Ancient Roman Terracotta Figurines
Recent papers in Ancient Roman Terracotta Figurines
Derniers titres parus dans la série TMO (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient) TMO 53 Espace ecclésial et liturgie au Moyen Âge, sous la direction d'A. Baud, 2010, 382 p. (ISBN 978-2-35668-011-2) TMO 54 Espace civil, espace religieux en Égée... more
Βάννα Νινιού-Κινδελή - Κατερίνα Τζανακάκη
Arikamedu was one of the famous port in Ancient period. In ancient time year 200 B.C-A.D.400. Arikamedu was known as bead making site in India. In 1945 Wheeler & Casal were excavated the site of arikamedu from their he found the Mini... more
The finding of a new terracotta, identified as Minerva, proceeding from the sacella of Arucci’s forum comes to add to the whole series of feminine already existing figurines, some of which are presented again in this work also as... more
DOREL BONDOC, Tipare şi figurine ceramice romane. Muzeul Romanaţiului Caracal (Figurine ceramice romane de la Romula) / Roman moulds and figurines of ceramic. The museum from Caracal (Roman figurines of ceramic from Romula), Craiova 2005.
Thessaloniki, K. Melenikou Str. The Continuation...
English summary at the end of the text (p. 276).
English summary at the end of the text (p. 276).
Anteprima sui risultati degli studi sulla coroplastica funeraria di Sardegna in età romana e le attestazioni inedite di Telesforo e Igea riscontrate nell'Isola. Results Preview of the ongoing studies, concerning the funerary terracotta... more
Despre o figurină ceramică şi coafura feminină romană din a doua jumătate a secolului II
A “terracotta doll”, apparently meaningless apart for its role as a toy, testifies once again the relevance of feelings towards dead children within a roman community in Sardinia. A goddess who first becomes toy to amuse children in life,... more
Pipe-clay figurines are an important but under-examined category of Roman material culture in Britain. This paper presents the first typological catalogue of the 168 deity, animal and human figures imported to Roman London from Gaul... more
The voices of Roman slaves have been silenced in death, as in life, and it is with difficulty that we try to locate slavery in the archaeological record. It is therefore important to use all extant material at our disposal, and the... more