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The Israel Museum received a set of eight Late Roman / Byzantine copper- based weights reportedly found in Israel. While such circular weights are known, the discovery of a set of them is unusual. The assumption that this is indeed a set... more
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    • Ancient lead weights
Excavations at Cliffs End Farm undertaken in 2004/5 uncovered a dense area of archaeological remains including Bronze Age barrows and enclosures, a large prehistoric mortuary feature, and a small early 6th to late 7th century Anglo-Saxon... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisAnglo-Saxon Studies
The site, excavated by Wessex Archaeology in 2004/05, contains as yet unparalleled evidence for ritual and funerary activity dating to the Late Bronze Age as well as the Early and Middle Iron Age. More than 100 radiocarbon determinations... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisFunerary Archaeology
Un recente “scavo” nei magazzini del museo archeologico nazionale di aquileia ha portato alla raccolta di uno straordinario corpus di pesi per bilancia, sia metallici che lapidei, molti dei quali accompagnati da diverse tipologie di... more
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      Ancient WeightsAquileiaRoman Small FindsAncient Roman economy, trade and commerce
E. Galili, D. Syon, G. Finkielsztejn, Varda Sussman and G.D. Stiebel, Late Ptolemaic Assemblages of Metal Artifacts and Bronze Coins Recovered off the Coast of ‘Atlit, Israel, 'Atiqot 87, 2016, pp. 1-35
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      Hellenistic HistoryMetallurgyMetal Finds (Archaeology)Hellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel
Horbat Be'er Shema', located in the Western Negev of southern Israel, is the Roman-Byzantine site of Berzamma/Birsama. An excavation carried out by the writers in 2006 revealed the presence of an industrial quarter with a winepress,... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Metal objects which are one of the most prominent discoveries of humankind has entered into the life of humans with copper which is easily accessible in nature. Since Anatolia is rich in regard to mineral deposits, people have always been... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryTheatre Studies
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      ArchaeobotanyArchaeozoologyAncient GlassAncient jewellery
This was a virtual public lecture at the University of Graz which was held on 23-25 May 2022, via Zoom, in Graz, Austria. In this brief article we present a collection of bronze and lead weights of the Roman and Early Byzantine period... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyLate Antique Archaeology
Dieting is one of the most onerous tasks that individuals take for losing weight. But there is no surety that weight loss would arrive despite hard efforts. If metabolism is slow, then every effort would go off a waste one, and you would... more
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      Food ScienceNutritionFood and NutritionKetosis
Presentation of all or most of the known series of scale weights from or attribuable to Hellenistic Phoenicia. Discution on the clear, calculated or possible minas and units.
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient lead weights
The Archaeological Museum in Split holds seven square-shaped Greek lead weights which, based on the uniformity of their style, their symbols, legends and weights, undoubtedly belong to the Attic metrological system. These weights bear... more
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      Ancient MetrologyAncient lead weights
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      Epigraphy (Archaeology)Ancient Graffiti (Archaeology)Aramaic inscriptionsGreek Inscriptions
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      Classical ArchaeologyEpigraphy (Archaeology)Early ChristianityGreek Epigraphy
The Pondera Online project aims to collect and study ancient and medieval weights. No attempt for such a global corpus has been successful since the end of the 19th century. Dispersed objects, disparate information and imprecise data... more
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsMetrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient Weights
Turn your body into a hyper-efficient fat-burning machine by revving up your metabolism. If you have the power to improve your life in just 30 seconds, would you use it? Well, that power is yours. With the push of a button, you can blend... more
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient WeightsLow Birth WeightWeight Loss
The identification of weights and weight-regulated artefacts is of primary importance for confirming the existence of European Bronze Age value ratios and exchange systems. Until recently, however, no such Bronze Age artefacts had been... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
The transformation of the protome of a winged horse into a bird-horse on the coins of Lampsacus has already been described by O. Tekin (forthcoming). He could refute the older interpretations as a hippalektryon or a hippocampus. But what... more
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAncient Greek Numismatics
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeologyAncient Shipwrecks
Excavations at Cliffs End Farm undertaken in 2004/5 uncovered a dense area of archaeological remains including Bronze Age barrows and enclosures, a large prehistoric mortuary feature, and a small early 6th to late 7th century Anglo-Saxon... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisAnglo-Saxon StudiesIron Age Britain (Archaeology)Anglo Saxon Burial Studies (Archaeology)
A flood in 2009 in the Kayıkbaşı (Üçburgu)-Gökçebey/Tefen district where is nearly on the southern border of Tios, allowed the remains of a construction to come to light that calls to mind a customs warehouse along with the Filyos... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryGreek EpigraphyRoman Epigraphy
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      Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyAncient TextilesAncient Textile Technology
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      Archaeology of the Hellenistic EastTanitAncient lead weights
The study departs from recent suggestions that locally produced balance weights from settlement sites in central Portugal, dated to the Final Bronze Age (1200-900) are based on a Late Bronze Age Syrian/Ugaritic metrological system... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsAncient Roman Numismatics
Söz konusu eser ilgili Müze Müdürlüğü'nün 9 Aralık 2004 tarih ve B.16.0.AMG. (030317) sayılı yazılı izni ile çalışılmıştır. Aynı eser için ilgili Müze Müdürlüğü'nün 2 Haziran 2021 tarih ve E-44692667-900-1421208 sayılı... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyClassics
Weights and Money
Understanding Money in a Comparative Perspective

International Online Workshop
Georg-August-University Göttingen (Germany), Seminar für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
The workshop will be held on the video conferencing app Zoom.
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      Ancient HistoryMedia StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyNumismaticsAncient Greek NumismaticsUnderwater Archaeology
The Bibliothèque nationale de France’s collection of Greek weights, though started in the 18th century, is one of the least well-known in the département des Monnaies, médailles et antiques. From the outset, the Pondera project seemed an... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyCollecting and CollectionsHistory of Collections (Archaeology)Metrology, Weights and Measures
Pierre CHARREY, Allocataire de recherche à l’EPHE, Ve section, interviendra dans mon séminaire le jeudi 29 mars 2018. Thème de la conférence : « Les poids byzantins (IVe-VIIe siècles) : images et usages d'un instrument commercial dans... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryLate Roman EmpireRoman numismatics and archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryGreek EpigraphyNumismaticsAncient Weights
Le département des Monnaies, médailles et antiques de la Bibliothèque nationale de France a récemment fait l’acquisition d’un poids de la cité de Laodicée-sur-Mer sur la côte syrienne. Cet enrichissement du fonds national est l’occasion... more
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      Hellenistic HistoryAncient Near EastRoman Provincial ArchaeologyAncient Weights
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyGreek EpigraphyAntiquity
Excavations at Cliffs End Farm undertaken in 2004/5 uncovered a dense area of archaeological remains including Bronze Age barrows and enclosures, a large prehistoric mortuary feature, and a small early 6th to late 7th century Anglo-Saxon... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyLate Bronze Age BioarchaeologyBayesian Radiocarbon Dating
Excavations at Cliffs End Farm undertaken in 2004/5 uncovered a dense area of archaeological remains including Bronze Age barrows and enclosures, a large prehistoric mortuary feature, and a small early 6th to late 7th century Anglo-Saxon... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisAnglo-Saxon Studies
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      StatisticsAssyriologyLevantine ArchaeologyMesopotamian Archaeology
Résumé – Le Cabinet des médailles de la Bibliothèque nationale de France a récemment acquis un poids de plomb de Laodicée de Syrie. Il est semblable à un poids du Musée de Damas déjà publié. C’est le très rare témoignage de deux poids... more
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      Roman HistorySyrian HistoryAncient Near EastAncient Greek History
Lead weights and fishing sinkers from the underwater excavations at 'Atlit, north of Cesarea Maritima (Israel). The weights standards of all these artifacts are studied, as well as the determination of possible origins.
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresFishing Net WeightsAncient lead weights
Lead rectangular balance weight (ΠΛ 502). Derived from the site of Tria Platania of the Macedonian Olympus region, in southern Pieria. It was found during the excavations in a farmhouse of the Hellenistic period, with a large central... more
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      Ancient MacedoniaMount OlympusBalance WeightsWeights and Balances
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisAnglo-Saxon StudiesIron Age Britain (Archaeology)Anglo Saxon Burial Studies (Archaeology)
Archaeometallurgical characterization of ancient artefacts can reveal a lot about their origin, manufacturing and history. Three copper-based and one lead-based weights from the collection of the Art & History Museum, Brussels, were... more
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      Metrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient WeightsArcheometryArcheometallurgy
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      Web TechnologiesWeb DevelopmentSemantic WebAncient Weights
Bei Parasema handelt es sich um offizielle Symbole griechischer poleis und Bundesstaaten. Parasema sind als Münzbilder verwendet worden, treten aber darüber hinaus in 13 weiteren offiziellen Gattungen (z. B. Siegel, Urkundenreliefs) auf.... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek Numismatics
Publication of potential Bronze Age scale weights in collections in Copenhagen, Cambridge and Manchester. Please note that the weight in fig. 6, 6 and fig. 8, 4 are most likely Roman 'cheesecake'-weights.
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      Economic HistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Aegean Prehistory (Archaeology)
This study deals with the whole collection of the roman weights stored in the National Archaeological Museum of Aquileia. The corpus of pondera is interesting for both the quality of the artefacts and the large number of them: actually... more
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      Latin EpigraphyAncient economyMetrology, Weights and MeasuresAncient Weights
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      Roman EconomyAncient MetrologyAncient WeightsAquileia
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      Ancient MetrologyAncient WeightsAquileiaRoman Small Finds
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      NumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek NumismaticsAncient Greece (History)
Μολύβδινο ορθογώνιο σταθμίο (ΠΛ 502). Προέρχεται από τη θέση Τρία Πλατάνια της περιοχής του μακεδονικού Ολύμπου, στη νότια Πιερία. Βρέθηκε κατά τις ανασκαφικές έρευνες σε αγροικία των ελληνιστικών χρόνων με μεγάλη κεντρική αυλή και πύργο,... more
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      Ancient MacedoniaMount OlympusBalance WeightsWeights and Balances
About lead weights from Chersonesos and their connection with the Callatis lead weights.
About lead weights from Dionysopolis.
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      Ancient HistoryHellenistic HistoryNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History