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The Supreme Court of Justice of the United States in Association for Molecular Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc rules out patents over isolated DNA as they were not different from products of nature, yet it maintains patents over... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritagePopular CultureCulture
La cruz como primer símbolo del catolicismo fue impuesta durante y después de la conquista española a América. Se colocó sobre la huaca destruida por los evangelizadores y se dieron explicaciones legendarias acerca de su presencia en... more
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritagePopular Culture
Los mates decorados en los Andes peruanos han seguido una continuidad cultural desde el periodo precerámico hasta la actualidad, en cuanto a sus usos, técnicas y decoración que han sido influidos por los procesos de cambio histórico... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesVisual StudiesArt History
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritagePopular Culture
Desde el año 2002, arqueólogos polacos y peruanos están realizando prospecciones y excavaciones arqueológicas en el valle del río Culebras, en la costa norte del Perú. Hasta la fecha se han descubierto más de cien sitios arqueológicos... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
Considering that the Inca state was, above all, an exploitative and coercive political institution that expanded across the Andes in order to control and ownership of the work force from different communities, we focus on one building... more
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El siguiente texto aborda el caso del conjunto chileno de música tradicional, clásica popular llamado " Barroco Andino ". Se intenta demostrar que este grupo consiguió –al menos en su primera etapa-resignificar el sonido académico "... more
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      Latin American StudiesMusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Fotografías (de arriba -abajo): Archivo El Comercio.
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      Cultural HistoryMusicFolkloreArt History
El Cenozoico del alto río Teno, Cordillera Principal, Chile central: estratigrafía, plutonismo y su relación con estructuras profundas
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      GeologyCenozoicAndeanAndean Geology
Resumen Durante el desarrollo de una salida exploratoria, con el fin de identificar áreas de estudio en una de las unidades de páramos aisladas al norte de la región de Arcabuco (Boyacá, Colombia), se realiza el hallazgo de una nueva... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
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      PhilosophyHistory of ScienceAndean CultureAndean studies
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      HistorySpanish Colonial PeruGarcilaso De La VegaKhipus (quipus) colonial Peru
El Cenozoico del alto río Teno, Cordillera Principal, Chile central: estratigrafía, plutonismo y su relación con estructuras profundas
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      GeologyCenozoicAndeanAndean Geology
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      Foreign PolicyRelaciones InternacionalesAllianceSouth
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
REsuMEN. El sistema de cuenca de antepaís Austral-Malvinas adyacente al orógeno Fueguino comprende sedimentitas marinas expuestas en el norte de Península Mitre, incluyendo 550 m de la antefosa del Paleoceno tardío-Eoceno temprano, y más... more
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      GeologyAndeanTierra del FuegoAndean Geology
We present new data on the paleoichthyology, paleobotany and radiometric results of the Loreto Formation in the Brunswick
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      AndeanAndean Geology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Region
At Domeyko, 40 km south of Vallenar in northern Chile (28°57'S-70°53'W), the Dos Amigos and Tricolor porphyry copper centers are located within a north-south-elongated hydrothermal alteration zone 6x1.5 km of surface dimensions. The... more
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      GeologyCopperAndeanNorthern Chile
CD ROM en formato multimedia que contiene: Textos de presentación y descripción, fichas técnicas de cada instrumento musical, fotografías, sonidos y mapas de ubicación.
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritagePopular Culture
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      MusicFolkloreArt HistoryPopular Music Studies
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At Domeyko, 40 km south of Vallenar in northern Chile (28°57'S-70°53'W), the Dos Amigos and Tricolor porphyry copper centers are located within a north-south-elongated hydrothermal alteration zone 6x1.5 km of surface dimensions. The... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
The signature of the Ocloyic Orogeny (Ordovician). Many of the metamorphic and deformational events associated to low-grade units in NW Argentina have been linked with ancient orogenies, like the Pampean (Cambrian) and the Ocloyic... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
A number of glacial moraines are distributed from the eastern margin of the Torres del Paine drainage basin to near the present margin of the Patagonian Ice Fields, together with a set of regionally continuous lacustrine terraces related... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesArt HistoryArt
The Supreme Court of Justice of the United States in Association for Molecular Pathology vs Myriad Genetics, Inc rules out patents over isolated DNA as they were not different from products of nature, yet it maintains patents over... more
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      BiotechnologyPatentsU.S. Supreme Court LitigationDNA
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritagePopular Culture
Fotografías (de arriba-abajo): 1. Ayarachis. Puno. Fuente:
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      MusicFolkloreArt HistoryArt
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritagePopular Culture
The Tronador Volcanic Group (TVG) is located in the transition between the central and southern segment of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ), ≈50 km to the east of the current volcanic front. The TVG includes, from older to younger,... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
An anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) transect was carried out across the Fuegian Andes, in Argentina, with the aim of studying its tectonic evolution. Two-hundred and forty oriented samples were collected from 27 sites... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
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      Art HistoryArtCultural HeritageCeramic Technology
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
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      FolkloreArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArtPopular Culture
El Cenozoico del alto río Teno, Cordillera Principal, Chile central: estratigrafía, plutonismo y su relación con estructuras profundas
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      GeologyCenozoicAndeanAndean Geology
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      Cultural StudiesFolkloreArt HistoryArt
Newly described outcrops, excavations and sediment cores from the region of Última Esperanza, Magallanes, contain tephra derived from the large late-glacial explosive R1 eruption of the Reclús volcano in the Andean Austral Volcanic Zone.... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
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      Art HistoryArtTextilesPopular Culture
Newly described outcrops, excavations and sediment cores from the region of Última Esperanza, Magallanes, contain tephra derived from the large late-glacial explosive R1 eruption of the Reclús volcano in the Andean Austral Volcanic Zone.... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
Colombia Internacional invites the academic community to participate in its next call for papers. The objective of this special issue, coordinated by Professor John-Andrew McNeish (Norwegian University of Life Sciences), is to contribute... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsIndigenous StudiesDevelopment Studies
The Andean Paleozoic basement of the Cordón del Plata (Argentina) consists of two sets of rocks showing different stratigraphy, structure and metamorphism. The lower one is represented by the pre-Carboniferous (Devonian?) Vallecitos beds.... more
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      GeologyAndeanAndean Geology
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      Andean ArchaeologyRock Art (Archaeology)Andean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryArtCultural Heritage
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      FolkloreArt HistoryArtPopular Culture