Ancient Seafaring
Recent papers in Ancient Seafaring
Investigations of Mediterranean connectivity have increasingly turned toward maritime landscape models to frame questions of seaborne exploration, marine resource exploitation, trade and exchange, and seafaring culture. Environmental and... more
More than 30 years ago the American anthropologist-archaeologist William Adams wrote a seminal article on the interpretation of material culture change in ancient Nubia entitled ‘Invasion, Diffusion, Evolution?’ (1968). In it the author... more
This is an updated version of my ‘Bibliography on Ancient Egyptian Shipbuilding, Seafaring, Harbours, and Navigation.’ The previous version was published in July 2022, and some two hundred entries were added to this list. I apologize if... more
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
For a long time, it has been assumed that the place names for the regions east of the Ganges in Claudius Ptolemy's geographical guide refer to loci in countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and China. The careful analysis of a few detailed... more
This paper reviews the earliest empirical evidence for seafaring, leading to the exploits of Homo erectus in two world regions. This leads to the explanation of the rationale of replication experiments intended to establish the minimum... more
Справедливы слова Геродота о том, что Египет – это дар Нила. Без плодородных земель нильской долины и речного судоходства, соединившего страну воедино, цивилизация Древнего Египта никогда не достигла бы своего небывалого расцвета.... more
Damnoni cave is a Mesolithic site located on the southwest side of Crete, in the Rethymnon district. The site was found by a targeted survey method used with success in the Kandia region of the East Peloponnese. In this method,... more
Cette contribution tente de mettre en évidence les principes de hiérarchisation des ports et les enjeux et les méthodes de la reconstitution des systèmes portuaires, du port de villa ou de village jusqu'au grand port de commerce. Une... more
The early history of nautical technology in the western Indian Ocean and adjoining parts of the African coast is poorly understood. In the absence of evidence from shipwrecks, it has hitherto been based largely on the uncertain... more
If the statement that the Greeks were a people of sailors needs to be qualified, it is nonetheless undeniable that the sea was a geographical aspect of great importance in the ancient Greek world. It is therefore not surprising that this... more
This dissertation provides a preliminary report on the discovery of a Third Dynasty boat-burial from Abusir South (ca. 2544 BCE), and reevaluates a corpus of 70 Egyptian boats and boat-burials from the third millennium, demonstrating... more
This paper deals with the subject of Viking Age iconography as source material for rigging details and sail technology of Viking Age ships. The survey consists of two parts: 1) an iconographical analysis of Scandinavian ship motifs c.... more
Wachsmann, S., 1990. Ships of Tarshish to the Land of Ophir: Seafaring in Biblical Times. Oceanus 33(1): 70-82.
It is with great pleasure that I dedicate this article as a small tribute to Anna Marguerite McCann, both as a friend and colleague in maritime archaeology of the Mediterranean. Although I have known Anna Marguerite for only a short time,... more
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Most slaves in the Greek world were imported non-Greeks and their offspring. Yet little is known of the entry into slavery of individuals from the non-Greek periphery. Far more promising for studying entry into slavery is a less... more
Although the Mediterranean Sea was the center of Greek and Roman life, the Red Sea tells another story of the West trying to catch up with Eastern refinement. The trade of the Red Sea has again and again been called into question where... more
For a long time, marketplaces were an underrepresented field of research in medieval archaeology. Numerous urban excavations and re-evaluations of evidence from older excavations, however, have significantly increased our level of... more
A “frying pan” of some interest, since it depicts a longboat, (Syros Museum 1163) was found in a rescue excavation conducted under the direction of the author in the Roussos field at Chalandriani in Syros in 2002-2008. The field lies in... more
The article concerns the nautical contents emerging from the text of the Acts of the Apostles 27-28, dedicated to the voyage of Paul of Tarsus (St. Paul) from Caesarea of Palestine to Rome (60 A.D.). This text is one of the most... more
Wachsmann, S., 2010. Ahhotep’s Silver Ship Model: The Minoan Context. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 2(3): 31-41.
2013 yılı Piri Reis’in ilk Dünya Haritasının 500. Yılı olarak UNESCO’nun programına alınmış olmasına rağmen, hakkında yazılan kitaplar, makaleler kendisinin Haritacılık bilimine yaptığı katkıdan çok Kanuni Sultan Süleyman ve Pargalı... more
Scholars typically argue that cultural interaction between the West Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica and the European mainland took place through the Tuscan Archipelago, via such intermediary islands as Elba and Pianosa. This... more
Perhaps no civilization in history is as associated with the sea as the Phoenicians, whose ships and seafaring ability allowed them to travel, trade, and establish colonies across the Mediterranean. Search and survey operations in the... more
Wachsmann, S., 1988. The Galilee Boat: 2,000-Year-Old Hull Recovered Intact. Biblical Archaeology Review 14(5): 18-33.
In this synthesis archaeological and historical research strands are combined in order to gain a more holistic understanding on the different influences shipbuilders along the Atlantic coast where subject to and the different ways... more
Much has been written on the use of lead and copper sheathing in post mediaeval shipbuilding, yet evidence for such hull protection by Dutch shipwrights in the 17th and 18th centuries has received little attention. A discussion of the... more
Using iconographical and textual analyses, this paper proposes that Phoenician merchant vessels bore the embodiment of the Canaanite goddess Asherah, 'She who treads on water', in the form of the ships' masts. Masts were constructed... more
Presentation of the discovery of a Sabaean presence on the Somali coast. It results from the illegal excavation of an archaeological site in Somalia, a temple for which no parallel is attested in the region. There, monumental Sabaic... more
The book deals with the interaction between the Neo-Assyrian Empire and the Cypriot kingdoms in the 8th and 7th centuries B.C. It examines the Assyrian policies and how they were applied in the South Mediterranean coast as well as their... more
Persistence and change are necessary for the stability and development of both the human individual and the human society, since the beginnings of human history. Man needs a static framework, which, related to his self-awareness, defines... more
The appearance of the brailed rig and loose–footed sail at the end of the Late Bronze Age revolutionized seafaring in the eastern Mediterranean. The most famous early appearance of this new technology is found in history’s first visual... more
The intrusive nature of the Philistine material culture, which suddenly appears in southern coastal Canaan in the first half of the twelfth century BCE, has never been in doubt. Moreover, it is widely acknowledged that the origin of this... more
[publisher's description] In Naval Warfare and Maritime Conflict in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Mediterranean, Jeffrey P. Emanuel examines the evidence for maritime violence in the Mediterranean region during both the Late Bronze... more
To Madeleine and Kie, for the time we shall never recover v Acknowledgements I am grateful to many people for help, both direct and indirect, in seeing this dissertation through to completion. First and foremost is Prof. Joseph Carter, my... more
This course is designed to introduce the student to the evidence available for seafaring from earliest times to the beginning of the Iron Age, ca. 1000 BC, primarily, although not exclusively, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The course... more
The Late Bronze Age ended with a bang in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean: palaces and empires collapsed, from Greece to Egypt; coastal territories were beset by pirates and marauders; migratory peoples were on the move across land... more
This study focuses on the Periplus of Pseudo-Skylax, a controversial document from the late fourth century bc. Despite diverging views on its date and authorship, scholars agree this text could have derived most of its information from... more
The current model of proto-Malayo-Polynesian (PMP) holds that a unitary language was spoken in the Luzon Straits roughly four thousand years ago and that this diversified into all the extra-Formosan languages and was responsible for the... more