Ancient Seafaring
Recent papers in Ancient Seafaring
Samples of the internal and external coatings of the hull of a warship that sank in the seaport of Phanagoria (modern Taman Bay) in the 1st century BC are studied. As a result of the application of a complex of complementary... more
The discovery of the Varpelev Boat in 1973 was an archaeological sensation which attracted significant attention from both the media as well as scholars. In consultation with specialists, Køge Museum initiated a salvage operation and... more
Talež, situated on the southern coast of the island of Vis, is the only large prehistoric enclosure there that has been subject to detailed study. The site was surveyed in 1994, and a sub-surface sampling programme was undertaken then as... more
NB : pdf of French, English and Arabic summary of the 2 vol.) The Pharaonic harbor of Wadi el-Jarf is a set of settlements (storing caves, camps, maritime installations) that are spread over a distance of 5 km, from the foothills of the... more
Elite Romans residing in opulent villas in central Italy during the first century BCE are generally viewed as the main consumers driving the trade in luxury goods. However, evidence from shipwrecks shows this is not the full picture. This... more
Sin lugar a dudas, la mayoría los aspectos más renombrados del pecio fenicio del Bajo de la Campana se encuentran vinculados con su cargamento y, en especial, con el fastuoso y único conjunto de defensas de marfil que lo singulariza y lo... more
Статья посвящена редкому образцу античного прикладного искусства - глиняной модели боевого корабля, найденной в 2020 г. при проведении спасательных археологических раскопок городища Парфений в Восточном Крыму. Такие модели изредка... more
Review: Barry Cunliffe, The Ancient Celts, Orbis Terrarum 18, 2020, 320-324, ISBN 978-3-515-12881-0.
Entre bajos, arrecifes y fondeaderos. Análisis del paisaje cultural marítimo y la navegación de un sector del Levante ibérico .
Two new Latin poems by the Spanish poet Garcilaso de la Vega were found in 2022. A translation into Spanish is provided, and a study on the Horatianism of both and on the consequences of this discovery for other Latin poems by the same... more
Es indudable que el barco que naufragó en el Bajo de la Campana transportaba objetos de gran valor, pero parece claro que los lingotes y el mineral, que representaban más de la mitad de su peso, constituían el cargamento principal. La... more
Entre bajos, arrecifes y fondeaderos. Análisis del paisaje cultural marítimo y la navegación de un sector del Levante ibérico .
Entre bajos, arrecifes y fondeaderos. Análisis del paisaje cultural marítimo y la navegación de un sector del Levante ibérico .
Catálogo de publicaciones del Ministerio: Catálogo general de publicaciones oficiales: Edición 2024
I sei templi in miniatura in piombo rinvenuti nel carico del naufragio di Valle Ponti, situato a Comacchio (provincia di Ferrara, Italia) e datato all'ultimo quarto del I secolo a.C., sono stati spesso interpretati come un unicum nel... more
Malone, C., Stoddart, S., Ceccarelli, L., Cenciaioli, L., Duff, P., McCormick, F., Morales, J., Armstrong, S., Bates, J., Bennett, J., Cameron, J., Cifani, G., Cohen, S., Foley, T., Fulminante, F., Hill, H., Mattacchioni, L., Neil, S.,... more
Praca poświęcona temu, jak Arystofanes przedstawia i wykorzystuje w swoich komediach postacie polityków ateńskich. Podejmuje ona analizę zarówno polityków historycznych (czasów wojen grecko-perskich), jak i tych współczesnych... more
Bu kitabın bir kısmını bile görsem, Sana sığlıklan öğretir, bilesin, Bu sığlar bazen alçalır, bazen yükselir, Bunun sebebi nedir ki sular gider gelir. Ki aslında denizden batak bir yer olur. Su çekilir altı saat, canına ki kalır. Yine... more
- by Ebru Bozkurt
Wachsmann, S., 2023. On Anchor Stratigraphy in Tantura Lagoon, Israel. Skyllis (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäeologie e.V.) (Proceedings of In Poseidons Reich XXVIII) 23: 142–154. Tantura Lagoon is a rocky... more
Quanto segue è la versione concepita per libera consultazione sul web della tesi di laurea magistrale in Preistoria e Protostoria da me discussa presso l'ateneo sassarese nel corso dell'Anno Accademico 2021-22,
This paper is about the role and function of ports and international seafaring as a medium for cultural transfer. This topic will be exemplified by the missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul from 47–56 AD. As a bilingual diaspora Jew in... more
This article is about the building of the Lusoria "Danuvina Alacris", the repairing of the Oberstimm II reconstruction Fridericiana Alexandrina Navis (F.A.N.) and their testing in order to get an impression about their performance... more
Although orthodox science has well-founded theories regarding the urbanogenesis of the present-day civilization, the lack of a universal definition of the phenomenon of the city and the reasons for its origins, development, rise, and... more
The burial of Queen Ahhotep represents one of the most significant finds in the history of Archaeology. A gilded coffin and a trove of magnificent jewels and objects belonging to a queen named Ahhotep was discovered at Dra Abu el-Naga ,... more
[w:] Człowiek twórcą historii III, red. C. Kuklo i W. Walczak, Białystok 2024, ss. 83-100
This paper constitutes a preliminary linguistic test of the hypothesis which postulates that shared Kyushu-Ryukyuan lexicon related to maritime knowledge provides evidence for a Kyushu-Ryukyuan subgrouping within the Japonic cladogram.... more Sara Caputo’s Tracks on the Ocean is a sweeping history of how we have understood routes of travel over the ocean and how... more
Introduction Lake Mareotis represents one of the most distinctive geomorphic features in the north-west coastal region of Egypt. In antiquity, it was fed by means of a number of canals, which bifurcated off the Nile’s defunct Canopic... more
- by Emad Khalil
Mein Vortrag bei den Aquilonia in Kiel 2024 thematisierte insbesondere das Lein-Enkomion, das eine der umfangreichsten und vielschichtigsten Pflanzendarstellungen in der Naturalis historia ist. Plinius der Ältere gestaltet die botanische... more
« Je n'ai à vivre qu'un temps, un moment, Je ne vivrai pas l'âge du soleil. C'est l'eau, c'est la pierre Qui vivent l'âge du soleil ». « Comment », écrivait Jacques Phytilis avec sa fougue habituelle, « comment ne pas voir la grave erreur... more
From the northern promontory to the southern promontory of the "foot" of Italy over the last 1000 years the coastline has dramatically changed and hence ancient geographical texts are basically voided. Fourteen texts are analysed; a... more
The shipwreck of the Columns, dated at the end of the 2nd c. AD, lies on a sandy bottom at a depth of 2.5 to 4 m in the bay that opens south of the promontory on which the Syracusans, at the beginning of the sixth century BC, founded the... more
In 2021, I wrote a series of articles on the ancient Greek ship, which was published at the Kosmos Society. Later they were published online at the website of SWZ Maritime. During the writing of the articles, I kept track of the nautical... more
This report is a comprehensive study of the Bronze Age material and sites discovered on both sides of the River Calder. These included Axes Collared Urns and personal ornaments which confirm that Calderdale was occupied throughout the... more
Plutarch of Chaeronea's oeuvre is one of the most representative examples of cultural alterity as to pirate identity-building during the early empire. Besides being a very important historical source, the polymath's profound knowledge of... more
In ancient Egyptian mythology, the god Ra wept, the tears flowed from his eyes fell to the ground and turned into bees. The Bees made their hive and worked with the flowers of each planet to produce honey and wax. So too did the honey and... more
The city of Taposiris-Magna (Abusir) enjoys a distinct geographical location 45km west of Alexandria, on the northwestern shore of Lake Mariout. It was known in ancient writings as Taposiris or Taphosiris, which refers to its association... more
It is about the testing of two completely different built Roman patrol boats in 1:1 scale in 2022 and 2023.
The technological basis of long-distance voyaging in prehistoric Oceania is hardly more settled today than it was in the eighteenth century, mainly because material remains are exceedingly scarce, traditional evidence is disputed, and... more
Understanding hominin expansions requires the comprehension of movement processes at different scales. In many models of hominin expansion these processes are viewed as being determined by large-scale effects, such as changes in climate... more
Wann hat Globalisierung begonnen? Die Beschreibungen von Sebastian Conrad, Christopher Bayly, Jerry Bentley und Shalini Randeria werden in dieser Hausarbeit einer Diskursanalyse unterzogen, bevor das Bild einer "indoozeanischen... more
13 archaeological samples, dated from the Middle Uruk period (c.3500 BC) to the Late Bronze age (c.1280 BC), were analyzed by geochemical techniques in order to identify bitumen and to attempt to find its origin. Extracts do show that the... more
Ethnographic data represent a particularly interesting factor of comparative analysis in ancient navigation studies and, in a more general sense, for the culture of seafaring peoples, especially about rituals and beliefs of sailors and... more
What constraints and conditions are conducive to the innovation of more advanced watercraft technology? This paper explores this question by modeling ancient voyages in the Channel Island region of southern California. The Chumash and... more