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Com um apanhado bíblico-histórico-teológico, pretende-se c ver as várias concepções sobre Cristo, conhecê-lo enquanto homem e Deus, saber de sua obra salvífica na cruz e proporcionar uma visão sintetizada, porém, fundamental e essencial... more
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      BibleCreeds and ConfessionsJesus ChristAncient Symbols
A szimbólumalkotás az emberre alapvetően jellemző tulajdonság, csakúgy, mint az analógiákban való gondolkodás, a hasonlatok használata vagy az elméleti modellek létrehozása. Azt mondhatjuk tehát, hogy a szimbólumalkotás az emberre... more
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      SemioticsMithologyAncient SymbolsHungarian Prehistory
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassicsRoman History
Chased by a Unicorn. Re-Studying and De-Coding the Parable of the Futile Life in the Novel Barlaam and Josaphat(Medieval Greek Version) The parable of the Futile Life, which is an excerpt of the medieval, multilingual novel Barlaam and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesByzantine Literature
This article traces the spread and development of the motif of the ourobóros, or circular serpent, and proposes that it originated in descrip- tions of an intense aurora. The earliest artistic examples of the ourobóros date to ±5000–±3000... more
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      Plasma PhysicsHistory of ScienceHistory of AstronomyComparative mythology
The following notes are just an attempt to present a list of the main Gandharan male figures adorned with jewellery. Contrary to men of today, men in Gandhara and India profusely adorn themselves from top to toe. This fact is attested... more
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      Ancient SymbolsGandharan Buddhist ArtAncient Jewellery and Ornamentation
„Quam te velim, imitatricem esse huius apiculae.“ Die Biene als Symbol bei Ambrosius, in: D. Engels/C. Nicolaye (Hgg.), Ille operum custos. Kulturgeschichtliche Beiträge zur antiken Bienensymbolik und ihrer Rezeption, Spudasmata 118,... more
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      Classical Reception StudiesAmbrose of MilanAncient Symbols