Ancient Thrace
Recent papers in Ancient Thrace
Kamen D. Dimitrov. "Economic, Social and Political Structures on the Territory of the Odrysian Kingdom in Thrace (5th – first half of the 3rd century BC)". Petar Balabanov. "POWER AND PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ANCIENT THRACE – 6th-4th CENTURIES... more
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
the avengers of murder overwhelmed them sooner than the enemy, and the ghosts of the slain rising up before their eyes …".
While communist regimes on the Balkans may have fallen almost three decades ago, the legacy of political manipulation during that dark period in European history continues to undermine and distort archaeological research in the region.
Този доклад е продължение (втора част) на лекцията озаглавена “Причерноморието – люлка на европейската цивилизация и Тракия като арийска сърцевина”, изнесена пред Международната научна конференция “Древна Тракия – сакрално и профанно.... more
During the eastwards expansion of the 4 th /early 3 rd c. BC, the Celtic tribes absorbed many elements of the local material cultures -Scythian, Hellenistic, Thracian etc. This is particularly true of ceramic, where local models and forms... more
The use of curved single-edged swords – μαχαιρα/machaira* (and variants thereof) – developed during the Bronze Age in southeastern Europe, with both the Iapodic and Liburian groups on the eastern Adriatic coast using variants of the... more
One would imagine that an invasion by hundreds of thousands of barbarians would have a catastrophic effect on the economy of a region. However, this presumption has been challenged in recent years by the archaeological and numismatic data... more
In the year 202 AD an inscription (IGBulg. III, 2 # 1690) was carved at the newly founded Έμπόριον (emporion/market) at Pizos (Stara Zagora region) in the heart of Thrace (Tab. Peut. 18, col. 528-540 (Ranilum XXV -Pizo XII -Arzum XIX);... more
Касабова могила 2 е проучена 3 през месеците юли и август 2006 година (Китов и др. 2007, 151), като част от изследванията на погребалните обреди и практики на одрисите в Казанлъшката долина от екипа на д-р Георги Китов (Kitov 1993, 9;... more
Bu eserler Mustafa Erman Uyar tarafından Bursa Müze Müdürlüğü ve yerel kurumların çeşitli yazılı izinleri ile çalışılmıştır. This is an unpublished master's thesis in Turkish language at the Dokuz Eylül University, submitted by Mustafa... more
In copertina: Il mare e il nome di Aristonothos.
Περίληψη: Στο 7 ο βιβλίο των Γεωγραφικών του Στράβωνα, ενός πολύπλευρου περιηγητή της ρωμαϊκής αρχαιότητας, διασώζονται πληροφορίες σχετικά με την αρχαία Θράκη, τα όρια της, τις φυλές που την κατοικούσαν, τα ήθη και τα έθιμα τους, όλα υπό... more
Десетилетия наред една догма шества из родната историкоархеологическа литература -догмата за траките като "безписмен народ". Тази догма е залегнала в съзнанието на нашите академични учени до такава степен, че един от уроците в учебника по... more
За нас съвременните хора древните траки са народ и култура, които са обвити в тайнственост. Въпреки множеството материални находки от тракийската древност, тази древна култура не спира да носи в себе си онова магическо, което свързваме с... more
Gümülcine, Yeñice-i Kara-su, Drama, Zihne, Nevrekop,
Timur-hisârı, Siroz, Selanik, Sidre-kapsi, Avrat-hisârı, Yeñice-i Vardar, Kara-verye,Serfiçe, iştin, Kestorya, Bihlişte, Görice, Florina) ve Köstendil Livâsı
Timur-hisârı, Siroz, Selanik, Sidre-kapsi, Avrat-hisârı, Yeñice-i Vardar, Kara-verye,Serfiçe, iştin, Kestorya, Bihlişte, Görice, Florina) ve Köstendil Livâsı
Данните показани в тази лекция са всъщност събрани от един "техник" и се отнасят до научен спор, който възникна преди години между мен и един специалист, д-р Харалд Хаарман, един от водещите в света лингвисти и палеолингвисти. Той оспори... more
The article addresses contemporary enthusiasts’ activities dealing with the ancient Thracian heritage in Bulgaria. Alternative re-writings of the past, cult movements and historical re-enactments have been analysed in view of the creation... more
The employment of the tattooing to mark various parts of the human body, is a ‘custom’ that appears throughout the centuries in numerous regions and cultures. Through the existing examples it is pointed out that it was very popular among... more
Праматаров, К. 2018: Извънградски некрополи в провинция Тракия (Ι-ΙΙΙ в.). Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен "доктор". София 2018, 1-64. Научен ръководител: доц. д-р Румяна Георгиева Рецензенти:... more
The study consists of five chapters from a still unpublished book written by the Romanian orientalist Constantin Daniel. The book deals with the Thracian cult of Zalmoxis, considered as a cult of mysteries, similar to those practiced in... more
The recent publication of results from large-scale excavations in sub-Balkan Thrace marks an important step forward in Bulgarian archaeology, and has finally provided us with objective scientific data on the geo-political status quo and... more
This chapter deals with the cultural and social history of an area encompassing ancient Epirus, Illyria, Macedonia, and Thrace. In the past, these historical landscapes were usually perceived as cultural or ethnic entities, and were used... more
The book attempts to present –for the first time in the international bibliography– a detailed description of the historical life of Abydos (Άβυδος) of Hellespont (Ελλήσποντος, Δαρδανέλλια); the latter was an important ancient and... more
The article provides an overview of the available linguistic, numismatic and archaeological evidence pertaining to the expansion of the La Tene culture into the area of modern Ukraine and the North Pontic region from the 3rd century BC... more
This paper aims to challenge our knowledge on the coinage of the enigmatic Mostis, king of south-eastern Thrace in the late second to early first century BC. Important questions about the identity, chronology and localisation of his... more
The cavalry formed a large part of the Odrysian army and this article describes their tactics, weapons, apparel, armour, and equipment, based on the latest archaeological discoveries. It is fully illustrated, including (for the first... more
This is the outcome of an urban analysis and planning workshop, realised between February - September 2016 in Kıyıköy // Midye // Medea // Μήδεια in KIRKLARELI / TURKEY. Around 80, 1st year undergraduate students of the Urban and Regional... more
In this paper is analyzed one record in epigraphic monument, found in the temple of Athena Lindia at the island of Rhodes. It is about a dedication by Philip V of Macedon (221 – 179 BC), which is read as follows: “King Philip: ten... more
This article presents an attempt for identifying the relations between Philip V of Macedon (221 – 179 B.C.) and the Thracians in the course of the Social war (220 – 217 B.C.). The limited ancient sources – in the form of several short... more
The author argues the need for this study with the ascertainment that there is not even a general idea of the role of the Thracians and the importance of Thrace in the Second Macedonian War (200 – 197 B.C.). Therefore, in the following... more
Thrace and the Roman Allies on the Balkans through the First Macedonian war (215 – 205 B.C.): This paper examines all available information about the place of Thrace and the Thracians in the first military collision between Rome and... more
ISBN: 978-619-92167-1-2 (print); ISBN: 978-619-92167-0-5 (e-book, pdf)
In the recent years two bronze coins of king Sadalas II wеre offered at the coin market in Europe. These were the following: 1. AE 13 mm, 2.55 g - Savoca Coins, 19th Blue Auction (20 April 2019), no. 185; Fig. 1. 2. AE 16 mm, 2.97 g -... more