Despite the attention given to the transnational circulation of Andean music, its reception and adoption by European musicians have been rarely researched. This article focuses on the specific case of Italy, where the Andean music boom... more
In the music world, the importance of improvisation as a means to promote the active and creative thinking of the musician is widely recognized. Its practice involves, among other things: making decisions in real time, listening to... more
An exploration of connections between pinkillu flute music of the Bolivian Andes and recorders introduced from Europe in the sixteenth century. This case study explores how the sounds of pinkillu flutes are linked to those produced by... more
Este artículo examina los procesos a través de los que una comunidad transnacional de resurgentistas de la música andina transfiere, modifica y apropia ciertos conocimientos de origen indígena. Los sikuris (intérpretes de las flautas de... more
The massive success of Latin American folk music in Europe during the 70s ran parallel to the contemporary Spanish-American literary boom. Especially, Andean music could suggest a kind of musical indigenismo, which actively contributed to... more
El moceño de Bolivia es un instrumento aún poco estudiado, además de estar rodeado de un halo algo misterioso en los ambientes de los músicos urbanos apasionados de música andina. Esto hace que muchos interrogantes acerca de su origen, la... more
A partir de la década de 1970, ciudades latinoamericanas como Lima, La Paz, Buenos Aires, Santiago y Bogotá han atestiguado el surgimiento y desarrollo de escenas musicales basadas la interpretación colectiva de las flautas de Pan... more