediment to research that influences policy and practice relevant to key stakeholders, patients and parents. Methods A... more
Background: It has been contended the general anesthetic agents also may affect the psycho-social behavior of the patients, especially during the emergence from GA. This assumes much significance in day cases where, patients have to be... more
Objective and design The effects of anesthetics on cytokine release in patients without comorbidities who undergo minor surgery are not well defined. We compared inflammatory cytokine profiles in adult patients undergoing minimally... more
s des travaux de recherche Congrès / CIFEPK 2018 Déclaration de liens d'intérêts L'auteur déclare ne pas avoir de liens d'intérêts. Références [1] Bénéfices de l'activité physique pendant et après cancer. Des connaissances scientifiques... more
Introduction: Dexmedetomidine is a sedative and analgesic medication that is frequently used postoperatively in children after liver transplantation, hepatic dysfunction and liver failure. Objectives: The aim of this systematic review was... more
Objective: The present study aims to determine the effect of time influence on rectal temperature, respiratory and pulse rate, onset and duration of action, duration of recumbency and recovery following ketamine and diazepam... more
The high incidence of SA errors emphasizes the central role of adequate SA for decision-making and performance. Distribution of errors between the levels of perception, comprehension and projection was similar to other domains. An... more
affected neonates, end-organ involvement and outcome of neonates with candida sepsis. Methods King George's Medical University is a tertiary care referral centre in city of Lucknow in north India. A total 1356 neonates were admitted... more
affected neonates, end-organ involvement and outcome of neonates with candida sepsis. Methods King George's Medical University is a tertiary care referral centre in city of Lucknow in north India. A total 1356 neonates were admitted... more
Lymphocyte cell death contributes to sepsis-induced immunosuppression, leading to poor prognosis. This study examined whether sepsis severity and beta-blocker therapy could affect the degree of T-lymphocyte cell death in a mouse model of... more
Anesthesia-related oropharyngeal injuries are known to occur. Risk factors for intraoperative dental injuries include difficult intubation, use of transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) probe, motor-evoked potential (MEP) monitoring, poor... more
This article contains data on experimental endpoints of a randomized controlled animal trial. Fourteen healthy piglets underwent mechanical ventilation including injurious one-lung ventilation (OLV), seven of them experienced four cycles... more
This article contains data on experimental endpoints of a randomized controlled animal trial. Fourteen healthy piglets underwent mechanical ventilation including injurious one-lung ventilation (OLV), seven of them experienced four cycles... more
Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) is one of the most complicated congenital heart defects. In TGA, there is atrioventricular discordance, where pulmonary artery rises from left ventricle (LV) and aorta rises from right ventricle... more
Background: Breast augmentation is the plastic surgery procedure associated with the greatest risk of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a specific antiemetic protocol... more
Dekompresi mikrovaskular (microvascular decompression/MVD) adalah terapi definitif dari spasme hemifasial, yakni suatu gangguan gerakan neuromuskular wajah. Spasme ini ditandai dengan kontraksi involunter berulang pada otat yang... more
As we know, the volatile agent needs fresh gas flow to be carried out to the patient. It is very common in anesthesia practice, we use the fresh gas flow more than 2 liters per minute. In recent practice, the more flow we gave, the more... more
Inquiries were sent to practising Austrian anesthesiologists to ascertain their prernedication-prescribing habits and their assessment of premedicants that they received as patients. The 143 replies received showed meperidine/promethazine... more